Mercy Transcript
By Debora May and Dana

Michael and Nikita are dancing a club. The band is playing soft jazz.
Michael: I'm glad you came.
Nikita: How could I refuse your invitation?
Michael: You seem more at ease than I've ever seen you.
Nikita: Must be the full moon.
Michael: (back to business) Perimeter teams-converge. Tyler's coming up the north stairwell now. (Cut to Tyler entering the room) Any new intell, Birkoff?
Cut to Birkoff.
Birkoff: None. We still don't know why he's here.
(Cut back to the bar)
Nikita: He's meeting someone at the bar. (To Michael) Do you recognize him?
Michael: No. (to Birkoff) Can you identify him?
Cut to Birkoff.
Birkoff: See what I can do. Drayson, give me a view.
An operative at the bar slides a small cylinder forward. The bar scene appears on Birkoff's computer screen.
Michael: (still dancing with Nikita) Who is he, Birkoff?
Cut back to Birkoff.
Birkoff: I'm not showing a match. He's not in any of our databases. (Birkoff switches to a different computer)
(Tyler and the mystery man pass a film canister. Tyler leaves the bar)
Nikita: Michael, what do you want to do? They're moving.
Michael: Drayson, stay with Tyler. (The operative at the bar leaves after Tyler) Teams 2 and 4, pick up our mystery man. Let's find out who he is.
Birkoff: What mode?
Michael: Make it look like an arrest.
Birkoff: Got it. All teams, switch to "B" channel.
Michael continues to dance with Nikita.
Nikita: Aren't we done?
Michael: Not yet.
Nikita: Not yet...
Michael: (gives her a deep intense look, a slight smile hovering on his lips) Not for this dance.
Nikita looks down, smiling.

Birkoff's station in Section. Birkoff and Madeline.
Birkoff: Richard J. Spidel. Not our *typical* guest.
Madeline: How so?
Birkoff: He's clean. I mean, really clean. Entrepreneur, started with a small software company, then went out on his own. As far as I can see, he hasn't had a grey day in his life.
Madeline: Why's he meeting with Tyler?
Birkoff: Claims Tyler approached him. Looking to invest in one of his companies.
Madeline: Unlikely.

White Room.
Spidel is in "the chair" with a hood on his head. The hood is removed. Spidel is coughing and coughing.
Madeline: I'm sorry Mr. Spidel, but the hood was necessary for your own protection.
Spidel: Why am I here? I didn't do anything.
Madeline: I'll explain everything.
Spidel: What is this place? What the hell is going on? I want some answers, OK?
Madeline: Why were you meeting with Mr. Tyler?
Spidel: I already told the other guy.
Madeline: I know what you told him, now tell me. This time, the truth.
Spidel: I did tell him the truth. Look, you can't keep me here. I'm a respected businessman and I haven't done anything wrong.
Madeline: We'll let you go. I just have one more question. What is it about that meeting you're not telling us? (She turns away. Two goons enter and put on black leather gloves. The door closes as Spidel screams: NO)

Madeline and Operations
Madeline: Spidel has developed a relationship with a young chemist named Stanley Shays. Shays has nothing to do with any of Spidel's other companies.
Operations: What kind of relationship?
Madeline: Shays claims to have invented a new polymer, an explosive that has none of the characteristics of existing plastiques.
Operations: What makes it so special?
Madeline: It can't be detected.
Operations: How significant is the charge?
Madeline: According to Spidel, it would take less than 5 ounces to level a building.
Operations: (Looks away, then back at Madeline) It's a security nightmare.

Tel Aviv, Israel. Airport.
Tyler is wandering the halls of the airport. He slips the film canister into a woman's purse. She puts the purse down for the X-Ray scan and passes through Security as Tyler watches closely. She heads for her flight. The screen at the gate reads: Sarajevo. Flight 554. Tyler leaves the airport.
Operations: (voice over as Tyler leaves) Gabriel Tyler is a high-ranking member of the Freedom League. One of the extremist factions trying to gain leverage in the Balkans. (Cut to Section briefing room. Walter and Birkoff are with Operations. Tyler's face is on the holgram. Ops continues) We've been watching him for over a month, hoping the picture would emerge. It now appears he's trying to procure a new, untested weapon. An entrepreneur named Spidel has teamed with a young man, Stanley Shays, who _claims_ to have created this new breakthrough material. Walter?
Walter: I talked with Spidel. I heard his story. Don't believe it. This technology is 10 years away, not something you cook up in a garage after school (gives Operations a big grin).
Operations: (not amused) I hope you're right. Birkoff?
Birkoff: I agree with Walter. It's unlikely. But if Spidel is already peddling it to someone like Tyler, I'd check it out.
Operations: All right, let's do it. If it's the real thing, we need to get the material, the formula and to debrief Shays.
Birkoff: Do you want us to keep the Op set on Tyler?
Operations: Fot thr time being there's no need to pick him up. In the meantime, let's go meet our young inventor..

Van pulls up to a warehouse, German Shephard dogs barking madly. Spidel, Michael, Nikita and Walter get out of the van.
Spidel: (to dogs) Easy, boys, it's just me. (To the others) C'mon in. (They enter the warehouse) Stanley? (Stanley has headphones on, doesn't hear Spidel. Spidel approaches Stanley) Stanley!
Stanley: Hey, Richard. What's- (looks around at all the people wearing black leather) - what's up with this? (Stanley Shays is tall, fairly young and very geeky)
Spidel: Something came up, we need to do a little demo.
Stanley looks uneasily between Michael and Spidel.
Stanley: You guys investors?
Walter: This the polymer? (Goes to pick something up from the table)
Stanley: Hey--keep your hands off my stuff!
Walter: (smiles tightly, speaks very hostile) It's not *your stuff* anymore.
Stanley: What's he talkin' about Richard? (Reaches back to Walter) Hey, I said, keep your hands--
Nikita: (grabs Stanley arm, pulls him to face her) Listen, Stanley, we're going to be spending a little time together. So let's not make any sudden moves.
Stanley: Who are you?
Nikita: We're here to make sure your partner doesn't get you in trouble.
Speidel: We've been bought out.
Stanley: (brightening) Really? How much?
Walter: Where is it?
Stanley: (realizes there isn't a way to stop them) Second drawer.
Walter open the drawer. He puts on some metallic gloves and uses tongs to lift out a disk. There are several more in the desk.

Outside the warehouse.
Nikita: (To Stanley) So what do you do with all this stuff?
Stanley:(shrugs) Blow it up.
Nikita: Why?
Stanley: It's--it's what I do. (Walter passes them with a large container on a dolly). What do *you*do?
Nikita: I was just trying to figure out why a bright guy like you would waste so much time.
Stanley: Oppenheimer? Nobel? Ever heard of them? Albert Einstein? They used to "waste time" too. I think I'm in pretty good company. (He is very smug)
Walter: (finishes his preparations) All set.
Stanley: Besides, everybody likes to see explosions. Walter sets of the charge. For a few LONG seconds, nothing happens.
Walter: (in disgust) See? It's what I thought. This material's no... (It explodes violently, throwing Walter to the ground)
Stanley: See what I mean?
Nikita looks at Stanley. Walter staggers to his feet, looking slightly disoriented. Michael and Spidel exchange glances.

Operations, Madeline
Madeline: We just heard from Michael. Spidel was telling the truth. It eluded our most sensitive detectors.
Operations: And the energy yield?
Madeline: Three times our standard C-4.
Operations: Not bad. (Admiringly) Maybe we can use it.
Madeline: (smiles) What would you like to do with Shays and Spidel?
Operations: We don't need them. They're non-hostile. Hand them over to NSA.
Madeline nods and leaves.

Shays (Stanley) is packing.
Stanley: I still don't know why I've gotta go do this.
Nikita: Oh, Stanley, it's no big deal. You spend a couple of days in Washington bragging to the brass about how smart you are. You'll be back here in no time blowing up things.
Stanley: Well, they can't arrest me, because I haven't done anything wrong.
Nikita: That's right. Who knows, 50 years from now when they mention Nobel and Oppenheimer, they might add Stanley Shays to the list. (with a laugh in her voice)
Stanley: Are-are they going to pay me for this? ...Not that I care about money.
Nikita: Oh, I know, I know, you have a lifestyle to maintain.
Stanley: (hurt) You don't have to be condescending.
Nikita: I was just teasing.
Stanley: I could have made a lot of money doing R & D (research and development, for the acronistically impaired) for DuPont. My own condo, 80 grand a year, but I wanted to do things my way.
Nikita: Your way. I was curious about your way. I was wondering what you were planning to tell your family and friends about your way, the selling-explosives-to-terrorists way.
Stanley: (this is said by rote, very mechanically) I didn't know anything about that. Richard snowed me. Now that's the truth. I don't care if you believe me or not. (finishes packing)
Nikita: Got everything? (Nikita helps him to get a large hanging bag to his shoulder. She straightens his coat, grabs his labels and gives him a quick kiss.) Good luck, Stanley.
Stanley: Thanks. (He looks slightly dazed.)
Nikita escorts Stanley out to a waiting car. Spidel is in the back seat. Two men in suits get in front. Stanley looks at Nikita as the car drives away.

Operations, Madeline, Birkoff
Operations approaches Birkoff's station.
Operations: What is it?
Birkoff: This just came in. You should see it.
Operations: (reading from the computer screen) A small commercial jet en route to Sarajevo---
Birkoff: --crashed about an hour ago. Looks like the plane blew up in mid-air.
Madeline: Where'd the flight originate?
Birkoff: Tel Aviv. Wait a minute, Drayson's been on Tyler since the meet. Checked in this afternoon--from Tel Aviv.
Operations: Bring in Tyler NOW. Where's Shays?

Stanley is being loaded in the trunk of a car by 2 men. He is repeating "Let me go!" Camera cuts away to dead NSA guys, the car is all shot up, the camera then pans to Spidel, quite dead.

Freedom League headquarters: a low brick building with some kind of 2 or 3 story tank attached to it.
Tyler watches as Stanley is brought in and put in a chair. Tyler is tall, dark haired and very handsome. He speaks with a strong Irish brogue.
Tyler: (to the goons who have brought Stanley in) Thank you. (to Stanley) Interesting compound, Mr. Shays. How did you make it?
Stanley: You-you-you wouldn't understand. (We now see there are two other men sitting off to one side)
Man 1: We'd understand that, Mr. Shays.
Tyler: Please? Tell us. (he is very polite, but *very* threatening. Stanley is frightened.)
Stanley: It's a hylite based- not a nitrate. That's why it can't be detected.
Man 1: *We know that* But how did you create a branch chain reaction this powerful?
Stanley: What are you going to use it for?
Tyler: If I were you, I'd be more concerned about stayin' alive. (Stanley looks down. Tyler brings him a pen and paper) The formula, please.
Stanley takes the paper and begins to write.

Michael, Nikita and Walter enter. Operations is waiting.
Operations: NSA vehicle was ambushed.
Michael: What happened?
Operations: The agents were killed, along with Spidel.
Nikita: What about Shays?
Operations: Apparently, he was the target. There was no sign of him.
Michael: Do we know who did it?
Operations: Tyler. We know Spidel gave Tyler a sample of the polymer, which means they grabbed Shays to extract the formula. We have to get Shays (they enter the communications area) before that happens. (to Birkoff) Birkoff, where are we on a location?
Birkoff: I haven't been able to pick up the signal. (to Nikita) You put it on Shays, right?
Nikita: Yeah, on his shirt when I hugged him.
Birkoff: His shirt? I thought I told you his skin.
Nikita: What difference does it make?
Birkoff: Thermal conductivity is completely different. (types rapidly on the keyboard) I should be able to... got him.
Operations: Good. Don't lose him. (to Michael) Put together a convergence plan. Let's go. Let's get Shays *out* of there.

Freedom League headquarters.
The black mission van pulls up outside the fenced area. Six operatives, including Nikita, disembark, followed by Michael. One of the operatives cuts the fence and lifts it up for all the others to pass through. They approach the building. Michael and Nikita enter the building through different entrances. (Sloppy, sloppy, Freedom League, to leave ingress and egress unguarded)
Nikita: I'm in.
Michael: Everyone hold. Nikita's taking point.
(Nikita slips through a laboratory full of bad guys (uh huh, and no one sees her?) She slips down some stairs and finds Stanley, alone, tied to a chair. Stanley sees the dark figure approaching and begins to panic. Nikita takes off her hat so Stanley can recognize her. They exchange relieved smiles.)
Stanley: Nikita, be careful! I'm wired. (Nikita opens his shirt to see a bomb strapped to his abdomen)
Stanley: Nikita, get me out of here.
Nikita: I will, Stanley.
Stanley: They're going to kill me. I gave them a bogus formula, it won't take them long to figure it out.
Nikita: Just stay calm, I'm going to get you out of here.
Stanley: Hurry...
(Cut to Michael. He sees two cars unloading more bad guys outside)
Nikita: Michael, I've got him. He's restrained and booby trapped. I'm going to need some help to get him out.
Michael: We have incoming hostiles.
Nikita: OK, so what do we do about Stanley?
Michael: Did he give them the formula?
Nikita: (pause) Not yet.
Michael: OK. Cancel him and get out.
Nikita looks as if she's been punched in the stomach.
Stanley: Are they coming to get me?
Nikita: Yeah, they're coming.
Stanley: Well, they're going to need some ballast weights and a voltage supply. You'd better tell them.
Nikita: Yeah, they already know.
Stanley: (very relieved) I thought I was going to die in here. You know, Nikita, when I get out of here, I'm going to grow you a diamond. (Nikita raises her gun to the back of his head) I can do it--all it is is a carbon plasma, but it'll be real, you'll love it. Nikita? (Nikita shakes her head slightly and closes her eyes. The gun is directly pointed at his head. Her continued silence frightens Stanley again, he cannot see her as she is behind him) Nikita!
Nikita: I'm sorry Stanley. (she walks out)
Stanley: Where are you going?

All the operatives are pulling out. Nikita walks out last, looking behind her. Michael grabs her arm, stops her from getting on the van.
Michael: Did you cancel him?
Nikita: I couldn't. (tries to pass Michael. he stops her)
Michael: What do you mean?
Nikita: I just couldn't....not in cold blood. (she successfully passes him and enters the van. Michael looks around the area, his mind racing)

The operatives come in through the door. Operations is waiting, he stops Michael. Nikita stays with Michael.
Operations: What happened?
Michael: Shays was wired with explosives. There was no time to get him out.
Operations: That's not what I meant. You had orders, why weren't they implemented? (he is really angry)
Michael: We had incoming hostiles. Nikita was in danger of imminent discovery.
Operations: So?
Michael: Our team would have been exposed. We were at a tactical disadvantage. None of us would have made it out.
Operations: What about the formula?
Nikita: Shays...gave them a fake.
Operations: So, let me understand this: we had the opportunity to contain the situation, but we didn't because we--we were at risk. Michael, *in my office*. (Michael has his "stone face" on; he knows what is coming)
Nikita: (to their backs) I'm sorry... sorry.

Freedom League Headquarters
Shayes is being strapped to a table. Tyler enters the room.
Stanley: What are they doing to me? What's going on?
Tyler: You gave us an incomplete formula. There was no branch reaction.
Stanley: I, I made a mistake. It was a mistake, I, it's very complicated.
One of the guys takes his socks off.
Stanley: I don't have my notebook with me and uhm, I think I can remember it now, though, but please don't hurt me.
There a big screw approaching his bare foot.
Stanley: NO, I will tell you anything you want!
Tyler: We know that. But let's just be sure.
Shays screams.

Madeline's office. Madeline is working at her computer. Nikita enters.
Madeline: I heard about your mishap. (Nikita sits down, her back to Madeline) What's wrong?
Nikita: (turns to Madeline) I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't know how I ever did.
Madeline: That's what you said when you first came to us. But, despite your own self-doubts, you've performed quite well.
Nikita: (nods) Where you see targets, and security risks, I see flesh and blood. Someone's son, someone's friend.
Madeline: That's OK.
Nikita: (sharply) That's *not* OK. I can't live like this-I can't take it.
Madeline: What about when you're not here? How's that going?
Nikita: I don't sleep, lost my appetite. I'm afraid to make a friend outside of the Seciton.
Madeline: What about Michael?
Nikita: Michael? A friend's someone you can trust.
Madeline: It's true, Michael has played a role with you from time to time. He's doing his job. It doesn't mean he's incapable of caring.
Nikita: Michael's not the solution to my problem, Madeline.
Madeline: What is?
Nikita: I need to know that, one day, when the Section is done with me, and I have performed all the functions I'm capable of, that I will be free. (She turns full face to Madeline, smiles wistfully) Will I?
Madeline: What kind of answer would you like?
Nikita: (smile gone, her voice is hard) The truth?
Madeline: No. You will never be free from the Section.
Nikita: Thank you. (She gives Madeline a long look and walks out)
Cut to Nikita walking into Section. She stands in the center. Ghostly figures pass her, going to various directions. Is she standing still so long that these are operatives passing her in real time - like time-lapse photography? Or are these the ghosts of long-dead operatives doing "the job" just as she does now?

Nikita's apartment
Nikita enters, takes off her coat and goes over to her computer. She begins to type. In a voice over she reads what she is typing:
Nikita: The only sins I ever committed were on behalf of the Section. I'm only guilty of not taking charge of my own destiny. A fake obituary claimed I died in prison. In the end, that statement is true.
She goes back into the kitchen, opens a cabinet and takes out a gun. She checks to make sure it is loaded and the safety is off. She stands against a wall and presses the gun against her forehead. Cut to Michael, walking up to her door. He knocks, listens, knocks again.
Michael: Nikita- (She puts the gun back in the cabinet and opens the door)
Michael: We have to talk.
Nikita: About what? (He walks in and closes the door. He gives the room a quick scan.)
Michael: I can't protect you anymore.
Nikita: I never asked for your protection.
Michael: Without it, you'd be dead now.
Nikita: You seem to care more about that then I do. (She walks away)
Michael: Why can't you just... do the job?
Nikita: (over her shoulder) I tried to tell you.
Michael: Tell me what?
Nikita: I'm not who you think I am. I never killed anyone before I came into Section. (He comes up behind her) I know you don't want to believe it, but you know it's true. (She turns to him)
Michael: It's not important what you did. It's what you do NOW.
Nikita: I can't change who I am.
Michael: Then I can't help you.
Nikita: Why did you ever? (He strokes her face and hair, then gently pulls her into a soft hug)
Michael: I wish things could be different.
Nikita: Me too.

Section, Operations' office
Operations, Madeline, Michael
Michael: You wanted to see me?
Operations: Com has run an analysis. There is no way to surgically remedy the situation.
Madeline: Shays is not equipped to hold out. Tyler will have the formula, if he doesn't already.
Operations: We've worked up a containment plan. The team has already been selected. They will consist of six members of the abeyance pool. Only the mobile control team members will be returning: you, Walter, and Birkoff. The other six will be sacrificed.
Madeline: Needless to say, you are the only operative who has the intelligence on this mission.
(Michael nods and leaves. Madeline and Operations exchange looks.)

Section, Van Egress.
Michael watches as five members of his team enter the van. Then Nikita comes around the corner, adjusting her holster. Michael looks striken.
Nikita: Michael? What's wrong?
Michael: Nothing.
She pats his arm and goes in. Michael turns to see Madeline watching the team gathering. Michael looks ready to explode.


Freedom League headquarters
Stanley is lying on a bed or table, with an IV dripping into his arm.
Tyler: Good news, Mr. Shays. Our preliminary tests were successful. See, the truth doesn't hurt... too much (very heavy irony in his voice).
Stanley: What are you going to do to me now?
Tyler: First things first. We'll do a trial run tonight and if all goes well, you're aboard.
Stanley: Aboard?
Tyler: Yes.
Stanley: What do you mean?
Tyler: I told ya, you got the job, your're hired.
Stanley: (Shakes his head slightly) No- I gave you what you wanted. Now... let me go home...
Tyler: Listen to me. For every new weapon we create, the other side develops a defense, unfortunately. We have to stay one step ahead, that's the name of the game. A talent like yours is priceless, Stanley. We're going to make beautiful music together.
Stanley: No... please... I can't...
Tyler: Sure you can. You just need a little *motivation*. (He reaches up and adjusts the IV drip. Stanley sighs and his whole body relaxes) That's right, enjoy the morphine. You'll be on it the rest of your life. That's why you'll help up. (Stanley looks almost catatonic)

In the van
Birkoff, Walter, Michael, Nikita, 5 other operatives
Walter is working on an explosive.
Operative 1 (male): I can't get this plugged in.
Nikita: It doesn't go there. (She helps him get it adjusted properly)
Operative 1: Oh, right-right- they changed that. I haven't been out in over three months.
Nikita: Why not? (This seems suspicious to her)
Operative 1: I don't know. I think it's because I screwed up in Zaire.
Nikita: Really. (She can't believe she's on a mission with this loser)
Michael: Walter's prepared the C-4. You'll each be given a charge. Birkoff will give you specific coordinates and access pathways to get there.
Walter: Once you plant the explosive, signal me. Two pulses.
Operative 2 (female): That's a lot of juice. How're we getting out of there?
Michael: You'll be given instructions. Keep your channels open.
(The van pulls up outside the Freedom League building)
Birkoff: We're at alpha point.
Michael: Let's go.
The operatives unload and move toward the fence. Nikita is the last off and stops to speak with Michael.
Nikita: Michael, what about Shays?
Michael: He's collateral.
Nikita: And if I can get him out?
Michael: Don't try. It'll compromise everything. (She starts to move away, he grabs her arm) It is important you understand this. 'Kita, if anything goes wrong and your com unit fails (he hands her a small PDA), keep an eye on this. We'll be able to communicate... (pause)... from anywhere. (His eyes are very intense)
Nikita: Michael, what's going on?
Michael: (whispers) Go.
He watches her go through the fence and scale the building. He doesn't go into the van until she moves out of his sight.
Birkoff: Ok, Nikita, are you in position?
Nikita: Almost there, Birkoff.
(Inside the Freedom League Building)
Nikita: I'm inside.
Birkoff: Your point 2 is to the north.
Nikita: Point 2... 30 seconds. (She crawls through the building and rappels down). Second position covered.
Birkoff: Continue to plant on point. (She shoots a bad guy)
Nikita: I've been detected, Birkoff.
Birkoff: Doesn't matter. Get to your position.
She slips through the laboratory. Shoots a second bad guy.
Cut to Tyler, running down a flight of stairs, talking on a walkie-talkie.
Tyler: Get the vehicles ready. Kill anything that moves.
From the radio: What about Shays?
Tyler: I'll get him.
Cut back to Nikita. She plants her C-4, activates it, and pulses Walter twice.
In the van:
Walter: Nikita's in place.
Michael: Start the sequence. (The computer screen reads "All charges set. 3:00 min")
Cut to Nikita, pulling out.
Cut back to the van.
Birkoff: What's our exit strategy?
Michael: Tell everyone to hold their positions. (Walter gives Michael a look. Birkoff looks over at Michael. Michael whispers:) Do it.
Birkoff: All positions...stand by. (Lots of camera cuts to Michael, looking haunted)
Walter: Hey, Michael, we're armed. Get them out of there, now!
Michael: That's not the mission profile.
Walter: (disbelieving) *Not the mission profile?!* Nikita's in there!
On speaker: Birkoff, what are we waiting for? Get us out of here!
Walter moves-to disable the charges?- Michael grabs his arm with his left hand and pulls a gun with his right. Michael's face is deadly calm; Walter stops moving. He knows Michael would kill him.
Cut to Nikita looking for Stanley. She finds him asleep.
Nikita: Stanley! (She sees what is left of his feet) Stanley, I'm going to get you out of here.
Stanley groans.
Tyler enters, begins shooting. Nikita is hit in the leg and stumbles off to one side. You see bullet holes in the back of Stanley's table/bed.
Nikita: Stanley? (Stanley is obviously dead.) Oh, Stanley--
She jumps out, limping, and fires several shots at Tyler, killing him. Her PDA begins beeping. She pulls it out. The screen reads:

She turns the PDA off and moves out.
Cut back to the van. Walter is watching the clock tick down. It is counting down past 15 seconds. Michael is staring straight ahead. Birkoff puts his head on his hands, peering over his fingers at the clock.
The building erupts in flames. Michael's face, blank and unemotional with haunted eyes, is superimposed on the image of the building exploding.
Birkoff raises his head. Walter is staring straight at Michael. Michael speed dials on his cell phone.
Michael: Sequence completed.
Birkoff and Walter look shattered.
Michael: Let's go.

Section, Operations' office
Michael, Madeline, Operations.
Michael is standing in the foreground, looking out over Section. His face is carefully expressionless. He does not look at Operations or Madeline during this entire scene.
Operations: We pulled NSA's ass out of the fire once again. Report shows we had 100% containment.
Michael: Everything went as planned.
Operations: Look, Michael, I know Nikita was your material. We often form bonds (Token sympathy) I hope you understand our postion.
Michael: Of course. (long pause) Is that all?
Operations: Yes. (Michael turns away carefully, still keeping his face hidden from Operations and Madeline. They watch him exit through Section)
Madeline: We may have some problems with him. There *was* something between them.
Operations: The question is now, can he let it go?

Michael's office
Michael enters his office, unbuttoning his coat. He turns off the security, looks around his office and the hallway outside and reaches for his computer.
(Cut to a train. Nikita is dozing. Her PDA beeps. The message reads: Nikita, are you there?)
(Cut to Michael, waiting for an answer at his computer)
Cut to Nikita. She looks out the train window at the full moon with a sad smile: she's free, but at what price? She turns off her PDA; she is near tears. The train moves into the distance.

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