Innocent Transcript
By Christine and Dana

SECTION - Evening
Nikita is alone in Walter's munitions area. She takes off her jacket to remove her gun and sling holster, leaving them on the table. As she heads toward Birkoff's station, she puts on her jacket, flipping her hair out of the collar. The area is deserted, except for Birkoff, who is working at his computer.
Nikita: Where is everybody?
Birkoff: (glancing quickly around) I don't know.
Nikita takes a position behind him.
Nikita: What are you doing?
Birkoff: I'm trying out a new Hartley transformer on these surveillance images.
Nikita: Weren't you doing that when I saw you this morning? (She grabs a chair beside him and watches him work.)
Birkoff: No. This morning I trying out a Fourier transformer. (Doesn't look at her, but continues watching his screen.)
Nikita: So, how'd you get like this, Birkoff?
Birkoff: Like what? (He types on the keyboard.) A cyber-geek? Hey, technology is beautiful. (Looks at her.) You just haven't taken the time to appreciate it.
Nikita: No. I prefer the real world.
Birkoff: Which part? The lies, or all the idiots?
Nikita: (chuckles) Ooooh... A little cynical, Birkoff?
Birkoff: Whatever. (He is studying his screen and enlarging different areas.)
Nikita: How'd you get in the Section?
Birkoff: I killed my entire family.
Nikita kinda nods, as if she wished she hadn't asked.
Birkoff: I'm kidding. Just my sister. (Glances back at Nikita.)
We zero in on his computer screen.
Nikita: So, what are you looking at? (Obviously wanting to change the subject.)
Birkoff: Routine satellite surveillance, digitized images, anything my A-I program flags as suspicious.
Nikita: (Seeing how engrossed he is...) Maybe I'll just leave you two alone. (Smiling, she stands and walks away.)
Computer screen shows outline of an aircraft. The image enlarges.
Birkoff: (leans toward screen) What's this?
The puzzlement in his query causes Nikita to turn back.
Nikita: What?
Focus is on contents of aircraft image.
Birkoff: Someone's trying to hide something in there. Let's try an infrared scan. (Enlarges cargo area.)
Nikita: (leaning over his shoulder) How can you tell what that is?
Birkoff: I can't yet. I need another view. (Types on keyboard. We see overhead image of aircraft, then side view. The image turns and spins as he tries alternate angles. The outline of something in the cargo area catches his eye.) That can't be right.
Nikita: What? What's going on?
Without answering her, he grabs the nearest phone.
Birkoff: I need Operations now! (Pauses as he waits for Operations on phone.) Yeah. We got an S7 trio on a transport headed west. Yes, it is. I will.
Nikita: So what's going on?
Birkoff hangs up the phone.
Birkoff: There's a live nuclear warhead about to come into the country.
They both stare at the images on the screen in disbelief.

Later in SECTION
There is a flurry of activity. Operations is hurrying to Birkoff's station, with Nikita hot on his trail.
Operations: Nikita, did you reload the backup surveillance?
Nikita: Yes. It's over 20,000 segments.
Operations: Probe every one, not just with a program. I want eyeballs on every one of those tapes. (Stops at Birkoff's station.) What do you have, Birkoff? (leans over him to see monitor).
Birkoff: The bomb is on a cargo jet that left Helsinki eight hours ago. We're using a DOD recon satellite to track it. The plane is on a RT trajectory. It is now in our hemisphere.
Operations: Can we shoot it down?
Michael approaches and joins them.
Birkoff: Pilot's already flying over metropolitan areas. We'd run the risk of setting off a nuclear device over a large population.
Michael: Any changes in altitude?
Birkoff: None. (Types on quickly on keyboard.) Constant at 38,000 feet.
Operations: All right. Based on what we know, what are our sample spaces?
Birkoff: I've run a sim. (Switches to another computer behind him). At this point it could land at any major airport in this region.
Operations: All right. How soon can you narrow it down?
Birkoff: (Back to main terminal) As soon as he engages anything that resembles an approach pattern, we'll be able to target a destination.
Michael: Assuming they intend to land the plane.
Operations and Birkoff turn to stare at Michael as if he was finally voicing what they thought all along.
Operations: I've alerted the Pentagon and NRC... to work on one assumption… that it is going to be detonated unless we stop it.
Birkoff: (watching monitor) His altitude's dropping. (Punches into keyboard) Average approach time's thirty-five minutes. He's going 550 miles an hour. If his vectors are stable, I'll have a location in 10 minutes.
Operations: Let's get ready Michael.
Michael nods and leaves to prepare.

A large jet begins its landing, then taxis to a stop. An aircraft loader hitched to the front landing gear guides the jet to a parking area. The hatch door is opened, and portable stairs are wheeled adjacent to the door. Two men step out. A rear door of the jet is opened, and we see a large wooden crate.
In the distance an old model car approaches. The lighted "delivery" sign in the passenger window identifies it as a pizza delivery car, driven by a heavy-set man wearing glasses. Pulling up to a gated area, the deliveryman stops, obviously lost. He radios his manager.
Rudy: Darlene, you there?
Darlene: What do you want, Rudy?
Rudy:Er, is that, is that double cheese, is that 132 north or 132 south?
Darlene: Don't tell me you're lost again!
Rudy: No, no, I'm not lost, I'm here at the airport, I'm now here, I'm here.
Darlene: Because this isn't another freebie, it's coming out of your paycheck.
Rudy: No, I got it, it's here, I can see it, no problem.
Rather than take more heat, he decides to the find the destination on his own and drives into the gated area.
Flash to the wooden crate being loaded into a large cargo truck.
Back to the deliveryman driving around lost. He parks next to a building, and takes the pizzas out.
Flash to two men wearing caps watching the crate being loaded into the truck.
Back to the deliveryman who heads to a side door and rings a buzzer.
Rudy: Hello, anybody there?
Flash to the two men at the truck. The crate is now loaded. They exchange a nod. Man #1 removes his cap; Man #2 walks a short distance and pulls a gun, shooting three maintenance men who had loaded the truck.
Back to the deliveryman still waiting for a buzzer response.
Flash to black, dark-tinted luxury sedan pulling into the area.
Back to the deliveryman who spots the approaching car and heads toward it.
Rudy: (shouting) Hey, hey! Hey!
Flash to the car. The door opens and Man #3 gets out, joining Man #1. Man#3 hands a bulky keypad remote device to Man #1.
Back to deliveryman as he rounds the corner and sees the exchange.
Flash to the Man#3 getting back into his car.
Back to deliveryman shouting at them.
Rudy: Hey! Did you guys order a pizza?! Hey! Hey!
He watches as the loaded truck hatches are secured, then begins running toward the two vehicles.
Rudy: Excuse me! Excuse me!
The car drives off, so the deliveryman heads toward the side of the truck. He sees Man #1 in the passenger seat holding the keypad remote. It's a bomb deactivator. As he stares, the truck also moves off. The deliveryman now begins backing up, his feet hitting the fallen, dead men lying on the asphalt. Dropping the pizzas, he throws his hands in the air, screaming fearfully.
Rudy: Ah! Ah! Oh my God! Help me! Help me! I just delivered the pizza!
As he stands in the night amidst the dead bodies a bright spotlight from an overhead-approaching helicopter zeros in on him. By his appearance and speech we know he is simple-minded. He looks up and waits...

A man in a chair. His hands are being shackled in restraints. We see it's the deliveryman.
Rudy: Ow! Oh! Ow! Ah!
Michael stands before the man restrained in the chair. Nikita is behind, leaning against a wall. The man is clearly apprehensive.
Michael: So tell me again, Rudy. Why were you there?
Rudy: I told you I deliver pizza!
Michael: No one ordered pizza. (As he says this, he advances the chair, intimidating Rudy.)
Rudy: I know, but I got lost. I... I couldn't find the place. I didn't know if it was North or South, and I got confused. I... I gotta get back to work cuz I'm gonna get... I'm gonna get in trouble with Darlene. She's gonna be mad. She's gonna get... (He looks nervously about, as if for help.)
Michael: Forget about the job. You don't work there anymore.
Rudy: What do mean? I still got the job! Why are you doing this to me? What do you want from me?
Michael: (He begins pacing slowly, Circling Rudy as he speaks) We don't believe you, Rudy. You're a drifter. You go from job to job. City to city.
Rudy: I told you why I do that! (He is clearly upset.)
Michael: (still circling) An opportunity came along to make extra money...
Rudy: I'm not like that.
Michael: (stopping now beside the chair and bending so he's speaking in Rudy's face) What did they hire you to do? Drive a car? A decoy?
Rudy: (summoning his courage, spits out...) I deliver pizza! For Pizza Pozzo! Pizza!
They hold a look, then Michael straightens and walks to the door. It opens. He turns to Nikita, still leaning against the wall.
Michael: (irritated) I'll check his story. See what else you can get out of him.
He leaves. Nikita glances at Rudy. Rudy, facing away from her, glances about the bright, empty room fearfully.
Nikita: (now standing directly behind him) All right, Rudy, let's go over it again.
Rudy: What.....?

Operations rounds the corner and steps into Birkoff's area.
Birkoff: We lost satellite surveillance.
Operations: Where are the local jurisdictions on this? (He leans over Birkoff's shoulder, watching the computer monitor.)
Birkoff: The NRC has three nest teams working. So far nothing.
Operations: What about the plane?
Birkoff: Completely empty. Clean.
Operations: Any terrorist communiqués in the last hour?
Birkoff: None.
Operations: There will be. (He quickly walks away.)

Rudy is still strapped in the chair. Nikita stands behind him.
How did you end up delivering pizza to an airport runway?
Rudy : I told you before. I was... I was... I got lost. Why don't... Why don't anybody believe me? I'm telling the truth. How much longer are they gonna keep me here? (He is getting increasing upset.)
: Cause I gotta... I gotta call my sister. She gets very... very upset if I don't call her every night. She's got the Down syndrome. Did you ever hear of that?
Nikita: (moves to stand beside the chair) Yes, I have.
Yeah. She gets aid from the State, but I was trying to explain to the guy before, but he wouldn't listen to me that that's why I move around a lot. I'm not a drifter. It's just that the aid runs out and we have to reapply, we go to a different state.
Nikita: Rudy? (She leans in closer to him.) I want to help you, but I can't do that unless you give us some information.
Rudy: Well, what kind of information?

Michael enters. Operations is standing at the window, hands in pockets.
Michael: Helsinki was the plane's third stop. (He is pacing as he speaks) The cargo originated in Sudan. We're crossing-checking our database of terrorists that have operations in or around that area.
Nikita now enters.
Nikita: Our pizza man has seen faces.
Operations: Whose faces?
Nikita: Two men. One was leaving by a truck, the other by limo moments before we arrived.
Operations: He told you this?
Nikita: I think we took the wrong approach. This Rudy's a little on the simple side. Just had to ask the questions the right way.
Michael leads off out of the nest, Nikita following. We hear Birkoff call.
Birkoff: Sir?
Operations: Birkoff?
Birkoff: The Agency just sent us an Mpeg.
Operations: Cue it up.

Section personnel are standing viewing a large monitor. On it we see Man #1 from the airport addressing Section. As he speaks, there is eerie Eastern European flute music playing the background, while the camera pans close ups over the somber expressions of the operatives, as well as Birkoff, Nikita, Michael and Operations.
Man#1: Your complacent masses will learn death and misery on a terrified scale. Next time our people speak, you'll listen because you'll understand suffering the way we have for thousands of years. Because of our action, we'll have autonomy without the influence of your immoral culture. A twenty-megaton nuclear warhead has been hidden in one of your cities. There is nothing that you or anyone can do to stop it. I'm the only one who knows its location. I'll give you twenty-four hours (he holds up the bomb deactivator that shows 24 hrs has been programmed into it) to ponder which of you will die and which of you will live to mourn the dead.
He then looks away and begins praying in Romanian, his eyes hold a vacant look.
Man#1: Celui ce paseste in ceruri de mila proroceste al doilea mergator inaintea venirii judecatii lui Isus Cristos sfintului daruieste si pe noi pacatosii ne miluieste. (For the one going to heaven, second prophet, before the coming of the judgment of Jesus Christ the saint, give your charity and bless us, the sinful.)
When he looks back, he places a gun in his mouth. We hear the gunshot, as the camera is focused on Nikita, who jumps. Pan to Michael maintaining his stoicism, while the other operatives begin to disperse. We see a close up of the deactivator. It reads: 23.59.42.

Michael is at his desk working on his computer. Nikita rounds the doorway.
Nikita: Yeah?
Michael: (throwing her a compact disk) Get this to Comm. Tell them to abandon the Kassar's file.
Nikita: That's it?
Michael: That's it.
Nikita: (she begins to leave, then stops, turning back to Michael) About Rudy's sister...
Michael: (he looks up, waiting for her to speak) What is it?
Nikita: Rudy calls her every night. She's institutionalized.
Michael: (seeing where she's headed) Forget it. (He looks back to his computer thereby dismissing her. Of course, with Nikita that won't work.)
Nikita: I just think it would help his state of mind before the debriefing.
Michael: (looking at her again) It's not his state of mind that I'm concerned about.
Nikita: Save your concerns. Michael, Rudy doesn't have a lot of concentration to spread around and right now all he's thinking about is his sister.
Michael: He's a Class 1 collateral in a defcom scenario. We incubate. You know the rules.
Nikita: I know 'em. I just think they should be rewritten.
They have a staring match.
Michael: You might be right about this sister. (Nikita nods as if to say "of course, I am".) Go back in there and calm him down.
Hearing this, Nikita just looks at Michael, clearly ticked and surprised that he didn't agree with her as she had thought he would. As she moves to leave, she turns back, pointing her finger at him.
Nikita: (sarcastically) THAT is a good idea, Michael. (She leaves, and Michael, unmoved, returns to his work.)

We see Birkoff at his desk, and Nikita leading Rudy through Section.
Rudy: Wow! I've never seen a police station like this before. Look at the size of their computers! Big! Belinda likes computers.
Nikita: Oh, who's Belinda? Your girlfriend?
Rudy: Naaaah, I haven't got a girlfriend. It's my sister ... You said I could call my sister. (He stops walking, turns around, and asks anyone) Could I use the telephone?
Nikita: Yeah. Rudy, we just gotta do something important first. (She grabs his arm, leading him back with her) Come on.
Rudy: I ain't never done anything important before. Oh, boy.
Nikita leads him to the Conference area, where Michael and Operations are waiting. Rudy sees them.
Rudy: Uh, oh. You guys still angry with me?
Operations: No, we're not angry. Sit down, Rudy.
Nikita pulls a chair out for him.
Rudy: Thank you. (Sits.)
Michael: (addressing Nikita) How far along are we?
Nikita: He gave Birkoff the license plate of the limousine at the airport.
Michael: (surprised)License plate.
Rudy: Yeah, I... I remember numbers. My telephone number when I was a kid was Cloverdale 24079, my grandpa's was Gedney 62505. The serial number of my refrigerator was KL...
Operations: Can you tell about last night?
Rudy: Well, there was two guys...there was two... talking to one another, and one of them had a fancy phone with gadgets on it.
Michael: The activator.
Michael initiates the hologram screen. We see Man#1's image.
Michael: Did you see this man here?
Rudy: Wow. What is that?
Nikita: Rudy, just look at and tell us if you recognize the man you saw.
Rudy: Yeah, that, that's the guy who walked to the truck.
Nikita looks smugly at Michael.
Rudy: Wait a second.
Nikita: What is it?
Rudy: (Now starting to put things together) This isn't a police station.
Operations: You're 500 feet underground. (Rudy looks up.) This is called Section One. We're a secret government organization that helps people in trouble. Now we need your help. Can we count on you, Rudy?
Rudy: (nervous) Could I... could I keep this shirt when we're finished?
Operations: Sure. You can keep the shirt. We'd like you to identify the other man. Can you describe him to us?
Rudy: What the... the man in the limousine?
Operations: Yes.
Rudy: Well, he was kinda of a... he was kinda...
Operations: Take him to Birkoff.
Rudy: Who's Birkoff? Who's that? Is he the big cheese? (He gets up to follow Nikita.) Is that... Who is he?
We see the deactivator counter. It now reads: 21.18.57.

Michael sits at his desk. Nikita rushes in.
Nikita: Operations told Rudy who we are! It's a death sentence, isn't it?
Michael: The moment we brought him here that decision was made.
Nikita: Why! Rudy's like a child! He's innocent. No one would believe what he said anyway!
Michael: We can't take the chance.
She sees that Michael is unmoved. Frustrated she walks to the door and looks out. She sees Rudy, who waves to her.
Nikita: You don't deserve this, Rudy.
Michael: (irritated) Don't forget what's at stake here!
Nikita: Oh, I'm sorry, Michael. Just a temporary lapse in humanity. I'll get over it.
Michael's phone rings.
Michael: Yes? Okay. (He hangs up.) He traced the plates. It's an Embassy.
Nikita: And the man that we're looking for works there?
Michael: Hopefully, we'll find that out tonight. (He rises.)
Nikita: Well, what's tonight?
They exit the office.

Nikita, dressed in formal gown and coat, leads Rudy, dressed in a tux.
Rudy: A party? You mean like a birthday party?
Nikita: No, it won't be that much fun. It's an Embassy dinner. There'll be a lot of stuffy people.
Rudy: Is there gonna be baked potaties there?
Nikita: (they stop at the access door) Rudy, remember, we're only going there so that you can point out the man you saw last night.
Michael suddenly puts a tiny round comm unit behind Rudy's left hear. Rudy jumps.
Michael: You're gonna need to wear this.
Birkoff: (through the comm unit) Hey, can you hear me, Rudy?
Rudy: (yelling) Yeah, I can hear you! You're right in my ear!
Nikita: Rudy. See, we don't want them to know that we're trying to communicate with you, so you gotta play it real low key.
Rudy: (conspiratorially) Oh, yeah, right, yeah, I can do that.
Birkoff: (through the comm unit) Okay, what day is it today, Rudy?
Rudy doesn't answer.
Birkoff: Rudy can you hear me?
Nikita: Not THAT low key.
With that, Michael reaches out and snatches the comm device off Rudy's ear.
Michael: (to Nikita) Okay, stay close to him. We'll work it through you. The function's at eight. Let's move.
Rudy: Where we going now? To the party?
The group loads into the van access chute.

Evening. Scene is the front of the building where the party is being held. Lots of limos dropping off formally attired people. Inside groups of people are mingling and conversing.
Rudy: Can I take the tie off. The tie itches me all over the place.
Nikita: No, you can't. (She adjusts it for him.) Is that better?
Rudy: It itches my neck.
Nikita: Is that better?
Rudy: No. I want to take it off.
Nikita: Please, Rudy.
A woman approaches and greets them, checking their invitation.
Woman: Dr. Firestein, how are you?
Rudy: I'm all right.
Nikita: I'm Joan Firestein.
Woman: Hi, Joan. I'm Janet Winters. Oh, Mrs. Savars, the undersecretary in Paris was just talking about your research facility.
Rudy: Yeah.
Woman: We hear wonderful things.
Nikita: (as Rudy mumbles next to her) Thanks so much for inviting us. Thank you. (They move away.)
Rudy: There's a lot of people in here.
Nikita: Rudy, remember we're looking for the man you saw at the airport.
Rudy: I haven't seen him yet!
Michael walks by them, wearing a formal tux. Rudy sees him.
Rudy: Hey, isn't that the guy from...
Nikita: No. Rudy, keep looking for the man... (she touches her glasses to give Birkoff a better view.) Are you receiving?
Rudy: What?
We see Birkoff in the van, watching everything that Nikita's glasses pick up.
Birkoff: I got ya. Rainman see anyone yet?
Nikita: Not yet.
Rudy is watching a violinist playing, while Nikita converses with Birkoff.
Birkoff: You wanna switch to channel four. I'm getting a lot of static.
Nikita: (touches her glasses) How's that?
Rudy: (referring to the music, thinking she's talking to him) It's very feathery.
Birkoff: That'll do.
Rudy: I gotta go to the bathroom.
Nikita: Just a little while longer.
Rudy: (loudly) Come on! I gotta go to the bathroom NOW! (People turn to stare.)
Nikita: (to her comm unit) Michael, Rudy needs an escort.
Rudy: I don't need that. I can go myself.
Nikita: Michael will take you. Just wait a second.
Michael makes his way toward them.
Nikita: Rudy. Rudy, just follow Michael.
Rudy: Ah, all right.
He begins to follow and as he walks, stumbles into the back of a man, pushing him so the man's water spills on his suit front. The turns and we see that it is the man they are looking for: Man #3 from the airport.
Rudy: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spill the water on you.
Michael takes Rudy and moves off, while Nikita goes to help the man who got the water spilled on him.
Nikita: Excuse me. Can I help you? I'm sorry. (She begins dabbing at him.)
Man#3: It's quite all right. No problem.
Nikita: My husband's a little clumsy.
Man#3: These things happen.
Man #3 moves off, as does Nikita, looking in the direction Rudy last went with Michael.
Flash to Section. Operations is watching the monitor and checking in with Birkoff.
Birkoff: They've separated. Rudy's with Michael now.
Operations: Keep me posted.
Back to the Embassy party. Michael and Rudy are returning from the bathroom into the party.
Rudy: The... the guy who was giving out the towels was really angry at me. (Rudy spies Nikita and makes a beeline toward her. Michael veers away.) Hey, Nikita! You should see the bathrooms they got here! The toilets flush all by themselves.
Nikita: Are you feeling better?
Rudy: Yeah.
Michael casually circles behind Nikita. Rudy bends to smell a flower arrangement.
Michael: Let's find this guy NOW. (He moves off.)
Nikita: Okay. Rudy, let's go and check another room.
Rudy: Nice flowers.
Nikita: (taking his arm to lead him) Let's go and check another room.
Rudy: All right.
They enter another room.
Rudy: Nikita, if... if... if I didn't want to help you find this guy what would happen to me?
Nikita: What do you mean?
Rudy: Well, cuz I gotta take care of my sister, and... and... and she depends on me and anything happens to me...
Nikita: Nothings gonna happen, Rudy.
Rudy: You promise?
Nikita: I promise. (As she answers, she looks away.)
Rudy: Look at my face. (She does.)
Nikita: I promise.
Rudy: I... I... I gotta take this tie off. It still itches me really bad.
Nikita: You can't. You can't take the tie off, Rudy.
At this point, Nikita is at her wits end dealing with him. She looks around, sighing heavily, clenching her jaw.
Rudy: Nikita?
Nikita: (exasperated) What, Rudy!
Rudy: There he is. (He jerks his chin toward a man standing in the distance.) Talking to the two pretty girls.
Nikita: (to her comm unit) Michael, we got him. He's in the east wing at the base of the stairs.
Flash to mission van.
Birkoff: They've got him.
Operations: (at Section) Good. Bring him in.
Back to Embassy Party
Michael: Let's take him in.
Two operatives head toward the man. Nikita is next to Rudy watching them.
Nikita: Rudy, just wait here for a second.
Rudy: All right.
Nikita leaves Rudy's side. Michael approaches the man in question.
Michael: Excuse me, sir.
Man: (still laughing with his companions) Yeah?
Michael: We need to ask you some questions?
Man: (sees the ops surrounding him) Who the hell are you?
Michael: We can make it quite unpleasant for you if you don't cooperate. (Nikita takes the man's champagne glass from him, while an operative takes the man arm and leads him away. The man is quite stunned, but goes easily.)
Nikita turns back to go to Rudy and stops.
Nikita: Rudy?
She sees his tie lying on a nearby table, but no Rudy. She looks around the room, and picks up the tie, staring at it.
We see the deactivator. It now reads: 12.37.11.

Birkoff brings up the image of the man taken from the party on his computer screen.
Birkoff: This can't be him.
Operations: Why not?
Birkoff: David Zacharoff's attached to the Canadian Trade Commission. He was in Brussels the night Rudy said he saw him addressing a conference. There's about 5,000 witnesses.
Operations: Voice confirmations?
Birkoff: Yeah, I talked to half a dozen people. He was there.
Operations: Rudy fingered the wrong man. Either by mistake, or intentionally. Have they found him yet?
Birkoff: No. They're working on it.

We see the front of the institution, then a young woman playing the piano. We hear Rudy laughing, and crying out,
Rudy: Ow! Ow! You're hurting me! Aye, yi, yi! You're hurting me. You're breaking my finger.
He is lounging on the carpeted floor. A young woman with Downs Syndrome sits beside him. They are playing thumb war. We know it's his sister, Belinda.
Rudy: Okay, now I'm gonna make a face and you say from 1 to 10 how good it is, ok? All right.
He makes a ridiculous face.
Belinda: A five.
Rudy: Five? All right, now this one. (He makes another goofy face.)
Belinda: A ten.
Rudy: Come here. (He reaches and hugs her.) I love you so much.
Nikita and Michael approach in the hallway. The see Rudy and his sister and stop.
Belinda: You'll always be my brother. Always.
Rudy: Yeah.
Belinda: No one in the whole wide world will ever hurt you. And, if they even try, they have to come through me, I will karate them down in pieces.
Rudy: (chuckles) You're such a sweetheart. I love you so much.
Belinda: What?
Rudy: Who's a big girl though?
Belinda: Yeah, I am.
RUDY: Who? Who's a big girl?
Belinda: I am.
Rudy: Yeah. So, you don't need me to call you any... You don't need me to call you every night though. Right?
Belinda: Not every night. (She is gently and lovingly touching his face.)
Rudy: Yeah, just... Cuz you're big, right? So, you don't need me that much no more, right?
Michael and Nikita are watching this exchange.
Belinda: Don't say that.
Rudy: Yeah, right, but I gotta...
Belinda: I need you a lot more than I ever have, because you're my only brother that I have got. So, remember that.
Nikita: (approaches) Hi, Rudy.
Rudy: Nikita! (He gets off the bed and helps his sister up. Nikita walks closer, Michael remains at the doorway.) This is my sister I was telling you about. Belinda. Belinda, Nikita.
Belinda: Hi.
Nikita: (they shake hands) Hi, Belinda. Nice to meet you.
Belinda: Yeah. Nice to meet you too.
Rudy: You know a lot of people think that I'm dumb, but I'm not dumb, you know.
Nikita: Oh, I don't think you're dumb, Rudy.
Rudy: Well, I'm not saying that I'm very smart. It's just that I'm not dumb.
Michael: (impatiently) We don't have a lot of time!
Nikita: Come on, Rudy.
Rudy: (looks down at his sister) You're a big girl now, right?
Belinda: Yeah, that's right. I am.
Rudy: Yeah, that's right you are, so you don't need me call you every night, right?
Belinda: That's right.
RUDY: Yeah! Right.
Rudy and Nikita then join Michael and begin walking away.
Belinda: (calls out) Oooh! Rudy got a girlfriend!
Rudy: (turning to look back) Not my girlfriend! It's Nikita!

Michael, Nikita, and Rudy walk back into Section. Operations is waiting for them.
Operations: (accusingly) You gave us the wrong man at the Embassy!
Rudy: I'm sorry.
Operations: Why?
Rudy: I was scared that you wouldn't ever, ever let me go, so I had to go to see my sister.
Operations: And, you did. So no more games, Rudy! (He grabs Rudy roughly by the jaw. Nikita watches anxiously.) A lot of innocent people can get hurt if we don't do our job.
Rudy: Yeah, right. Do you want me to go back to the party? (He turns to leave.)
Operations: No, Rudy, Rudy no! We have pictures of everyone who was there. I want you to look at them and try to find the man you saw at the airport. Okay?
Rudy: All right. Okay.
Nikita: Come on, Rudy.
Rudy: Yeah. He's very mad at me.
We see the deactivator. It now reads: 10.00.00.

Operations, Michael, and Nikita are there.
Operations: I get online with the Agency heads in ten minutes. I need to know what to tell them. Are we going to proceed with Rudy, or are we spinning our wheels.
Nikita begins to speak. Michael cuts in.
Michael: I think he's a waste of time. We should reallocate our resources.
Nikita: I disagree! It's obvious that he saw someone at the airport. There's a very good chance that person was at the Embassy.
Operations: He's lied to us.
Nikita: He needed to see his sister. Now that he has, I think everything's gonna be o.k.
Operations: You think! (Woman's voice is hear over the intercom: They're waiting for you downstairs.) You've got Birkoff for another hour. If Rudy can't produce by then, cancel him! (Operations leaves the office.)
Nikita: What if he can produce, then what?
Michael: Let's just hope that happens.
Nikita: Not good enough. What happens if he comes through?
Michael: You know we can't let him go. (Nikita looks crushed. Michael exits.)

Rudy is viewing images of people at the party on a monitor, rejecting one after another as the man they are looking for. He is tired and distracted, and Nikita's and Birkoff's patience are wearing thin with him.
Birkoff: (showing a face) Well?
Rudy: No, that's not him.
He browses some more faces, looks at Rudy.
Rudy: Oh yeah, I remember her. She was pretty. Nice cans.
Nikita: Rudy, not her, him. Did you see that man?
Rudy: (yawns) No.

Operations is sitting at the conference table. The holograph screen is up. Four people are visible, speaking with Operations.
Military: All right, gentlemen, we have 9 hours left. What's been happening since we last spoke? George?
George: Trigger is equipped with a transmitter. It broadcasts an electronic signature. We're sweeping the metropolitan area now. About a third of it is covered. So far, nothing.
Military: So what you're saying, George, is that you can't complete the sweep in the remaining hours.
George: That's correct.
Military: What's happening over there, Margret?
Margret: We're implementing horizontal escalation on all of the active sites. We expect to see significant improvement this time, we don't anticipate any problems...
Back to Birkoff's area.
Rudy: No, that ain't him. Rudy's attention is caught up by the screen he sees in the distance.
George: That is not our job, Section One should be handling it.
Operations: Don't break my rice ball, George. We're spread as thin as you were.
George: (angry) You should have grind up your tax before it ever got this far!
Operations: We don't need router orders from you!
Military: All right! All right, gentlemen. Settle down.
Back to Birkoff's area.
Nikita: How many more, Birkoff?
Birkoff: 45 or 50.
Rudy: (gets up) What's going on over there?
Nikita: Rudy... nothing. Come on, focus.
Military: ... go public. And when do we begin evacuation. And how do we implement that evacuation. Maygar?
The fourth face is shown and we recognize the man#3 that they are looking for.
Maygar: At this point... Rudy gets up and stares at the holo image of Maygar, while Nikita tries to pull him back.
Nikita: You can't ...
Operations: What's he doing? Get him out of here?
Nikita: Rudy, what is it, is that the man?
Rudy: Yeah, that's him.
Maygar: Frankly, based on the numbers, I think evacuation would be a mistake.

Michael is listening as Operations speaks to Maygar onscreen.
Maygar: I thought we were due to convene for another 30 minutes.
Operations: Something's come up, Guy. I need to see you.
Maygar: See me?
Operations: I think the Section's been breached. Can we meet somewhere?
Maygar: Sure. Or maybe you'd like to call me from a secure outside line.
Operations: I'd rather not take the chance. I've got a lead.
Maygar: Ok, that's fine.
Operations: Point of agreement, half an hour?
Michael: He didn't want to meet.
Operations: Would you? The head of the largest domestic anti-terrorist task force is about to perpetrate the unthinkable.
They exit. The deactivator now reads: 02.48.14.

Operations and Michael are walking through Section. They have on their coats; Operations is pulling on black leather gloves, preparing to meet with Maygar.
Operations: We'll assume he's floating backup teams.
Michael: Will they know what's going on?
Operations: Doesn't matter. Anyone between us and him goes down. (They enter Van Access area.) I'll contact you from my car. If I'm killed, implement the chain of command. (Operations goes one way; Michael and Nikita (who has just joined them) go to the Van Access tunnel.)
Nikita: What about Rudy?
Michael: We have less than three hours before a nuclear bomb goes off. Keep your eye on the ball. (Operatives load into the van, Michael enters last and closes the door.)

Operations drives up to the pre-arranged area in a Mercedes and gets out, looking around.
Operations: (to the driver) Turn off the lights. He lights a cigarette. It is snowy outside and brisk appearing. He waits, pacing in circles, taking in the surrounding buildings. A door opens.
Operations: Hello, Guy.
Maygar: It's an odd time to call a meeting like this.
Operations: Why's that?
As Maygar advances toward Operations, Section operative suddenly appear to lead Maygar away. He understands this immediately.
Maygar: I hope your intel was worth the delay.
Operations: Oh, it's worth it.
Maygar: (smiles and nod) Well...
Operations suddenly puts a stun gun device to Maygar's chest and he goes down. Gunshots from the surrounding building are fired, as Maygar's men battle it out with Section's operatives. Of course, Section prevails. Maygar is put in the Mercedes, and it speeds away.
Next we see Maygar seated in the Mission Van, out cold. He is strapped in a seat, his hands strapped before him on a table. He has on some type of glove restraint, though his fingers are completely exposed. Also seen is a case holding interesting scissors and hardware. Operations stands before him. Michael and Nikita look on.
Operations: Bring him up. (An operative gives Maygar a shot in the neck. He rouses.)
Maygar: (realizing where he is) Huh, I don't think you're going to make your budget next year once they find out you kidnapped the head of FanTec.
Operations: Where's the bomb?
Maygar: You heard... You heard Kassar. He's the only one that knew.
Operations: (takes off his glasses) Start removing fingers.
Nikita places tapes over Maygar's mouth, as an operative picks up these scissors that have grooves perfectly fitted for cutting off fingers. Nikita cannot look, as the operative takes Maygar's pinky finger and just lops it off, as Maygar screams behind the tape. Operations and Michael remain unaffected. Operations nods to Nikita to remove the tape from Maygar's mouth. She rips it off. Maygar is defeated and sobbing.
Operations: We'll put it on ice, Guy.
Maygar: (he gasps out through the pain) I don't know where the bomb is. But, I can tell you where he was transmitting from, so sew my finger back on!!!
Operations nods his consent. Nikita is stricken by what she has witnessed. The activator now reads: 00.08.00.

Rudy is restrained in the chair, facing away from the door. The Torture Twins (TT's) wheel in a tray.
Rudy: Nikita? Where's Nikita? She said she was gonna come back here.
One of the TT's puts a blindfold on him.
Rudy: (now panicking) What are you doing?
Flash to hallway of an obscure building. Operations, Michael (gun drawn), Nikita, and Birkoff enter a room. Kassar, the man who killed himself onscreen, is there, quite dead.
Nikita: Michael, the activator! (She grabs it, Michael takes it from her.)
Michael: Birkoff!
Operations: How much time?
Birkoff: 7 ½ minutes. (Looking at the deactivator.) It's a 16-digit code.
Operations: Can we deactivate it from here without the bomb?
Birkoff: We don't need the bomb. We need the 16-digit code. (He starts hooking up cords to his computer.) At this rate, it'll take two hours to generate everything...
Operations: We don't have two hours!
Birkoff: That's as long as it's gonna take.
Nikita: It looks like a phone.
Michael: What?
Nikita: Rudy said he saw a phone. A fancy phone. Maybe this is it. Where is he? (She looks inquiringly at Michael, who looks at Operations. She understands.) No!
Back to White Room where the Torture Twins are preparing to cancel Rudy.
Rudy: Are you sure Nikita didn't say she want to see me? (No response.) What's the matter with you guys? What! The cat got your tongue? (Yelling now.)
Female TT takes a call just as the Male TT is about to give Rudy a shot in the neck. The call is for Rudy. The phone is placed to his ear.
Rudy: Hello?
Nikita: (over phone) Rudy?
Rudy: Yeah. Nikita? Tell these guys not to hurt me.
Nikita: I will.
Rudy: Yeah, because you promised! You promised me.
Nikita: Yes, Rudy, I promised. Remember the fancy phone you told me about?
Rudy: No.
Nikita: From the other night at the airport?
Rudy: (afraid) It's very warm in here. It's very moist.
Nikita: Rudy, did you see any numbers on it?
Rudy: Yeah.
Nikita: What were they?
Rudy: Um... 9-2-4- um... 4-3-1-0- (Nikita relays these to Birkoff.) 9-0-2-6-7, 8, no 7! Definitely 7.
Nikita: Keep going, Rudy.
Rudy: That's all. I didn't see any more.
Back to the Building where the deactivator is.
Nikita: That's all he saw.
Birkoff: Doesn't matter. If those are right, it'll sequence through the rest in a couple of seconds. (The computer shows numbers rapidly sequencing.)
Operations: Did it work?
Birkoff: I think so.
Operations: What do you mean "you think so"!
Birkoff: We'll know for sure in 20 seconds.
They watch the deactivator count down 20 seconds, all holding their breath. We see the outside of a metropolitan area as people go about their lives oblivious to the possible impending danger. The deactivator reads: 00.00.00. Section has saved the day!

Nikita: You wanted to see me? (very attitudish)
Operations: The most difficult decision we have to make in the incidental disposal of innocents.
Nikita: Good euphemism for murder.
Operations: Some years ago there was a situation involving someone not dissimilar to Rudy. He helped us effect a mission, which resulted in the rescue of several hundred hostages.
Nikita: What did you do to him?
Operations: I let a young operative convince me to send him out of the country.
Nikita: And what happened?
Operations: One of enemies tracked him down. Tortured him, and extracted information about one of our substations. Within hours, all of our operatives were dead. So was our innocent.
Nikita: (stubborn) What enemy's even seen Rudy?
Operations: He was at the Embassy.
Nikita: As Dr. Firestein.
Operations: Who doesn't exist. Don't get into this with me, Nikita, or I'll change my mind.
Nikita: Change your mind?
Operations: We've decided to let Rudy live. He's already been injected with a micro-transmitter. We'll be able to monitor him from the Section. His life won't change. He'll return to his job, and we'll see to it that his sister remains at her current institution. There's only one thing. If anything goes wrong, you cancel him.
Nikita: (She looks down, studying the floor uncomfortably, not liking this, but knowing she has to accept it.) Agreed.

Rudy is touching Birkoff's computer.
Birkoff: Rudy, don't... don't touch that.
Rudy: Why?
Birkoff: You can't. There's a program running, all right? Just leave it alone.
Rudy: Oh. All right. What's this here?
Birkoff: Here! Rudy! You wanna play a game? (Nikita comes up.)
Nikita: Rudy.
Rudy: Hi, Nikita!
Nikita: Come on. Say good-bye to Birkoff.
Rudy: Bye, Birkoff. Big Cheese.
Birkoff: Yeah. Bye. (They begin walking away.)
Rudy: Where we going now?
Nikita: You're going home.
Rudy: I am?
Nikita: Yup.
Rudy: I knew that you'd keep your promise.
Nikita: (chuckles and takes his hand) Can you keep a secret, Rudy?
Rudy: Yeah, I can keep a secret. Once I walked in on my teacher... Oops! I almost broke it. I shouldn't have said that.
Nikita: (laughs) Come on.

The End.

Christine's notes: I really liked this episode. The actor who played Rudy did a fantastic job! I loved that an actual Downs syndrome young woman was used to portray Downs syndrome, and the young woman here did so wonderfully. Nikita was very dense in this episode, not thinking of the bigger picture here, though Michael of course remained focused. I really liked how Operations played a part in the Mission, as he usually only barks out orders. Good episode all around. Hope you enjoyed reading this.

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