Obsessed Transcript
By Christine

Opens with a shot of a lighter's flame igniting a sparkler rod. We see a large kitchen where chefs are busy preparing food. A man wearing sunglasses and tuxedo briskly walks through the area. Bakers are putting the final touches to a wedding cake. We see the cake surrounded by the sparkler rods used as part of the cake's décor. The tuxed man takes a finger-full of icing as he passes by. A shot of the typical plastic groom and bride decorative topping the cake, then a pan upwards showing Michael also wearing a tux pushing the cake on a cart.
Michael: He's on the move.
Nikita is dressed for a wedding in typical guest apparel. She wears a black bob-type wig and floppy blue hat. She glances about and sees the tuxed man, who nonchalantly grabs a flute of champagne from a tray as he passes. We see Nikita is standing at a bar amidst a group of other wedding guests. Shots of Michael watching from behind the cake, the bride and groom dancing, the tux man sipping his drink as he continues to stride purposefully forward, then Nikita still watching him.
Nikita: Michael, should I take him out?
Michael: Not now, Nikita. We don't have confirmation.
Tuxed man continues in stride. Removes his sunglasses.
Michael: (to his comm unit) Birkoff, we're converging. We have less than a minute. (He deters away from the cart he was pushing.)
Flash to Section. Birkoff sits at his station, Madeline leaning over his right shoulder. They are concentrating on Birkoff's computer monitor.
Birkoff: Should we stop the hit?
Madeline: Not until we know we have the Book.
Back to the wedding. The tuxed man is making his way toward a specific destination.
Nikita: Michael, we're running out of time. Nikita follows. We see the bride and groom dancing, as the tuxed man watches on from a small distance. The couple is dancing with others in a circle, going round and round. They are smiling happily. The tuxed man takes a gun from his breast pocket.
Michael sees this.
Michael: How much longer, Birkoff? He's got them in his sight.
Flash to Section.
Birkoff: They're blowing the safe now. We'll have the book in a matter of seconds. (We see a safe being blown up on his monitor.)
Back to the wedding. The bride smiling as she is lifted onto shoulders. The tuxed man watching. Nikita drawing closer to him. Now the groom being lifted onto shoulders. Michael is watching all of this from a distance.
Michael: Birkoff, this is it.
The tuxed man drawing his gun. Nikita watching.
Flash to Section and the monitor. We see the safe is empty.
Operative: It's not here.
Madeline: (speaking to Michael) Abort.
Back to Wedding.
Michael: Nikita. Abort.
Nikita: Michael, I can get him.
The tuxed man takes aim. The groom sitting atop two men's shoulders is clapping and smiling. The tuxed man face is grim with purpose. Nikita draws nearer.
Nikita: I can get him. (She takes her gun from her clutch.)
Michael: No.
Nikita is watching the wedding party as they laugh and are clearly celebrating. The tuxed man fires shots. We see the groom collapse back - dead. The party erupts with panic as guests begin to run every which way. Nikita remains where she is watching as the scene unfolds around her. We see the groom on the ground, his bride kneeling beside him in shock, as people are trying to minister to him. Michael and Nikita watch as the tuxed man tucks his gun back in the breast pocket of his jacket and moves off. People continue to flee. We see a final shot of the cake surrounded by the sparkler rods.

Madeline: David Fanning has carried out a dozen high level hits in the past year, but we can't touch him. He has a set of documents called the Book, which contains information very damaging to western interests. (We see various operatives listening as she speaks, Birkoff and Michael included.) Now it will automatically be released if we interfere with him in any way. (We see the group is at Birkoff's station.) So, before we can come out, we have to find the book. Birkoff.
Birkoff: He moves it fairly often. We thought we had a lead last week, but it didn't pan out, as those of you who were in Athens are well aware. This is Fanning's house, basically a heavily guarded fortress. (The monitor shows the outlines of the house.) Second floor houses a computer, which we think contains a schedule for the Book's locations. The computer's a stand-alone. There's no way to hack in.
Michael: With direct assault?
Birkoff: The system will be armed with a self-destruct mechanism so an assault would destroy the schedule. We'd still have no idea where the Book is.
Madeline: The bottom line is we have to work from the inside. And, we have to do it without arousing suspicion on Fanning's part. Nikita is already in place with Fanning's wife, Lisa.

Shots of exercise equipment. We hear Nikita's voice.
Nikita: And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, bring it together. Hold it. Hold it. Release. (We see a butterfly machine.) Okay. And again, ready, 1-2-3, go.
A pretty young woman is sitting in the butterfly machine, working on her chest muscles. She is dressed in exercise gear. She exhales with the effort, then releases the pressure of the weights.
Nikita: That's good. That's enough for today.
Lisa: I was thinking half an hour on the bicycle.
Nikita: Well, you just worked out for two hours.
Lisa: My husband's coming home today, and I want him to see the difference. (She is already quite trim.)
Nikita: Well, he's only been gone for two weeks. You were already in pretty great shape before we started.
Lisa: You don't know my husband.
We see two sets of black panted legs entering the house. Luggage is set down in the entry. Nikita and Lisa hear them enter. Lisa stands up.
Lisa: That has to be him. (She sounds nervous.)
The black panted legs begin walking. We hear a man's voice:
Fanning: Verify receipt. Send an acknowledgement. And then stand by, cause I think we'll have another job in a few days.
It is David Fanning. His wife pops into the hall ready to greet him. She smiles brightly.
Fanning: (looks at her critically) Hi. (Sees Nikita behind her.) Who is this? (suspicious)
Lisa: (looks back at Nikita and points) My trainer. You wanted me to me in shape remember? (She touches her workout pants at the waist. Her midriff is bare.) Nikita, this is my husband, David.
Nikita: (smiles) Hi.
Fanning: Hi. (Looks back at Lisa.) So? Are you gonna welcome your husband home or what?
He advances a step and she moves hesitantly forward. He pulls her to him and kisses her. She appears uncomfortable. Nikita glances over, then busies herself putting equipment away. Lisa pushes away from her husband. Now he is irritated.
Fanning: (wipes his mouth) Ah, that was very romantic. (Moves to lean against the wall. He checks her out.) Yeah, I don't see a big change.
Lisa: It... it... it's only been a couple of weeks.
Fanning: (to Nikita) She been lazy?
Nikita: No, she's worked very hard.
Fanning: Don't brown-nose her. I pay the bills around here. Just tell me the truth. (Lisa lowers her head like a scolded child.)
Nikita: (already not liking him) She worked very hard! (Wife looks up, smiling at the praise.)
Fanning: (raising his voice) You know, I pay good money! I just want a little result. (He grabs his wife by the arm and spins her around roughly. She winces.) I mean, look at this! Look at this ass! (Says it like it's repulsive. She's already firm and in shape.) It's a disgrace. Now could you please do something about it? (Nikita is stunned and doesn't respond.) Could you do something about this?
Lisa: I'm sorry.
Fanning: All right. That's all... that's all I ask. (He leaves them.)
Nikita stares at his departing back, as Lisa immediately goes to the stationary bike, her spirit down-trodden.
Nikita: Hey, why don't we get out of her for awhile. (disgusted) Change of scenery.
Lisa: No. He doesn't like me to leave the house without him.
Nikita: Well, I'm your personal trainer, and I'm ordering you to go for run. Let's go. Come on.

They are at a small wooden bridge, dressed in running gear. Nikita sits on the railing, while Lisa leans her arms on the railing, staring at the water below.
Lisa: He takes care of me in his own way.
Nikita: What way is that?
Lisa: He doesn't let anybody hurt me.
Nikita: Ooooh. Except him. (Lisa looks away uncomfortably.) Lisa, I knew from certain things you said that you weren't happy, but this is much worse than I ever imagined.
Lisa: Don't.
Nikita: There's plenty of places you can go for help.
Lisa: No. That would only make it worse.
Nikita: What could be worse than being a prisoner in your own home?
Lisa: (looks up at Nikita) I'm not like you, Nikita. Wish I could be. (looks down wistfully) But, if I try to stand up to him, it just doesn't work.
Suddenly, Michael approaches, dressed casually, and wearing a black beret.
Michael: (smiling at the coincidence of running into her) Hi, Nikita!
Nikita: Michael! How are you? (smiling brightly)
Michael: Fine. You? (Kisses her in greeting, then glances at Lisa.)
Nikita: (suddenly remembering her manners) Oh. Lisa? This is an old client of mine. Michael.
Lisa: (looks shyly up, smiling) Hi.
Michael: Hi. Nice to meet you. (They shake hands.)
Nikita: Do want to join us for juice?
Michael: Why not?
Nikita: Two seconds. (Nikita moves off to go get juice, leaving Michael and Lisa alone.)
Michael: (to Lisa) So. How long have you been at it?
Lisa: Training?
Michael: Yeah.
Lisa: Uh, uh, a couple of weeks.
Michael: Those are the worst. (He is smiling and amiable, quickly putting her at ease.)
Lisa: Oh, yeah. She makes me do all those sit-ups. The stomach...
Michael: It's ok?
Lisa: No... (laughs) They discuss working out, talking easily together, as Nikita watches from the juice cart.

Nikita, dressed in black pants and top, walks through Section. Madeline approaches at an angle. They merge and walk together.
Madeline: How'd it go?
Nikita: Oh, I guess we'll find out when Michael returns.
Madeline: You think there was a connection?
Nikita: You know what I think? I think this girl needs help. She doesn't need any more pain. Isn't there a better way to get to Fanning?
Madeline: Such as?
Nikita: I'm in the house. (They stop walking and face each other.) She trusts me.
Madeline: To do what?
Nikita: To get into the computer.
Madeline: Under what pretense? We're asking this woman to betray her husband... (We see Michael step out onto a bridge above, listening to their conversation. He watches them. They don't see him.)... and endanger her own life. What emotion besides intense passion would motivate her to take such a drastic action?
Nikita: So, he seduces her to get to Fanning. What happens to her after that?
Madeline: That's not your concern. (They stare at each other.)
Michael: (breaking the stare down, speaks from the bridge above) Your evaluation was very accurate. I spent most of the time listening. She just needs a little kindness.
Nikita: Leave it to Section One to hand out a little kindness.
Madeline: (ignoring Nikita's attitude, to Michael) You're seeing her again?
Michael: Tomorrow. Three O'clock.
Nikita looks glum.

Lisa Fanning is leaning against a railing in the center of a wooden bridge. She checks her watch, obviously waiting for someone. Two men approach and crowd her.
Man #1: Where you going?
Lisa: Get out of my way!
She tries to break free, and they struggle. Michael approaches from behind and begins yanking the would-be attackers off her, fighting them, beating them up soundly, and throwing one man into the river below. Lisa watches horrified. Michael turns to Lisa, placing his hands on her shoulders.
Michael: Are you all right?
Lisa: (scared, but relieved to see her hero) Yeah.
Michael: You want me to call the police?
Lisa: Oh no. (Looks about worriedly) My husband wouldn't like it.
Michael: Sorry I'm late. It couldn't be avoided. Will you forgive me?
Lisa: (She stares intently at his lips, glances down) Of course.
Michael looks pleased to hear it and smiles, then places an arm around her to gather her to him. She rests her head on his shoulder as they walk away together.

Birkoff is monitoring the entire exchange. On his monitor, he sees Michael and Lisa walking along the bridge. The two men that accosted Lisa enter the van. They were operatives.
Birkoff: Nice work, guys. Looked real. Look at this. (indicating the monitor which shows Lisa still clinging to Michael)
Michael and Lisa still the park. Michael is walking on a railing, Lisa below him.
Lisa: When I was a kid, I used to paint. (Michael jumps down from the railing. She catches his hands.) Some people thought I had talent, but I don't really think so.
Michael: Do you paint now?
Lisa: No.
Michael: Why not?
Lisa: I don't know. I seemed to have lost the urge.
Michael: If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do?
Lisa: I don't know. (takes his arm and leans against him, smiling)
Michael: Um... first thing that comes to your mind?
Lisa: Oh! I would love to learn how to fly a plane.
Michael: Wonderful! I'll teach you.
She laughs with delight.
Lisa: What are you? A pilot?
Michael: Uh-huh.
Lisa: I thought you were a computer programmer.
Michael: Computers are my job, but I do other things.
Lisa: (sobering) I don't think my husband would allow it.
Michael: (circles around her) Then, I'll give you flight simulator programs. That's how I got started.
Lisa: (chuckles) I'm not good on computers either.
Michael: (sweetly looking at her) I'll teach you that too. (He brushes her face softly, touches her hair.)
Lisa: (she rests her cheek on his shoulder) Sounds nice, Michael, but...
Michael: What?
Lisa: (sadly) I can't see you again.
Michael: We have to see each other again.
Lisa: (shaking her head) I'm not supposed to be here in the first place. It's been wonderful, but I really have to go. Really. I just have to go. (She moves to leave.)
Michael: Wait, please.
She looks to him and he stares at her tenderly, then lifts her chin and kisses her gently. He hugs her to him. In the distance, Nikita leans against a tree, watching them. Flash ahead to Lisa now running with Nikita.
Lisa: He wants to see me again.
Nikita: Well, you could use some pleasure in your life.
Lisa: How well do you know him?
Nikita: Pretty well.
Lisa: And what do you think of him?
Nikita: Well, what matters is what you think of him.
Lisa: Oh. I think he's the most desirable man I've ever met. (They stop running.) Will you cover for me? Will you tell David that we went for a jog in the park? Please?
Nikita: Course.
Lisa: Oh, thank you, Nikita. You're a really good friend.
Lisa jogs off, Nikita stares after her for second before running to catch up. She clearly doesn't like this assignment.

Fanning and another man sitting on couches.
Fanning: The Casacus wedding. I hit that two weeks ago. And now the Casacus family would like a retaliatory hit. You know who they go to?
Man: Who?
Fanning: Me! (laughs) I love this business.
Front door closes. Lisa and Nikita enter. Fanning sees them.
Fanning: Where the hell have you been?
Lisa: Jogging.
Fanning: No. (glances at his watch) It's been an hour and a half. You should be soaked with sweat.
Nikita: We are. You should smell my armpits.
Fanning: (standing up) What did you just say to me? (He stalks toward them.)
Nikita: (exchanging a brief nervous look with Lisa) Look, we stopped for a juice at a juice bar.
Fanning: Right. (He and Nikita have a stare down.)
Lisa: (to Nikita) Come on. Let's go.
The man Fanning was talking with, stands and joins Fanning. They watch as Nikita and Lisa leave.
Fanning: There's something not quite right there.
Man: What?
Fanning: I don't know, but the next time those two go on a run, you follow them
Man: Sure thing.

Madeline is seated at her desk, as Nikita paces before it.
Nikita: I still don't think this is the right approach.
Madeline: Why not?
Nikita: She's too fragile. It could blow up in our faces.
Madeline: What's really bothering you? Lisa Fanning's emotional state, or the thought of her and Michael together?
Nikita: Why should that bother me?
Madeline: It shouldn't, but it does.
Nikita: It does not bother me!
Madeline: (doesn't believe her) Good.
Nikita: Good.
Footsteps sound, and from a curtained dressing room, Michael appears, looking at Nikita. She appears caught; knowing Michael has heard the exchange.
Nikita: (repeats) Good. (She immediately leaves.)
Michael watches her exist with a slight smile on his face.

Nikita and Lisa are jogging through the park again. A horn honks, catching their attention. Michael pulls up in a black sports coupe and Lisa immediately runs over to it, getting in the passenger side and kissing Michael. As he drives off, Michael smiles at Nikita. Nikita notices a gray sedan a short distance away also watching. She immediately dials up Birkoff.
Nikita: Birkoff, we've got a problem.
Flash to Section.
Birkoff: (to Madeline) One of Fanning's men is tailing Michael and Lisa. (He hands a comm unit to her.)
Madeline: (to Nikita) Why?
Nikita: Fanning's a little possessive. Keeps her on short leash.
Madeline: So, he doesn't suspect an operation. He's just worried about his wife's fidelity?
Nikita: Would be my guess.
Madeline: (to Birkoff) Get transit now.

Michael's car pulls into a driveway. The gray sedan parks discreetly away, the driver spying as Michael and Lisa get out of the car. Lisa looks about, and Michael smiles, leading her toward a house. The driver of the gray car gets out and follows.
Inside the house, Michael steps before a large fish aquarium. Lisa stands on the opposite side of the tank They sink down on their haunches, staring at the fish life and looking at each other through tank walls. Seductive music is playing.
Lisa: I'm afraid.
Michael: Of the fish?
Lisa: (laughs shortly) No.
Michael: (voicing what he thinks she's talking about) Your husband doesn't have to find out.
Lisa: I'm afraid of falling in love.
Michael: (taking the cue) I think we already have.
Flash to the hired man climbing over the outside gate.
Back to Michael, who stands and walks around to Lisa's side of the fish tank. She stands, and he removes her coat.
Flash to man peering through the window, watching as Michael removes Lisa's clothes.
Back to Michael, as he takes Lisa's face in his hands and kisses her.
Flash to the man watching them kiss. He sees Lisa take off Michael's shirt, revealing his bare torso.
Back to Michael, as he slips his hands under Lisa's top and lifts her up as he kisses her.
Flash to the man turning away from the window.
Back to the interior. There are candles lit. Michael and Lisa are on a bed, Lisa on top as they begin to make love.
Flash to the man getting into the gray car.
Back to Michael and Lisa making love, kissing.
Flash to the man dialing on his car phone.
Back to Michael and Lisa making love.
Flash to a black tow truck rounding the corner of the neighborhood street.
Back to Lisa, who throws back her head, eyes closed.
Flash to another black tow truck approaching from the opposite end of the street.
Back to Michael, as he flips Lisa onto her back.
Flash to the two tow trucks approaching the gray sedan from opposite sides.
Back to Michael lying atop Lisa, who is on her belly. He is kissing her shoulder.
Flash to the man inside the gray sedan. He sees the oncoming tow truck approaching swiftly. In his rearview mirror he sights the rear approaching truck.
Back to Lisa's face.
Flash to the two trucks as they smash the gray sedan from both ends, folding the car between them like an accordion.
Back to Michael and Lisa making love.
Flash to the smashed gray sedan, with the man inside, exploding.
Lisa: (whispers) I love you.
Flash to the tow truck hauling away the debris. We see a large splat of blood on the asphalt.
Back to Michael and Lisa, hands intertwined, and Michael touching her.

David Fanning is sitting in the living room. Lisa walks up.
Lisa: What's wrong?
Fanning: Well, Frank Thorne was killed today.
Lisa: (incredulous) Killed? How?
Fanning: Well, the cops say it was a hit and run, but I'm just not so sure.
Lisa: You mean he was killed on purpose?
Fanning: Well, gee, it might have been an accident, but they found him on the far side of town.
Lisa: (stammers) What was he doing there?
Fanning: Well… he was suppose to be watching you.
Lisa: Oh. Watching me jog in the park?
Fanning: (stands up before her and touches her face. She flinches.) You know how I worry about you, Lisa.
She appears nervous and frightened. He walks away.

Madeline: (at her desk) You made love?
Michael: Yes.
Madeline: (rises, begins pacing) Did she tell you she loves you? (Nikita is leaning against a column, Michael standing in front of Madeline's desk.)
Michael: Yes.
Nikita is clearly upset. She throws her head back, rolling her eyes, and turns from them, her body language petulant.
Madeline: When do you see her again?
Michael: Tomorrow when she goes on her run with Nikita. (Nikita is now sitting at a nearby vanity.)
Madeline: Fine. (Madeline leaves them alone.)
Michael: (who without having once looked at Nikita has sensed her perturbation) What is it, Nikita?
Nikita: Michael, she's a nice woman. She loves you. You? You're gonna destroy her.
Michael: (moves to stand next to her) She's not in love with me. She'd feel the same about any man that treated her well.
Nikita: I see. So, that makes it okay?
Michael: If you feel so concerned about her, tell her to break off with me. She trusts you, she'll listen. But, first make sure that you're willing to watch more innocent people die while we stand by and do nothing. ‘Cause that's what will happen if we don't get the Book.
He turns away, leaving Nikita to stare after him in the mirror.

It is day time. Michael and Lisa are lying in bed, obviously just having made love. Lisa's head lies upon Michael's chest, as he strokes her shoulder. His face is a mask devoid of any emotion. Lisa is sleeping. She shifts, and Michael uses that as his opportunity to get up. As he rises and grabs his clothes, we see the much-discussed shot of his naked backside, as he exits the room tying a shirt about his waist. He goes to the nearby kitchen, gearing up for the next phase of his "mission". He takes a bottle of water out of the fridge and drinks. Lisa stirs and sits up.
Lisa: What's wrong?
Michael: Nothing.
Lisa: (worriedly) Michael? Michael?
Michael: (staring out a window, drinking the water) This has to end.
Lisa: (not believing her ears) What are you talking about?
Michael: I'm talking about your husband. He'll find out sooner or later.
Lisa: (unwilling to accept that reality) No. We've been careful.
Michael: You said it yourself. He had us followed yesterday. We could have been caught. (He rejoins her and sits beside her.) Besides, he'll see it himself. In your smile, your touch. It's only a matter of time.
Lisa: (doesn't like what she's hearing) I won't let that happen.
Michael: There's only one way to stop it. (She looks doubtful, but waits to hear him.) Come away with me.
Lisa: He would follow us.
Michael: Let him.
Lisa: No. You don't know what you're saying.
He turns from her then, and she realizes that he intends to leave her.
Lisa: (she grabs his arm) Michael? Wait!
Michael: (pulling away from her) Thank you for the fling. The sex was great. (He stands.)
Lisa: (panicking at the thought of losing him) You know it's not like that. Michael, please. Michael. I don't want to live without you. I'll do anything, anything you ask me.
Michael: (This is what he was waiting to hear. He turns back to her.) Come away with me.
Lisa: Where?
Michael: Somewhere where we could live together openly. (He strokes her face.)
Lisa: We'd have to go far away. Very far away. (He kisses the side of her face. She's thinking fast now.) We'd have to have lots of money. Money to protect us from David.
Michael: He has lots of money.
Lisa: His office is like a vault. I'm not even allowed in that part of the house.
Michael: I know computers. I can get you into his office and into his system. We can get access to his bank accounts.
Lisa: If I do it, will we be together?
Michael: Forever.
Lisa: (leans in to him, foreheads touching, whispers) All right. All right.
Michael kisses her forehead.

The clock reads 3:41 AM. David Fanning is asleep in the bed. Beside him, Lisa is awake. She glances at the clock (3:42 AM), and carefully sneaks out of bed, putting on a pale blue robe as she runs out the room.
Flash to Section. At Birkoff's station, Michael is with Birkoff, communicating with Lisa through a comm unit.
Michael: Lisa, listen for the guards and stay in the shadows.
Lisa hears footsteps and rushes to a side doorway to wait. She then resumes her mission, running up a spiral staircase. At the top is a hand sensor security pad that she quickly places her palm atop. She hurries to David's office door, looking about fearfully.
Lisa: I'm at the door.
Michael: Okay. Put the device on the lock. (She does this and it beeps.) Press each number on the keypad in sequence.
Lisa: (presses numbers) Done.
Michael: Enter the code and go in.
Lisa: (Device reads "unlocked") Okay. (Looking over her shoulder, she enters the office.)
Michael: Put the computer on. Do you see the connector we talked about?
Lisa: Yes.
Michael: Plug in the router. (She does this.) Put the disk in the drive... (waits as she loads disk) What does the screen say?
Lisa: Unauthorized program. Validation needed.
Flash to Section: Birkoff is listening to Michael and Lisa. He understands what Lisa has said and nods, moving to correct the problem.
Back to Fanning's house: David Fanning touches Lisa's side of the bed and realizes she is gone.
Flash to Section.
Michael: Okay, enter the following sequence… asterisk - 4 - backslash - 9 - backslash - enter.
Back to Fanning's house: Fanning gets out of bed, looking for Lisa. He calls loudly for her, checks the adjacent bathroom.
Flash to Section.
Michael: Is it working?
Back to Fanning's house.
Lisa: It says router installing.
Flash to Section.
Michael: Good. You were great.
Birkoff: (viewing the hacked files) Bank records, investments, medical records... Here we go. Clients. Assignments. Got it! It's in a vault in Banc Montague, Switzerland. We're well-connected there. It shouldn't be a problem.
Michael: (to Lisa through comm unit) Good. You were great. Now remove the disk and the router. (We see her do this.) Turn off the computer, and just get out of there.
Back to Fanning's house. Fanning is in the hallway, approaches the guard.
Fanning: Did you see my wife?
Lisa is quickly getting out of the office. As she goes to head back down the spiral staircase, she first hears then sees her husband talking with the guard. She withdraws to a back section of the upper landing. Fanning climbs the stairs, places his hand on sensor pad and moves to his office. Lisa then comes out of her hiding place and rushes down the stairs, back to her bedroom.
Lisa: (to Michael) Did you get everything you needed?
Michael: (at Section, smiling) You were terrific. Now go back to bed.
As she walks toward the bedroom, her husband suddenly appears, surprising her.
Fanning: Hi!
Lisa: (cries out) Oh!
Fanning: I've been looking all over for you. (Michael listens in.) Been wondering where you been.
Lisa: (scared) I couldn't sleep.
Fanning: Oh yeah? Did you lose anything on your trail?
Lisa: (very nervous, stammers) Lose anything?
Fanning: Yeah, did you lose anything? (He holds up the belt to her robe.) Cause I found this upstairs. I'm just wondering what the hell you're doing upstairs!
Michael: (feeding through her comm.) Don't tell him anything, Lisa. Be strong.
Lisa: I... told you I couldn't sleep. I went for a walk.
Fanning: Yeah, but haven't I told you never to go upstairs?!
Lisa: I'm sorry.
Fanning: (shouting) Haven't I?
Lisa: Yes.
Fanning: Then why did you?
Michael: The stairs... Exercise.
Lisa: I ran up and down the stairs for exercise.
Fanning: (doesn't believe her) Are you serious?
Michael: Be strong, Lisa. We'll be together soon. (We see Birkoff also listening to the exchange.)
Lisa: Nikita says that's the best exercise you can do.
Fanning: Shut up! (He lassos her about the waist suddenly with the robe sash and roughly yanks her toward him. She screams.) Do you know what your problem is? You gotta learn to obey! (She is crying.)
Flash to Section. A close up of Birkoff's stunned face as he listens in as Fanning begins slapping and beating Lisa, while she cries out in fear and pain. She begs him to stop, and cries that she is sorry, but he continues to beat her. Birkoff and Michael are sobered listening to a situation that they have caused.

Birkoff and Madeline are studying the monitor, viewing the information they have hacked into from Fanning's computer.
Birkoff: Banc Montague. Inner vault. Let's hope the Book is where Fanning's schedule says it is.
The operatives open the vault and pull out the Book.
Operative: We got it!
Madeline: Good. Destroy it. (She removes her comm. unit. To Birkoff.) Now we can take out Fanning.

We see operatives surround the compound, checking their positions, and donning mission gears. Nikita is in the house.
Operative: Hold all your positions. Sherri...
Birkoff: (through comm.) What do you got Nikita?
Nikita: Two guards in the kitchen. Two in each wing. Three more out back. Fanning's in his office.
Flash to Fanning's office. He is on the phone.
Fanning: What do you mean it's gone? Well, who took it? (very angry)
Outside the operatives are in position, waiting for the word to advance the house.
Inside, Lisa joins Nikita in the living. They're about to go on their run. Lisa is wearing heavy sunglasses.
Nikita: Lisa! (She sees the bruises on Lisa's face, then lifts Lisa's glasses and sees she has been badly beaten.) No.
Flash to Fanning's office. He is still on the phone.
Fanning: (on the phone) All right. Well, how did this happen? (He hangs up, then to another man in the office) The Book's gone.
Back to Lisa and Nikita.
Lisa: It doesn't matter anymore. Michael and I are going away together. He told me to be strong, and I was. I haven't heard from him yet, but I know I will. He may contact me through you. (As she talks, Nikita looks very sorry for her, knowing the truth.) Nikita, thanks for being there for me.
Flash to the outside of the house. Michael is there with a gas mask on, his team ready. Michael: We're moving in.
They begin firing smoke canisters at the house, which blurs the view of Fanning's guards and chokes them, so the mission team can advance undetected.
Operative: Move, move, move!
Guard: We've got a problem. Warn Fanning. Got visual.
Operative: Go, go, go.
Nikita pulls Lisa away from the windows to protect her.
Lisa: (cries) What's going on?
Fanning: (upstairs) Get Lisa.
Outside, rounds of gunfire are exchanged between the opposite sides. Inside, one of Fanning's guards comes to collect Lisa, who is lying low to the ground.
Guard: David wants you.
Nikita: Stay down.
Guard: Do you hear what's happening. This is no time to argue.
Nikita takes out her gun and shoots him.
Lisa: (in disbelief) Who are you?
Outside, more gunshots being fired back and forth, as Fanning's men are being taken out. Inside, David comes running down the hall, gun in one hand, a briefcase in the other. Nikita appears, her gun drawn on him. Lisa is right behind her. He stops in his tracks.
Nikita: Drop the gun. (He drops the briefcase.)
Fanning: What?
Nikita: Now! (He drops it.)
Fanning: What the hell is going on?
Nikita: You're going on a little trip.
Fanning: Where?
Nikita: You'll see.
Fanning: What if I don't want to go?
Nikita: Oh, you do like picking on women, don't you?
Fanning: Not women with guns.
Nikita: You know what your problem is, David?
Fanning: Tell me.
Nikita: You need to learn... to obey. (She sets her gun down.)
Fanning: (laughs shortly) That was a mistake.
He goes to swing at her, but she quickly cuffs him in the face. He struggles with her, but she easily overcomes him and kicks his butt, beating him with an exercise bar, as Lisa watches incredulously.
Fanning: Bitch!
Nikita throws him to the floor, where he lies beaten. The gun Fanning dropped is lying on the floor, as he tries to move for it, Lisa sees his intent and rushes for it instead. She draws it on her husband.
Nikita: Lisa, don't! I don't blame you, but I must ask him some questions first. (Lisa throws the gun aside.)
Outside the firing continues, as the last of Fanning's men are killed. An rocket launcher explosion rips open the front door.
Michael: Go ahead.
Operatives come in and lift David off the floor, then lead him out.
Nikita: He's all yours.
Lisa: (watching confused) I don't understand.
Nikita: Doesn't matter. It's all over now.
Lisa: So, you're some kind of undercover cop... or something. It was a trick. It was all a trick... to get David.
Nikita: Lisa, I'm sorry. He's a very bad man, much worse than you could've imagined. We needed to bring him down. I'm sorry.
Michael enters in full mission gear. And mode. When Lisa sees him, her face lights up.
Lisa: Michael! (But, he remains rooted, and only looks at her with his blank stare. She realizes something's wrong.) Were you a part of it, too? (He doesn't answer, just continues to stare blankly. Nikita turns away unable to witness this exchange.) So, you don't care about me, do you? (No response.) You never did.
Michael: It had to be done.
Lisa: I... see. (She is clearly hurt by the betrayal.) Well, it's all right. (She turns away, then back to Michael.) Is the fighting over?
Michael: It's over.
She bends and takes Fanning's gun that she had thrown aside earlier and points it at Michael. He only looks on calmly. She points it to her head.
Michael: (lunging for the gun) No! (He grabs her wrists and overpowers her.)
Lisa: (crying and struggling against him) Just let me die!
Michael: (he's holding her wrists apart) Lisa, you're free now. David's out of your life forever and you're free. Nikita's not, and I'm not, but you are.
Lisa: (earnestly looking up at him and beseeching ) But I don't want to be free. I want to be with you. (pleading) Please? Please?
Michael: (removes the gun from her hand and sets her away from him) I'm sorry. (He walks away, leaving her and Nikita staring after him.)

Madeline and Birkoff are at Birkoff's station viewing the intel hacked from Fanning's computer.
Madeline: I thought we had all of Fanning's accounts impounded?
Birkoff: We did.
Madeline: There's a discrepancy.
Birkoff: I know. One of his accounts is missing. It had a million dollars in it.
Madeline: How is that possible?
Birkoff: Not sure. Maybe one of his own people was stealing from him?
Madeline: We should be on top of it. I don't like loose ends.
Birkoff: Well, it's an offshore account. Once it's closed out, it's almost impossible to trace. I'll keep working on it.

Shot of an envelope. Lisa removes a check written out to her for $1 million. We see she is sitting on a couch alone. She removes a small recorder from the envelope. She clicks it "On".
Michael: (recorded voice) I know you hate me now, and you have a right to. The money is not a plea for forgiveness, nor is it a gift. You earned it. Your actions helped save many innocent lives. Learn to fly. Take up painting again, and never be with a man who fails to treat you as you deserve.
She looks about her, remembering Michael's smiling face the day she met him, thinking of their first time together, hearing herself tell him, "I'm afraid to fall in love with you." She then flashes to him responding, "I think we already have." She knows now that it had all been a role he had played, but she is still desperate to believe in it. She lays her head against the cushion. She is alone, except for her memories.
The End.

Christine's Notes: This episode for me was okay, though it had some good scenes. I felt tremendously sorry for the vulnerable Lisa, and glad that when the jig was up, Michael, though firm, was kind to her, knowing how fragile she really was. It was fun typing this transcript. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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