Simone Intel

1.) Guest Stars:
Julian Richings / Errol Sparks
Ingrid Veninger / Siobhan
Mung-Ling Tsui / Simone
Anais Granofsky / Carla
Mark Cohen / Hester
Edward Roy / Raymond Berris
Lyon Smith / J.B.Barry Kennedy / Pilot
Robin McCulloch / Controller

2.) Music :
a.)"Chorus" and "recitative" by Christopher William Gluck
b.) "Red Zone" by Mark Stewart
c.)"Slacker Boy Blue" by Kat Rocket

3.) Briefing : Morrison, Koi, Micheal, Nikita, Birkoff, Madeline

4.) Section Operatives : Koi, Morrison (Roger in 'Treason)

5.) Section Wordage : Cold Mission

6.) Terrorist/Organz.:
Glass Curtain (24 members at hideout)
Errol Sparks, Siobhan, Hester,
Leon (computer part seller), J.B.

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