Missing Transcript
By Christine and Dana

It is late at night and we see a quiet, deserted street. A black Mercedes pulls silently up to an apartment building.
Nikita is asleep in her bed. A knock sounds at her front door and she stirs. As she rouses, she looks at her alarm clock. Rising from the bed, she removes her gun from beneath her pillow. The clock shows 3:33 am.
The knocking at the door continues, more persistently now. She hurries down her loft steps, wearing a black, slip-type satiny nightie, gun in her right hand. At the door, she looks through the peephole, the glances around her shoulder, taking a quick surveillance of her apartment, then flips on the light. As she opens the door, we see Operations standing there, dressed in black turtleneck, jacket, and pants. He steps through the portal uninvited, his eyes making a quick sweep about the apartment, as Nikita closes the door.
Operations: You're alone?
Nikita: Yes.
He walks down the length of her counter.
Operations: You can put that down now if you'd like. (referring to her gun)
Nikita is obviously confused and curious as to why he is at her apartment.
Operations: There's a briefing scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Nikita: Oh, yes, I know.
Operations: The mission involves three men who steal classified intel and sell it to the highest bidder. In addition to the assignment you'll receive tomorrow morning, I want you to pay special attention to a certain member of the crew named Steven Wolfe. See that he is still alive after the mission is over.
Nikita: (pacing a few steps) Is it likely to be difficult?
Operations: Yes. No one knows about this but you and me, and make sure it stays that way. Above all, Steven is never to know anything about this conversation or about me.
Nikita backtracks the steps she had paced, arms crossed before her.
Nikita: So what's so special about Steven Wolfe?
Operations then walks the counter length back toward Nikita, stopping a few steps before her, where she stands at the counter's edge.
Operations: Does it matter?
Nikita: Well, I just feel like I have a right to ask.
Operations: (nods and advances a couple steps toward her, looking her in the eye) He's my son.
Nikita looks surprised and is speechless. We hear the door shut. Operations is gone.

The holograph screen shows the image of a man, mid-50's, balding, with full beard and mustache. We hear Operations' voice.
Operations: Frederick Borsos. One of the most dangerous terrorists in the hemisphere. This is as close as we've been able to get so far. Now he's anxious to get his hands on a design for something called the CM-12 chip. (The camera pans to show first the face of an operative at the table, then Michael.) It's the latest in smart missile guidance systems. It was developed at the Zylar Corporation. The prototype and the accompanying installation disk are in their vault. These three men (we see the images of three men on the screen) have been casing Zylar for the last week. (We now see that Nikita is also present at the table.) They plan to steal the CM-12 and sell it to Borsos. Their names are Vincent Shirov, Marco Dean, and Steven Wolfe. (Nikita at this point puts on her glasses to get a better look.) Our plan is to get the chip first, offer it to the crew for a cut of their profit on the sale to Borsos. When the exchange takes place, we'll take them all out, Borsos and the crew.
Michael: Won't the crew be able to detect a fake?
Operation: Yes. We'll provide the real one.
Michael: With Zylar's cooperation?
Operations: Interfacing with the corporation presents too many security risks. We'll steal the chip instead, and we'll return it when the mission is over. Any questions? (There are none.) Then let's get started.
Operations rises, followed by operatives and Michael. Nikita takes one last look at the screen before slowing rising.

We see the outside of the Zylar Corporation headquarters, followed by a shot of a nearby concrete manhole cover. Beneath is a tunnel where the three SOTW's have set up a surveillance post. Steven Wolfe (Steven) removes a headset, then type at a keyboard. Marco Dane (Dane) nudges at his shoulder.
Dane: Hey! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Go back, go back. (They are looking at surveillance footage inside Zylar showing two guards.) There! She's new, that guard. (It is Nikita.) How'd you like to breach her security, huh?
Vincent Shirov (Shirov) now comes into view.
Shirov: Found the storm drain. Runs under the east wing. It's got collapsible bulkheads every fifty feet.
Dane: (disgusted) this place is really getting on my nerves.
Steven: (passing a hand over his face) You know, why don't we just knock it off for a while.
Shirov: Borsos wants his CM-12, he wants it within 24 hours, or he'll find someone else to get it for him.
Steven: Let's knock it off, get a bite to eat. We'll start again tomorrow with clear heads, okay?
Dane: I'm for that.

We see Nikita dressed as a security guard approach the glass front doors of the diner. She is acting nonchalant, chewing gum, smiling easily. Inside, she heads for the counter. We see the three SOTW's eating at a nearby table.
Nikita: Hey, can I get a cup of coffee?
The three SOTW's recognize her from their surveillance footage and exchange looks with each other. Nikita takes her cup of coffee and walks to their table. She picks a cap from the floor and extends it to Shirov.
Nikita: This yours? (Shirov takes it from her and Nikita sits down with the men uninvited.) Hi. My name's Nikita and I think we can do some business... (The men again exchange looks but say nothing.) having to do with the CM-12. (She glances at the three men, but still they say nothing.) I'm sorry, my mistake. (She begins to rise, but Shirov takes her arm.)
Shirov: Wait. What makes you think we're interested?
Nikita: Well, you've been casing the lab every night for the last week. (Takes a sip.) Maybe you want the copy machines. I doubt it.
Steven: Your telling me that a security guard has access?
Nikita: I've got some help on the inside.
Shirov: Then why do you need us?
Nikita: Cause you've got access to the biggest buyers. We provide the merchandise, you provide the market. Sounds like a good plan.
Shirov: Meet us with your friend at our safehouse.
Nikita smiles. Steven looks away unhappily. He doesn't trust her.

We see the outside of a large apartment building. Inside one of the apartment units are the three SOTW's. Nikita and Michael - wearing black, square framed glasses - enter and take a seat at a nearby table with Shirov and Steven. Dane remains standing.
Shirov: How do you know about us?
Nikita: That doesn't matter. What matters is that we all have a chance to walk away very rich.
Shirov: (to Michael) You say you worked on the CM-12?
Michael: (nods) That's right.
Shirov: What area?
Michael: Quality control.
Steven: I don't like this. We don't need help.
Michael: Then why don't you have the chip?
Steven: (to Shirov) He's a techno-freak. He gets caught, he's gonna finger us in a second.
Michael: I won't get caught.
Shirov: What do you want for it?
Michael: Half of whatever you're getting.
Steven: (snorts) You're out of your mind.
Nikita: Do you want the CM-12 or not?
Steven: That cuts our shares in half.
Michael: A sixth of something is a lot better than a third of nothing. Half the profit. Take it or leave it.
Steven: Well, I say we leave it. (He gets up and turns away from them.)
Shirov: How soon can you have it?
Steven turns back to them.
Michael: Tomorrow.
Steven: No. Tonight. (Then to Shirov) You said yourself the buyer needs the chip soon. (Back to Michael) We get it tonight or the deal is off.
Michael: Hmm. (Smiles) No problem.
Steven: And she stays here. If you're not back by midnight, she'll be dead. But then why worry, right? It's no problem.
Michael nods and smiles fondly at Nikita.
Nikita: Go.
Michael: (to Steven) Okay.
Steven: Good.
Michael: (leans over the table and tips Nikita's chin up toward him) Behave yourself. (He kisses her lips softly, then rises, and walks out the door.)

Operations: (on the phone) Good. Right. Right.
He hangs up. Birkoff is at his desk on his computer. Operations leans over his shoulder, peering into the monitor.
Operations: They've given Michael until midnight to get the CM-12.
Birkoff: No sweat. The plan is in place. All we have to do is execute.
Operations: Good. They're keeping Nikita as insurance.
Birkoff tips his head up at this.
We see the same concrete manhole cover and Michael kneeling at it with a crowbar removing it. He climbs down in the sewer tunnel beneath.
Michael: (into comm unit) I'm in the sewer.
Birkoff: (to Operations) He's inside the perimeter.
Michael makes his way through the tunnel using a flashlight to guide his way in the dark.

Dane advances to Nikita, who is still seated at the table.
Dane: Personally, I don't think he's gonna make it back. (Nikita is playing cards, wearing sunglasses. Dane touches her shoulder.) You know, he might just take that chip and boogie. (Nikita removes her sunglasses as Steven looks on.) Maybe he ain't as devoted to you as you think. (He now kneels behind her left shoulder.) But just so you know that if he doesn't make it back... (he turns his face into her hair and inhales) ... I will see to it that you don't die lonely. (Nikita glances at his briefly, but continues playing the cards. Steven still watching, mantles his gun.)

Back in the Sewer, Michael removes a large round grate with horizontal rods and slips through.
Birkoff: You should be able to climb to the circuit room.
Michael rounds a corner and climbs up a steel ladder.
Michael: I'm in the circuit room.
Birkoff: Isle 3. Panel 46. Top terminal.
Michael shines his flashlight around until he locates the correct panel marked R46. He opens the cover, exposing the wiring inside.
Birkoff: Make sure you're grounded and stay away from the line trace. (Operations paces in the background.)
Michael begins attaching clips to specific wires. We see the power flicker in the vault room as the security is disarmed.
Michael: Unit in place.
Birkoff: The vault is on the same level. (Operations is still in the background paying close attention to the exchange.)
Michael begins welding a square opening in the ceiling above the vault. Outside, Zylar guards are unaware of the occurring security breach.
Birkoff: He's inside the vault.
Michael attached to a cable, lowers into the vault room.
Birkoff: The container is in the North wall.
Michael looks about, still hanging by the cable, and sees the space marked CM-12.
Michael: I see it. It's not there. The container's empty.
Operations lunges to Birkoff's side.
Operations: Birkoff!
Birkoff is surprised.
Michael: Check the inventory the database. Find out where it's been transferred.
Birkoff swings into action, typing rapidly at this keyboard.
Michael: Are you in yet?
Birkoff: I'm in. Security's tight. Every project has its own internal code. (Operations looks concerned.) Here we go. I got it. It's being shipped for testing. Scheduled out on a military flight two hours from now.
Michael: Maybe it's still at the loading dock.
Birkoff: I'll guide you. Go.
Michael eases back up the way he came.

Nikita is still playing cards at the table, where Steven is also still seated.
Steven: I know it's cliché, but uh... I can't resist. What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
Nikita: (smiles) Maybe I'm not such a nice girl.
Steven: Maybe not.
Nikita: What about you? How did you end up in a place like this?
Steven: I don't know. Things happen. You do what you do. I'll tell you one thing though. We better get a damn good price on that CM-12.
Nikita: Cause...?
Steven: Because I don't like other people cutting in on my money.
Nikita: So in the end, you're all about the money?
Steven: Yeah. I'm about money.
Nikita: Ching - ching.

Security guards are wheeling the CM-12 container through the loading area, as Michael follows covertly. From his vantage point, he sees the CM-12 being loaded. He keys a message into a hand-held computer.
Birkoff: (to Operations) Michael wants a backup team with four agents in place at the safehouse. If he fails, we have to be ready to take out the crew. Otherwise, we lose Nikita.
Operations: (more concerned about Steven than Nikita) There will be no backup.

A clock on the far wall reads 11:15 PM. Steven is polishing his gun, checks the site, then polishes the barrel again.
Nikita: (smiles) You like playing with your gun.
Steven only looks at her with disinterest and continues to polish the gun.
Nikita: Oughta be pretty clean by now.
Steven: (laughs shortly) Yeah.
Nikita: So, you got big plans?
Steven: What do you mean?
Nikita: Well, for all this money you're hot for, what are you gonna do with it?
Steven: Why?
Nikita: (shrugs) Curiosity.
Steven: Isn't that what killed the cat?
Nikita: Ah, but the cat had nine lives.

Michael watches as the three security guards load the CM-12 into a small van. One guard gets into the van and pulls out, while the other two get into a BMW to follow. As the van pulls out of the loading area into the street, we see an overhead view of Michael lying on top of the van roof. He glances back and sees the BMW following, just as the two men in the BMW spy him.
BMW Driver: (via hand-held radio) There's a guy on the truck.
Van Driver: What? Not for long.
The van begins swerving sharply back and forth as the driver attempts to dislodge Michael from roof. Michael becomes dislodged, but manages to maintain his grip. The passenger guard in the BMW now leans out his window and begins firing at Michael, where he hangs down the side of the van. Michael releases one hand to take his gun and return fire. He shoots the tires of the BMV, causing it to lose control and forcing it to stop.
Without the BMW to stop him, Michael then takes out a small device and attaches it to the passenger door of the van. The driver immediately begins choking as smoke fills the cabin. The van begins swerving until the driver is forced to stop abruptly. Michael is thrown off, while the driver jumps out choking. Immediately gaining his balance, Michael rushes to the driver, yanking him upright, and holding him at gunpoint.
Michael: Open the back. Now.

Dane stands at the side of the table where Steven and Nikita are still seated.
Dane: I can't say I think too much of your boyfriend, honey. He doesn't write, he doesn't call. (Nikita listens with an disinterested expression.) He stood you up.
Nikita: (looks at clock) There's plenty of time left.
Dane: You're cool. I like that. In fact ... (He approaches her from behind and places a hand on her right cheek, drawing it up to ear level, where he begins to massage her hair.) I hate to see it go to waste. I mean, we got to do what we got to do. Might as well have a little fun first, right? (Steven looks on.)
Steven: She's got ten more minutes.
Dane: The guy's not coming back. It's obvious.
Steven: Maybe not, but we made a deal. Stick to it.
Dane: I don't take orders from you.
Steven: Dane, back off. (When Dane doesn't, Steven stands to challenge him.)
Nikita: Steven, I can handle this.
Steven: (exhales, shrugs, and sits down) Okay. Suit yourself.
Nikita stands and turns to face Dane. She lightly touches his chest familiarly, and takes hold of his vest straps just below shoulder level.
Nikita: So, you want to have some fun with me?
Dane: (smiling) Always.
Nikita pretends like she is going to kiss him, then kicks his feet out from under him. He falls to the floor. When Shirov, who was lying on a nearby couch, sees this, he stands to stop Nikita, but Steven pulls his gun on him, allowing Nikita to kick Dane in the crouch. She bends and takes Dane's gun, throwing it on the table before sitting again. Dane remains on the floor, gasping in pain.
Steven: (laughs) Ouch.
Shirov reaches out and helps Dane to his feet. Steven looks at the clock. It reads 11:59 PM.
Steven: You still think you got plenty of time?
Nikita appears mildly concerned. Steven stands and waits as Shirov approaches Nikita and aims his gun at her. The front door opens and Michael enters, smiling. Nikita relaxes visibly.
Michael: Hi. (He looks nonchalant as he goes to Nikita.) Problem?
Nikita: No problem. Let's finish the deal.
Shirov sits at the table, a laptop before him, as he verifies the CM-12 Michael brought.
Shirov: It's the CM-12, but we still need the disk for the installation codes.
Steven: Where is it?
Michael: Somewhere very safe. Call it our insurance policy. We'll bring it to the final sale.
Steven: In other words, you don't trust us.
Michael: (smiles pleasantly and takes a sip from a glasses he's holding) In other words. (He places a hand on Nikita's shoulder.)
Nikita: Just let us know when the buyers get in touch. (She grabs her coats, readying to leave.)

Nikita enters her apartment, flipping on the lights, and securing the chain. We see Operations standing in the background. As she turns and takes a few steps, she spies him sitting at the far end of her counter. She throws her keys on the counter, then her sunglasses. Operations stills on a stool, a glass of wine in his hand.
Operations: How is he?
Nikita: Oh, he's fine.
Operations: I'm not asking about his health. I haven't seen him or communicated with him since he was seven years old. (As he speaks, Nikita goes to the cupboard and takes down a glass.) What's he like?
Nikita: He's cold... hard, ruthless, and greedy. You can be proud of him. (She pours herself some water, under Operations stare.) Michael tells me there was no back up team.
Operations: I felt confident he would succeed. He usually does.
Nikita takes her glasses, walks past and around Operations, back to the opposite end of the counter.
Nikita: It's standard procedure to have a back up team.
Operations: The mission is to get Borsos. If we take out the crew prematurely, it would ruin our chances.
Nikita: You were protecting Steven, even if it meant sacrificing me!
Operations: What do you want me to do, Nikita? Pretend I value your life more than my son's?
Nikita: (moves to stand across from him) Steven and his friends are psychos. Borsos is probably worse. If you want me to along with this little gig, then I want something in return.
Operations: What?
Nikita: I want out. I want freedom.
Operations: Ask for something else. Time off... money, anything.
Nikita: I want a life.
Operations: What? The life you had before Section? Living out on the streets, eating out of garbage cans!
Nikita: I've paid for your bloody deportment classes a hundred times over! If you want your son, then I want out!
Operations: Nobody leaves the Section. You know that. I'll do what I can to help you, but...
Nikita: No. No. No. I want your word. A solemn promise you'll do whatever it takes to set me free. For your son's life.
Operations: You have my word.
Nikita: Good. (Nods with satisfaction.) Good. And you have mine. I will be taking steps to protect myself, so if you double cross me, the last thing on this earth you want will happen. I'll see to it personally. Do you understand?
Operations: (Laughs at her nerve, and stands.) Oh, we've trained you well, Nikita.
Nikita goes to the door and removes the chain, indicating her desire that he leave now.
Nikita: I'm tired. (She opens the door and waits with arms crossed for him to leave.)
Operations: Mm-hmm.
He walks toward her, stops at the door and looks at her, before stepping out. Nikita closes the door and throws her head back with fatigue after the exchange.

Michael: You wanted to see me?
Operations: I'm a little concerned about Nikita.
Michael: In what way? (He is concerned that Operations is concerned about Nikita.)
Operations: She seems a little distracted. Like there's something on her mind besides the mission. Keep an eye on her. See if something's going on we should know about and report back.
Michael: Of course.

We see a video camera LED showing footage of Operations' last meeting at Nikita's apartment, where she bargains for her freedom. Nikita is holding the camera and watching it play out. She sighs, removes the tape, places it in its case, then puts it in a manila envelope. Clasping the envelope to her, she shoves a black hat on her head, preparing to leave her apartment.
We next see her walking down a busy street. She stops before a building, before opening the front door and entering.

Michael: I just heard from the crew. They want to meet in an hour.
Operations: Good. That means they've been contacted by the buyer. Do we have confirmation it's Borsos?
We see Operations is talking to both Nikita and Michael. Michael stands just behind Nikita and to the side, studying her carefully with his eyes.
Nikita: No, but there's no reason to think it isn't.
Operations: You make it clear, Borsos has to be at the transfer personally.
Nikita: And if he refuses?
Operations: (snapping) See that he doesn't!
Michael is already walking away, while Nikita is displeased with Operations tone. She glares at him before following after Michael.

Shirov, Dane, and Wolfe are in the apartment, along with Michael and Nikita.
Nikita: So, you've heard from the buyer?
Shirov: He's sending a negotiator. Steven will meet him in an hour.
Michael: Why Steven?
Shirov: He's OUR negotiator.
Michael: Hmm. I'll go along.
Steven: No thanks.
Michael: I want to make sure the price we hear is the price you get.
Nikita: I'll go. Do you have a problem with THAT?
Steven shrugs.
Michael: (kisses Nikita) Take care, love.
Nikita moves to go with Steven.

Birkoff and Operations are at Birkoff's station, listening to the exchange between Steven and Nikita, as they wait for the buyer to call them to meet.
Steven: Our buyer's man will call in a few minutes and tell us where to meet. I'll do the talking, okay?
Nikita: Funny. I was gonna say I should do the talking.
Steven: I've dealt with these people before. They're gonna be skittish just seeing you here. If you butt in, it may spook 'em.
Nikita: So, you got any guarantees against a double cross?
Steven: Got any suggestions?
Nikita: Tell them the top man should make the buy personally.
Steven voice: How's that gonna help?
Nikita's voice: Well, if the boss man's there, fireworks are a lot less likely.
Steven: You remind me of my father.
Nikita's voice: Oh? How's that?
Steven voice: He was a chess player. (Operations paces as he listens to his son for the first time in many years.) Always thinking a few moves ahead of everybody else. Not that I know him really. I've seen pictures, letters. I remember a little.
Nikita: He's dead now?
Steven: That's the interesting question. According to the government he is. Personally, I don't believe it. You ever heard of Linh Sai? (Nikita shakes her head.) It's a POW camp in Vietnam.
Birkoff: Uh oh. Another MIA nutcase. (Operations throws him a withering look.)
Steven voice: It's where they kept the troublemakers, the men they couldn't control.
Nikita's voice: Your father was one of them?
Steven voice: Senior officer. Responsible for every man in that prison. The guards did everything they knew to break him down. Seven years. Seven years of hell.
Nikita listens attentively.
Steven voice: Out of 110 prisoners, not one of them broke, or gave up anything besides their name, rank, and serial number. (Operations paces, his expression somber.) He kept them together. He gave them pride. He... he gave them purpose.
Nikita's voice: Then what happened?
Steven voice: After the war ended, they released all the prisoners, except one. They kept him for revenge. Officially he was dead. Uncle Sam signed off so as not to makes waves, and so... I grew up without a father.
Operations is very attentive.
Steven voice: And, I watched my mother die of a broken heart. (At this revelation, Operations looks so sad, almost as if he could cry.) My father's alive. I know it. I feel it.
Nikita: So, the money... You're gonna use it to find him, aren't you?
Steven: I will bribe, I will beg, and I will kill, but I will find my father. I swear to God. (Operations looks up and swallows, hearing the resolve in his son's voice.)
The cell phone rings.
Steven: Show time.
Nikita nods, looking at Steven with a new understanding.

A slate Mercedes pulls into an alley. Nikita and Steven approach on foot. A man steps out of the car.
Man: (seeing Nikita) Borsos doesn't like third parties.
Steven: Like I said, it's gotta be different this time. (Nikita stands beside him.)
Man: How much do you want for the chip?
Steven: Ten million.
Man: (grimaces) You know Borsos will never pay that much.
Steven: He can flip it for twenty, maybe more.
Man: We'll pay three.
Steven: Six and that's it. CM-12 is the hottest thing on the market. It would be inconvenient for us to find another buyer, but not impossible.
Man: Borsos wouldn't like that.
Nikita: Then he'll pay what we ask.
Steven: One more thing... (Nikita moves from Steven's side, behind him, keeping her eyes on the man) Borsos has to be there personally.
Man: Now I know you're crazy.
Nikita: Maybe, but those are the terms.
The man nods, rubs the back of his head, and begins to get in his car. Nikita sees movement and goes for her gun.
Nikita: Get down!
A man with a gun appears from behind some trash and fires at Nikita and Steven. Steven moves toward the car, as Nikita fires at the shooter, killing him. Steven then goes to the passenger door of the Mercedes and hauls the man over the seat at gun point. Nikita opens the back door and leans in.
Nikita: Son of a bitch!
Man: Easy, easy. It was a misunderstanding.
Nikita: Shut up and listen.
Man: Calm down.
Nikita: Shut up and listen! The price is six million because Zylar will pay that much to get it back. Borsos goes to the meet because that's our way of making sure it stays friendly. I want you to tell Borsos exactly what I said. If you don't, I'll find you and I'll kill you.
Steven: Listen up, pal. She means business.
Man: I understand.
Steven: The transfer takes place tomorrow night at ten o'clock. You confirm in one hour.
Man: Got it.
Steven: Good.
He pats the man's face, then he and Nikita get out of the Mercedes and get in a nearby Porsche. They drive off.

Nikita approaches Operations as he stands in his loft.
Nikita: You were listening. Did you hear him?
Operations: Yeah, I heard him.
Nikita: I do not understand how you could not want to talk to him, see him...
Operations: Nobody is asking you to understand.
Nikita: You ought to tell him something. It doesn't have to be the truth, but something... Or let me tell him.
Operations: You've given your word. I expect you to keep it.
Nikita: But, why?
Operations: You know what we do here. What we're up against. Nothing that happens to him in Vietnam or anyplace else for that matter would be half as dangerous for him as knowing who I am. It would make him a target for the rest of his life.
Nikita: No one would find out.
Operations: No, but they would. He would try to communicate, try to contact me, and someplace, somewhere, the wrong people would find out, and I would never forgive myself.
Nikita: Is that it? Or, are you afraid he wouldn't forgive you if he knew you'd been alive all these years without telling him?
Operations: The subject is closed, Nikita. Just keep him alive. Meet me after the mission. I'll see to it that you're free of the Section forever. And, now we have a briefing. (He begins to leave.)
Nikita: I don't know if I can keep him alive. (Now Operations turns back.)
Operations: What are you talking about?
Nikita: Well, when the shooting starts, Steven's gonna realize he's been betrayed, and if it comes to a choice between him and Michael...
Operations: You're the one who wants to be free.
This shuts Nikita up, and Operations departs, leaving her to stare after him.

Operations: Beside the three men on the crew, we expect Borsos to bring at least three of his own, maybe more. (Michael, Nikita, and operatives, along with Birkoff are at the table. Birkoff is operating the holograph screen, showing different views of the mission site.) The site is most exposed on ground level, so we'll approach from above. Review the tactical plan for tomorrow night. Good luck.
Operations, Birkoff, and the operatives leave the table. Nikita and Michael remain seated. Michael turns to Nikita.
Michael: How are you feeling?
Nikita: I'm fine. Why?
Michael: Keep your mind on the mission.
Nikita: It is.
Michael: It better be, because these people are gonna come down fighting, and I don't plan to take any prisoners.
He stands and leaves. Nikita sighs, throwing her head back, before slumping forward, chin in hand, as she ponders the task before her.

Shirov, Dane, and Wolfe are at the meet site. It looks like an abandoned plant of some sort. Michael and Nikita arrive and join the three men.
Shirov: The installation codes. (Michael hands him a disk. Birkoff is in the mission van monitoring the exchange, and tapping into Shirov's computer, so that the disk accepts the codes. Shirov types at his keyboard.) The CM-12 is accepting the codes.
A black Mercedes comes into view. Birkoff sees this on his monitor.
Birkoff: (giving directions to onsite operatives and cueing Michael) Okay. Proceed.
Two operatives run down metal slotted walkways overhead toward the exchange. The Mercedes draws closer to the meet site. The operatives from above view the scene below. They are wearing night-vision units.
Birkoff's voice: Team two in position.
Three men and Borsos get out of the Mercedes.
Birkoff's voice: All team are in position.
Borsos approaches the waiting crew and Michael and Nikita. Steven nods and motions for Shirov to hand over the CM-12 disk. As Shirov hands over the disk, Michael and Nikita look about them. Borsos then hands the disk to one of his men, while Birkoff watches from his monitors as the man checks the disk. The man nods to Borsos, who jerks his head to another of his men, indicating the money can be handed over to Shirov. Steven takes the case from Shirov, sets it down, and checks that the money is all there.
Operative: Ready to initiate.
Birkoff: Okay. Proceed.
The lights are shut off and operatives begin firing at the men below. Nikita shoves Steven out of the way, as shooting occurs all around them. Shirov gets gunned down in the firing. Borsos grabs at a power handle, shoving it into the "on" position. The lights come back on, and men below begin firing at the operatives they can now see. From their relatively safe place, Steven grabs Nikita.
Steven: Damn it! You double crossed us!
Nikita: Steven, no! I swear.
Steven: Then who? Who then, Nikita?
Nikita: Must be Borsos.
Steven: No. He's getting it too. It's Michael.
Nikita: No! Steven!
Steven goes in search of Michael, with Nikita following, In the gun fire, Dane goes down. Michael shoots Borsos, then kneels beside the Mercedes to change his gun clip. In mid-switch, Steven appears and aims his gun at Michael.
Nikita: Steven, no! (She raises her gun and shoots him, then leans over his fallen body and removes his gun.)
Michael: Thanks.
By now the operatives have secured the area, and are gathering up the computers, disk and money before they leave. Michael joins them.
Michael: You got everything?
Operative: Yes, sir.
Michael: Okay, let's go.
As the operatives move off, Michael goes to where Nikita is seated on the front hood of the Mercedes.
Michael: You coming?
Nikita: I'm just gonna chill for awhile. I feel like being alone.
Michael: (removes his square glasses) You all right?
Nikita: Yeah, I'm fine.
Michael: Good-bye.
Nikita: Bye, Michael.
He leaves her. The camera pans to show the fallen bodies of the dead men all around Nikita. Nikita then stands and goes to the side of the Mercedes where Steven lies. She bends downs and grabs him by the lapels, yanking him upright.
Nikita: Get up.
Steven: What happened?
Nikita: I shot you with a tranq dart.
Steven: (groans and sighs) What? Who are you? What's going on here?
Nikita: Steven, don't ask any questions. Just go.
Steven: The money?
Nikita: Sorry.
Steven: (sighs) I'll find it another way. I guess I owe you a thanks.
Nikita: A good-bye will do, and a good luck.
Steven: Good luck.
Nikita: You, too. Steven, do not spend your life looking for ghosts. If your father was the man you think he was, he'd want more for you. Go live! Have a life.
Steven: You, too.
Nikita nods, as if to say "You can bet I will", and Steven walks away.
Nikita: I will. I will.

Operations is waiting for Nikita when she walks into his loft.
Operations: I verified that Steven is safe. Thank you.
Nikita smiles and looks down humbly.
Operations: I tried, Nikita, I really did. (Now she looks back up at him.) I pulled every string I could, but in the end, I couldn't make it work. You'll have to stay in Section.
Nikita moves to lean against his table, her back to Section below. She looks at him challengingly.
Nikita: I'm sure you gave it your all.
Operations: You might be surprised.
Nikita: I'd be downright shocked if you lifted a finger.
Operations takes a couple steps closer to her.
Operations: You can ask for anything else and it's yours. But, not your freedom.
Nikita: I did warn you not to try this. Listen carefully. The night you came to my apartment, the second time, I made a digital recording. It's all on tape. Your face, your voice, your admission that Steven's your son. Unless I make a phone call, that tape will be delivered to him within the hour. He'll know everything.
Operations: A tape?
Nikita: Yes, that's right.
Operations: You mean this tape?
He holds up the tape she had been referring to, and she just stares at it. Then, he snaps it into his palm, as if to say "Mine now" and walks out. Nikita leans back on the table, trying to figure out how he got his hands on the tape. As it dawns on her, her mouth opens with surprised enlightenment. She turns, looking down from the loft to Section below. She sees Michael standing over a laptop. As if sensing her stare, Michael looks up and locks gazes with her. Looking at her betrayer, Nikita purses her lips and throws a kiss at him. They both know that the other knows what has transpired. Nikita then departs from the office, though Michael continues to gaze upward, where she had been. A beep sounds at his laptop, regaining his attention.
Michael: Yes?
The End.

Christine's Comments: I like the few episodes that involve Operations and Nikita one on one, such as this one. And, we saw that Operations does have a heart when it comes to his son. I especially liked the scenes where Operations had to listen to Steven talk about him. He seemed genuinely choked-up. Nikita, of course, was crazy to believe that Operations would even consider letting her go, and to think he wouldn't anticipate her move of trying to trap him. Hope you enjoyed reading this.

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