Recruit Transcript
By Dana

Just a interesting tit bit, the actress who plays the new recruit, Karen, originally tried out for the role of Nikita, but lost it to Peta.

A woman (Karen) is sitting in a chair with her hands tied back. It is all dark except one light over her.
Karen: I don't know what it is you want me to say?
A hand comes out of the darkness and slaps her. Michael comes into the light.
Karen: You can do whatever you want, it's not going to change my answer.
Michael: I have your kid, I am prepared to torture and kill him if you don't cooperate. So, what will it be?
Michael's face is barely inches away from the woman's. All the sudden, the woman wraps her tied hands around Michael's neck to bring him closer to her. A razor in between her lips and was put right against Michael's neck.
Michael: Good, but you are off the jugular by half an inch.
They exchange some seductive looks.
Karen: Just can't reach it yet.
Michael: Practice. (gets up) Light!
The lights are turned on and we see that this was taking place in the commons area in Section, with Operations, Nikita, and Madeline watching from the perch.
Operations: Thank you, Michael.
Nikita: Why am I watching this?
Madeline: She's at the end of her training. She comes to term in two weeks.
Nikita: So?
Operations: We'd like you to handle her evaluation.
Nikita: What does that mean?
Operations: It's up to you to decide whether or not she's Section material.
Madeline: If you approve, she'll be awarded operative status.
Nikita: And if I... don't?
Madeline: She'll be canceled.
Nikita: Wow, wait, this isn't my job. Brian trained her.
Madeline: We've chosen you.
Nikita: Why?
Operations: (smiling) It's your turn.
Madeline: Karen's not the only one being tested here.
Nikita: Please don't make me do this.
Operations: You have two weeks.
Madeline and Operations leave. Nikita looks down at Karen, who looks back and smiles, looking trustful. Nikita smiles too, less convincingly.

Walter is talking to Karen.
Walter: This is your weapon. It's got the identical mass of a standard nine, only it shoots lasers, not bullets.
Karen: Thank you.
Walter: We're not through yet. Uh, just take your sweatshirt off, will you?
Karen smiles.
Walter: That's good. (puts a round wirey patch on her chest) That's, that's excellent. Now, if you'll just take off your bra.
Karen: (shocked) My bra?
Walter smiles and is about to say something, but Nikita comes in and interrupts.
Nikita: Walter!
Walter: Ah, you're just fine, that's it, thank you. (to Nikita) Hi, sugar!
Nikita: She's ready?
Walter: Yeah, she's, uh, she's all yours.
They leave, and as soon as Karen can't see her, Nikita looks at Walter with reproach.
Karen: I never know whether or not he's serious.
Nikita: Walter? Always.
Karen: I hate to be rude.
Nikita: It's technically impossible to be rude to that man.
Karen: I just want people here to like me.
Nikita: Why?
Karen doesn't answer and looks disturbed.

Nikita brings Karen into a round shaped room.
Nikita: You're ready?
Karen nods.
Nikita: Go live! A guy in a monitor room starts the training program.
Mechanical voice: Commencing sequence.
Images of people appear and Karen has to shoot them with her laser gun. They pop up faster and faster and Karen has a hard time keeping up with it, getting shot at more and more until she gives up. Nikita looks at her and shakes her head, Karen is obviously doing this wrong.
Karen: Ah, ouch! Stop it! Ouch, Stop, please!
Mechanical voice: Sequence incomplete. Karen is crying and has trouble breathing.
Karen: I can't do this.
Nikita: Yes you can. (Karen shakes her head) Karen, you have to.
Karen: I can't.
Nikita takes off her shirt. She takes the patch and the gun from Karen.
Nikita: Go again.
Mechanical voice: Commence sequence. Nikita calmly starts to shoot. As the lasers hit her, she got back on to her feet and kept shooting.
Mechanical voice: Sequence complete.
Nikita: This exercise isn't about shooting. It's about getting shot. You will, eventually. It's what you do after that, that's what matters.
Karen: I'm not gonna make it, am I?
Nikita: Yes, you will. And the way you're gonna do it is by realizing that you're better than these people and their idiotic games. Take a breath, let's try it again.
Karen looks encouraged, she smiles and is ready to try it again, as Nikita says.

Nikita: You came up on that sequence. It's good.
Karen: Are you going to be training me from now on?
Nikita: Yup.
Karen: What happened to Brian?
Nikita: Nothing happened to him.
Karen: I don't understand.
Nikita: Don't try to understand. It's just the way things are.
Karen: But what about my evaluation? Who decides if I'm gonna make it or not?
Nikita: (pause, looks thoughtful) You should go get cleaned up, you've had a long day.
As Karen walks away, Michael stops her. They start to talk. Michael is actually, gasp, smiling during the whole time. Nikita is watching all of this, and you can tell she is JEALOUS!! She should have known there was something wrong about this, Michael doesn't flirt for no reason.
Madeline joins Nikita.
Madeline: The technician showed me the numbers from your session. Very impressive.
Nikita: She's a quick study.
Madeline: She fits in well. That's important.
Nikita: Am I done for the day?
Madeline: Mm, I'm afraid not. There's a priority briefing in a few minutes. I'll see you there.
Nikita is still looking at Michael and Karen, who have been amiably talking all this time. Karen goes away, and Michael looks straight at Nikita with a big smile. She smiles back. It appears that he's doing this for her benefit.

Operations: Two months ago a highly confidential letter was stolen from NATO. It was a scenario detailing hypothetical plans to assassinate certain Muslim leaders. Though these missive are routine, if made public, they could severely damage NATO's credibility and possibly incite retaliation. This man, Andre Kreizel, is in possession of the letter and is holding it for ransom. He is demanding over 50 million dollars or he will release the document. Intel is working on a position on Kreizel, and possible location of the letter. The usual close quarters stand-by, no outside communication.
As the briefing ends, Brian walks over to Nikita and puts a hand on her shoulder.
Brian: Nikita.
Nikita: Hey, Brian.
Brian: I've heard you're doing the final on Karen.
Nikita: (gets up) Why isn't she finishing her training with you?
Brian: They pulled her from me.
Nikita: Why?
Brian: Well, what do you think of her?
Nikita: She seems Ok. (Brian sighs and shakes his head) Why are you shaking heads like that?
Brian: Nothing. Good luck. (prepares to go)
Nikita: Brian, what's wrong?
Brian: Nikita, we're not supposed to talk about the material.
Nikita: I know. I have two weeks to decide if she lives or not, I'll need all help I can get.
Brian: She doesn't belong here.
Nikita: Why not?
Brian: She's sick. Scuse me. (this time he leaves)
While she is still standing there, thinking, Michael comes along.
Michael: Here's your tactical for tomorrow. You'll be bringing Karen.
Nikita: Uh, I don't get it, am I an observer?
Michael: No, you'll be in play.
Nikita: What about Karen?
Michael: She'll be with you.

By night, the mission van stops somewhere in town.
Michael: Nikita, Karen, go. Nikita and Karen get off and the van leaves. Nikita wears a long black dress and Karen a shorter red one. Karen is really nervous, she is having a hard time breathing.
Nikita: Come on.
Karen: Wait.
Nikita: What's the matter?
Karen: I just need a minute.
Nikita: We don't have a minute.
Karen: Ok.
Nikita: Come on.
Nikita and Karen enter the night club.
Nikita: All set.
Karen: I can't do it.
Nikita: None of it is real, it's just a training exercise. Let your training get you through it.
Karen nods, but then still doesn't move. Nikita slams Karen into a wall.
Nikita: Do you want to live? Answer me, do you want to live? (Karen nods) Then walk in after me and do what you are going to do.
Karen: Ok.
A transvesti is singing Chiwawa on the stage. Nikita and Karen have a seat at the bar. They observe 3 men at a table behind.
Nikita: Martini, please.
Nikita: (into the hidden microphone) Behind him and to his left.
Karen looks behind her.
Karen: Those (body guards) are all his? (clearly shocked)
Nikita: Um hum.
Karen: What now?
Nikita: We check in. Ok, Michael, we got him. The big table to the left of the stage. He's in the middle. They're drinking champagne.
Michael is watching from the van, with Birkoff.
Michael: Good, take positions. All teams ready. Brian, it's champagne.
Brian is playing the role of waiter. He takes the champagne to Kreizel's table. At the same time, two men in black walk in the bar.
Karen: What now?
Nikita: Just wait.
Karen: For what?
Nikita: Walter has put a little something special in their champagne. We got 30 seconds from the time they start drinking, then we get him out of here.
Brian pours the champagne.
Nikita: Michael, he's pouring.
Michael: All teams prepare for assault.
Transvesti: Excuse me, excuse me. (stringer) EXCUSE ME! (laughs) Everybody shush... I have a very important announcement to make. We have a first year anniversary to celebrate tonight. Ooof...
He motions an old man and a young woman to stand up.
Transvesti: And you know what they say about the first year? It's the hardest.
Then all the sudden, the two men in black started to shoot. Nikita gets her gun out from under her dress.
Nikita: Michael!
Michael: Why are they shooting?
Nikita: They are not our people.
Michael: Check Kreizel.
Kreizel is now behind his table turned on the side with the bodyguards. Nikita shoots one of the men in black. Brian runs after another hostile in the back. Karen goes after him. Kreizel and his men are escaping.
Nikita: Michael, he's going away. He's at the back door.
Michael: Collect the wounded and regroup.
Nikita picks up a wounded operative on the way out. I believe it is Owen Tell. Down the hall she stumbles across Brian, on the floor, dead. Karen is running towards the exit. The three of them make it to the van, and Nikita is now angry with Karen.
Michael: Where's Brian?
Nikita: He's dead.
Michael: Call housekeeping, have them sanitize the area. Let's get out of here.

Operations: (very angry) Madeline's office, now. (to Michael) What happened?
Michael: Someone else went for him.
Operations: Who?
Karen: (to Nikita) What's gonna happen?
Nikita: I don't know.
Michael: It was a rival, it was out of our control.
Operations: Nothing is out of our control! You were unprepared!

Madeline: Did either one of you see what happened?
Karen: No, I never saw Brian.
Madeline: And you, Nikita?
Nikita: He was down when I got there. (She is covering up for Karen, for she saw Karen run away from Brian's body)
Madeline: Proof of all activity.
Nikita: I didn't see anything else.
Madeline: (nods) That's all.
Karen leaves the office. As Nikita leaves, Madeline calls her back.
Madeline: Nikita... Is there something else I should know? (She knows Nikita lied)
Nikita: No.
Madeline: Good.

Nikita is thinking back at the mission, flashback to Brian's body on the floor, Karen running away and lying to Madeline, "I never saw Brian". Then Brian telling her "she doesn't belong here, she's sick".

Nikita is getting some hand on combat equipment from Walter.
Walter: What do you need these for?
Nikita: I am working with Karen.
Just then Nikita see Michael talking to Karen, AGAIN. He is smiling at her, AGAIN.
Walter noticed Nikita watching them, and of course could not let it go.
Walter: You two going to get sweaty?
Nikita: Just bag it Walter.
Nikita walks over.
Nikita: Let's go, Karen.
She opens her mouth as if she is going to say something to Michael, then decided not to. She just left him. As Michael walks away, he is smiling. He knows he is making Nikita jealous, he is doing the whole thing on purpose!!

Nikita is training Karen. She has some gloves on and Karen is kicking them.
Nikita: Again. Again. Again. Harder!
Karen: Got the kick, Nikita.
Nikita: Again. Again harder. Harder. Again.
Karen finally knocks Nikita down. Nikita gets up and into fighting position. They fight until Nikita gets Karen down into a hold.
Karen: What did I do to you?
Nikita: No, what did you do to Brian?
Karen: Nothing.
Nikita puts more pressure on the hold, and Karen cries out in pain.
Nikita: What happened?
Karen: I shot him. And you can do whatever you want to me, can't be as bad as what he did.
Nikita: What does that mean? What does that mean?
Karen: He raped me.
Later, they are sitting against the wall on the training mat.
Karen: For six months there wasn't a night I was not afraid he would come to me.
Nikita: Why didn't you just go to someone?
Karen: From day 1 I was told I had no choice. Cooperate or die. Feels like I just signed my own death warrant by telling you this. Did I?
Nikita: How did you get here?
Karen: You mean why was I recruited? Well, I've known some bad people. One night we got high, broke into a drug store. I don't remember very much. They told me I killed somebody ... I was a straight A student in high school.
Nikita: Yeah?
Karen: What now?
Nikita: Karen I, I don't know. I need some time to think.
Karen: Isn't your evaluation due in tomorrow?
Michael walks in.
Michael: We have new intel on Kreizel. I need you both prepared and ready in 20.
Michael leaves. Nikita offers Karen a hand to get up. Karen holds it in both her hands.
Karen: I can be a good operative, Nikita.

Karen, Michael and Nikita are getting dressed for the mission.
Madeline: We took a PDA off one of the bodies at the nightclub. Birkoff was able to pull out a location. We think it's hot.
Karen is adjusting her belt.
Karen: Hot?
Michael: We think it's where Kreizel is hiding the letter.
Karen: Should this be this tight?
Michael walked right behind her, and start to adjust it for her.
Nikita: So who's going in?
Madeline: Just the three of you.
Nikita: Is it gonna be enough?
Madeline: Any more would draw attention. Michael is still fussing with Karen's belt, basically caressing her, until Nikita finally snaps.
Nikita: What are you trying to do? Guess her belt size?!
Karen: Thank you, it's better.
Madeline: All right. Get the rest of your things from Walter.
Madeline is watching all of this, she is smiling, she can tell Nikita is jealous. Karen and Michael leaves the room. Nikita looks after them, thoughtful.
Madeline: What is it Nikita?
Nikita: I was just wondering about Brian.
Madeline: What about him?
Nikita: Can I get a background profile?
Madeline: No.
Nikita: I just think it would...
Madeline: What do you wanna know?
Nikita: Did you take him off Karen's case cause he was abusing her?
Madeline: The judgment you've been asked to make is on Karen, not Brian.
Nikita: He did rape her.
Madeline: I never said that.
Nikita: No, but you didn't deny it either.
Madeline: The van leaves in 5 minutes.

Nikita: (to Birkoff) Going out on this one?
Birkoff: Does it look like I'm going anywhere? I'm running sequences so that you guys don't get shot full of holes.
Nikita: Do me a favor?
Birkoff: (laughs) I don't do favors.
Nikita: (mocks him) "I don't do favors". Birkoff, please, it's important.
Birkoff: It's important. What do you think I do here all day, play computer games? (he pushes away a joystick!)
Nikita: (sighs, strokes his shoulder) Probably couldn't do it anyway... You'd have to be able to break the encryption on Section's mainframe.
Birkoff looks at her and smiles. He can't resist such a challenge.

Nikita, Karen and Michael walk into an office building. There's a receptionist. Michael points a gun at her.
Michael: Hi. Please cooperate.
Michael stays with the receptionist, while Karen and Nikita go inside. An old and a younger man are sitting in the office.
Old man: What do you want?
Nikita: Where is the safe?
Young man: I don't know what you're talking about, there is no safe.
The old man presses the alarm. Karen knocks her gun against the old man's head.
Young man: Don't, don't! I'll tell you. I'll tell you.
Nikita: Where is it? Where?
The young man hesitates.
Michael: What is going on in there? Meter's running.
Karen shoots the young man in the arm.
Nikita: Hey! Where is it?
Young man: It's behind the bookcase.
Nikita finds the safe.
Nikita: (to the young man) Get down.
She shoos the safe to open it and gets some document out.
As Nikita, Karen, and Michael are walking out.
Nikita: (to Karen) You didn't have to shoot him.
Karen: It was taking too long.
Nikita: He was going to tell us.
Michael: You don't know that, we had a live alarm. Karen did the right thing.

Michael is standing in his office. Nikita walks in.
Michael: Yes?
Nikita: When I was first recruited in the Section, you were my trainer. You decided whether or not I made it.
Michael: That is right.
Nikita: How did you make your decision? What were you looking for? Is it some kind of checklist, 7 out of 10 I live, anything less I die? Or is it intuition, gut feeling?
Michael: I don't believe in intuition. You scores were high, you excelled in all areas. It wasn't a very difficult decision.
Nikita: So why did Operations resist?
Michael: Who told you that?
Nikita: Intuition.
Michael: Operations didn't like you.
Nikita: But you did. (Duh!)
Michael: This is about Karen.
Nikita: She tested well. Everyone likes her.
Michael: Everyone but you.
Nikita: I don't trust her. You weren't there today in the office. You didn't see the look in her eyes, Michael.
Michael: Everyone gets that look when it's time to pull the trigger.
Nikita: Not like this. It's like she, like she wanted to shoot him. She likes it.
Michael: I already told you, she was within scenario parameters. We got what we went in for.
Nikita: This time.
Michael: Yes. Anything else?
Nikita: You two seem to like each other.
Michael: I don't understand you meaning.
Nikita: Come on, Michael. I've seen the way you act together. You laugh like you are old friends.
Michael: What is your question?
Nikita: I need to know if your admiration for her is purely professional.
Michael: I thought you would know me better then that.
Nikita: It's funny you should say that, cause I don't know you at all.

Walter is working on some device. Nikita sneaks in.
Nikita: What are you doing, Walter?
Walter: Building a bomb.
Nikita: Should I come back later?
Walter: What do you need?
Nikita: I'm not sure.
Walter: Karen's evaluation.
Nikita: I don't want to be someone's judge, jury, and executioner.
Walter: Yeah, and I don't wanna build bombs. What else?
Nikita: I can't figure her out. I don't know who she is. Just when I think I got an answer, two more questions pop up.
Walter: If you are not sure...
Nikita: What? Just sentence her to death?
Walter: That's the way it works here.
Nikita: What do you think of her?
Walter: Does it matter?
Nikita: I'd like to know.
Walter: I like her.
Michael: Nikita! Let's go.
Nikita: Where?
Michael: We have a location on the letter.

Karen: I know I don't do everything perfectly yet, but if I do go over board it's just because that's what they taught me. Training with you has shown a lighter way to get the job done.
Nikita: I'm glad to hear it.
Birkoff: Nikita!
Nikita turns back.
Nikita: Yeah.
Birkoff: Karen's story did not check out. She's not a one timer. She started killing when she was seven, her grandmother. I'm talking about a full-blown sociopath.
Nikita: What about Brian?
Birkoff: I found a locked folder. Inside there was a memo he sent to Operations. He asked to be reassigned. He was terrified of her.
Nikita: Why?
Birkoff: He was going to recommend against her, she knew it. Whatever you do, don't get on this chick's bad side. (the plot thickens)
Michael: Nikita!
Nikita: Thanks!

Michael, Nikita, Karen walked into a bank. Nikita goes to the new accounts desk.
Nikita: Everything's cool. Michael goes to an elderly female clerk.
Michael: I'd like to get to my deposit box, please.
Clerk: Certainly. I'll need two pieces of id.
In the mean time, Nikita has managed to hook the interest of a male bank clerk.
Young clerk: Can I help you?
Nikita: Uh, yeah, I was actually thinking about opening an account.
Young clerk: Checking or saving?
Nikita: Both.
Young clerk: Why, I can help you with that.
Elder Woman Clerk: Thank you mister Kreizel. Just sign here. I'll take you right back. This way please.
She leads Michael into the back of the back.
Elder Woman Clerk: Port in your key in this lock here. I'll turn mine, now yours. She takes out the safety deposit box, and gives it to Michael.
Michael: Thank you. Michael turns his back toward the clerk. As he opens the box, the elderly woman shoots him in the back. Michael falls to the floor. The clerk grabs the letter and runs out.
Karen notices the elderly female clerk coming out of the back without Michael, and was in a hurry to put her jacket on.
Young clerk: I think we have something that you're gonna like here. It's an interest bearing, checking plus.
Nikita: Plus what?
Young clerk: That's just what it's called.
Elder woman clerk: Yes, right away.
Karen: (shows the woman clerk) Nikita.
Nikita: Excuse me. (to the woman clerk) Excuse me, Mam,
Elder woman clerk: Yes?
Nikita: Where is my friend?
Elder woman clerk: He's your friend?
Three men dressed in black walks into the bank, starts to shoot.
Karen: Nikita!
Nikita: We got shooters, everybody down.
Gunfire starts. Nikita runs to the back. Michael is lying on the ground. Nikita quickly starts to search for a wound.
Nikita: Michael is down.
Michael wakes up. Nikita touches his face. Michael wakes up.
Michael: I'm ok. It hit the vest. Go get the letter.
Nikita follows the elderly woman to the top of the roof. A helicopter is waiting for her. Nikita shoots her down. Just as she was about to shoot Kreizel, she realized that she have no bullets left. Karen runs in and shoots Kreizel. She walks to Kreizel's dead body and gets the letter. Karen is almost jumping in excitement.
Karen: We got it! What a rush!!
Then she shoots the already dead bodies again, while Nikita watches.
Karen: (laughing) Just in case.

Walter is taking Nikita's jacket off.
Nikita: How is Michael doing?
Walter: He'll be ok. They are waiting for you upstairs.
Nikita: Yes, I know.
Walter: You made your decision? (Nikita doesn't answer) You'll be fine.
Karen stops Nikita, who was on her way to Operations.
Karen: Nikita! I saved you life today.
Nikita: Yes, you did. You also killed Brian in cold blood.
Karen: Does it really matter?
Nikita: Karen, he never raped you.
Karen: You were out of bullets. I could have let Kreizel kill you and I didn't.
Nikita: What is it you want?
Karen: I belong here. Section One and I are a perfect fit. I have earned my place here, Nikita, and you do not have the right to take that away from me. Everybody know it. (Nikita still does not answer) What will they do to you if you make the wrong choice?

Madeline: I think Mahar would make a great addition to our house of containment.
Operations: Mahar, Kelly, Grace, that would be great. I think I...
Nikita comes in and they look at her.
Operations: Have you made your decision about Karen?
Nikita: Yes, I have.
Operations: And?
Nikita: Cancel her.
Madeline: She's already been cancelled.
Nikita: What are you talking about? I just spoke to her.
Madeline: It doesn't take long.
Nikita: But I hadn't made my decision yet.
Madeline: That wasn't your decision.
Nikita: What does that mean?
Madeline: An operative's resolve and judgment are as important as her technical skills. We knew Karen would be a problem. We wanted to see if you would come to the same conclusion.
Nikita: If I hadn't ...
Operations: Then we would have two problems. (meaning, Nikita would have been cancelled along with Karen)
Operations and Madeline walks away. Nikita looks down, Michael is walking by, he looks up, and they look at each other, and there's a small smile on Michael's face. He's happy she did well.
The End

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