Verdict Transcript
By April and Dana

*WARNING: Additional side comment added throughout the spoiler
The scene opens with Nikita looking around the flea market. She is having fun with her down time when she suddenly sees Michael eating pretzels looking nonchalant. He apparently does not see her and continues on. She decides to follow him and spy on what he does outside of section. He continues to walk around the park obviously waiting for someone. She then hides behind a tree and he dumps the pretzels in a garbage can. Then, some girl approaches him. (I think Nikita looks a tad bit jealous) The woman who approached him looks a bit on the edge and mad. Michael comforts her, exchanges a few words with her and leads her to her car. Nikita follows close behind. Michael then kisses the girl goodbye (thud!) and puts her into her car. Nikita is watching the whole time. Michael then walks away and the woman starts the car. The car explodes and Nikita is startled. Michael looks behind him seeing the exploded car and looks around. Michael moves out of the scene as if nothing happened. Nikita, on the other hand, looked pretty upset.

Operations: Jovan Mijovich. Recently elected premier of his new nation after a decade of bloody chaos. Some of you may remember him from an earlier assignment. (He looks at Nikita who smiles) He certainly remembers some of you. He'll be inaugurated next week. We're informed by a source of Michael's that a contract has been taken out on Mijovich's life. If he dies, the region will destabilize rapidly once again. Our mission is to prevent that from happening.
Birkoff: Who's the hitter?
Operations: Another newcomer named Griffin. So new, we don't even have a physical description.
Operative#1: Any good?
Operations: Good enough to take out Michael's source with a sophisticated car bomb. (At this Nikita looks up and looks at Michael) Though fortunately for us, not before the intel was passed on. The hit is expected to take place during the inaugural ball, Saturday night. Everything will proceed as planned. Mijovich's people will handle general security. Our job is to stop Griffin. Michael will lay out the mission parameters tomorrow morning. Team will fly out in the afternoon.
Everyone gets up to leave except for Nikita who purposely stays behind. She then moves towards Michael when they are relatively alone. She sees Operations talking to another operative at the other side of the room. She grabs Michael's arm and he turns around to her.
Nikita: Who's you're source?
Michael: Someone who happened to have dealings with Griffin.
Nikita: (she nods) a friend or ...
Michael: why?
Operation interrupts with: Michael! (Approaches)
Nikita: Just curious (Yeah Right!)
Operations: A word please. (Looks at Nikita who takes the hint and leaves) The girl in the car, did she mean something? (Ahs! A story behind here)
Michael: She was a contact.
Operations: (quickly finishes Michael's sentence) Nothing more. (The 2 start walking towards comm) This is an important mission Michael. It's about protecting Mijovich. It's not about revenge.
Michael: I don't let personal considerations interfere with my work. (Operations gave him a blank stare, nods, then leaves. He doesn't notice that he passed by Nikita who probably heard the whole thing.)

We see the exterior of the palace, which has a fountain and is made of an ancient architecture with guards posted at the entrance. We go inside and see Mijovich pouring a drink and talking with Nikita.
Mijovich: My dear Nikita. How wonderful to see you again.
Nikita: You too, Premier Mijovich.
Mijovich: Please (motions for the couch. Nikita sits down and Mijovich sits beside her) We are old friends, hmm? You must call me Jovan.
Nikita: Ah, your Excellency that would not be proper. I'm on duty.
Mijovich: Always the professional. Hmm? What a pity!
Nikita: (Smiles) Congratulations on the election.
Mijovich: It was a miracle we managed to have elections at all. If you knew what my countrymen had been through. And now, some fool wants to start the whole mess over again by putting a bullet in my head.
Nikita: We will not let that happen. I assure you.
Mijovich: God knows there's been enough pain. Everyone suffered loss. I lost a brother, my only son. God rest their souls.
Nikita: I'm sorry.
Mijovich: Which is why the ceremonies must proceed as planned. It's a statement to our people. We are no longer at the mercy of thugs and terrorists.
Nikita: (nods) You've changed. You're Excellency forgive me but, when we met before you seemed ...
Mijovich: A bit of a lightweight. (Smiles)
Nikita: (smiles)
Mijovich: Well, I hope I've grown up a little since then. So, this man that's after me, this uh ... this Griffin. He's good?
Nikita: Yes but operatives will be stationed throughout the room and I'll be posing as your companion for the evening.
Mijovich: (liking this) Excellent!
Nikita: (raises her eyebrows)

Scene 3: THE BALL
The ball starts and Mijovich accompanied by his guards and Nikita in a really scary hairdo enters. Everyone claps at his entrance and Mijovich moves on ahead to mingle. Nikita follows behind him and starts to work. We see the back of Michael in a tux (thud ). He turns around and is also looking for Griffin. Some waiter bumps into him and he speaks into his comm.
Michael: Nothing so far.
We see Birkoff and Operations at Comm surveying the mission from section.
Birkoff: Perimeter's quiet too.
Operations: He's there somewhere.
Flash to the ball. Michael continues to walk around. Flash to Operations.
Operations: How many more guests are coming?
Birkoff: None expected.
Operations: (Sighs) So, Griffin's already inside.
Birkoff: If he's going through with the hit.
Operations: Everything we know about him says he will
Flash to Michael who is still looking for a possible suspect and hearing every word they say. He then becomes alert when he notices one of the orchestra players reaching over into his case. Michael prepares for the worst but is only confronted with the guy getting his violin wand thingy. He continues his survaillance. We then see Mijovich and Nikita dancing. The music stops and Mijovich continues his mingling leaving Nikita continuing survaillance. She then suddenly she's a man reaching into his coat. She assumes he is reaching for a gun so she starts to draw her own gun from her purse. It was a false alarm, just a man reaching in for a smoke. She returns her gun and relaxes. We then see an old waiter nodding to another younger, taller waiter. Flash to Michael.
Michael: Birkoff?
Birkoff's voice over the comm: Still no sign.
Flash back to Operations.
Operations: Give me his profile.
Birkoff: Again?
Operations: (irritated) Yes Again.
Birkoff: (types and a profile with a man's silhouette appears) He's uh, young, European, aggressive. Still all we have that's reliable.
Operations: According to Michael, not many in the room fit that profile. (Operations paces)
Birkoff: Griffin should stand out. Most of the men are older, generals, diplomats. (Shakes his head and looks at Operations)
Operations: But some of them maybe with younger women. (Operations moves to a comm beside Birky and speaks into it) Michael, Is it possible for Griffin to be a woman?
Flash to Michael who looks around. He doesn't notice a beautiful woman in a green gown walking over to a side to get a good view of Mijovich. He suddenly takes interest at the woman who is conspicuously targeting Mijovich. Nikita suddenly tenses up and gets ready for anything. The woman draws her gun out carefully and aims it at Mijovich. But before she can stretch her arm out to shoot Mijovich, Michael had already drawn his gun and shoots the woman. Nikita sighs out of relief. The woman collapses and a second operative helps Michael drag the body out. All the while, not making anyone take notice of it. Michael speaks a line so as not to attract attention.
Someone: What happened?
Michael: She's fainted. We'll give her some air.
Nikita smiles. Flash to Section One.
Operations: Is Michael in the van?
Birkoff: Just now.
Operations: Michael report.
Flash to Michael in the van talking to a computer screen.
Mijovich: It's over. Griffin's dead.
Flash to Operations.
Operations: Was there much disruption?
Flash to Michael.
Michael: Most of the people think a woman fainted. Those who know otherwise are being discouraged from spreading rumors.
Flash to Operations.
Operations: Good. (To Birky) Give me an ID on Griffin.
Birkoff: I'll get the lab on it right away.
Operations: I don't mind telling you Birkoff, this is a relief. Powers that be were really breathing down our neck on this one. (Operations picks up an Oreo and eats it leaving Birky staring after him)
Back to the ball.
Mijovich: My dear, I'm so sorry. I've been neglecting you.
Nikita: No. Not at all. (Takes Mijovich's arm)
Mijovich: Any sign of our friend?
Nikita: Come and gone.
Mijovich: Are you serious?
Nikita: Very. And I can assure you she won't be back.
Mijovich: She? Oh yes, (taps Nikita's hand) the more deadly half of the species. You and your colleagues are indeed miracle workers.
We hear machine guns suddenly going off. Nikita, Mijovich and the guests ducks and Nikita lies on top of Mijovich to protect him. Waiters shoots at the men in black, both operatives and guards of Mijovich, and all the while Nikita's comm is still working which means Operations hears what is happening.
Flash to Operations.
Operations: Michael, what's going on?
Flash to the ball. An older man dressed as a waiter calls out.
Zoran: Down on the floor!
Flash to Michael.
Michael: I'm not sure. The palace has been sealed off. I'm out. I think Nikita is still inside.
Flash to the ball.
Zoran: (moves to where Mijovich and Nikita are lying) Now, or he dies (pointing the gun at Mijovich's head).
Flash to Operations who is hearing this over the speakers.
Zoran: Keep calm.
Flash to the ball.
Zoran: And keep quiet.
Flash to Michael.
Michael: Nikita report.
Flash to Nikita who was thrown off Mijovich.
Zoran: Jovan Mijovich, for crimes against your country and against humanity, I hereby denounce you to the world ...
Flash to Michael who listens to the guy over the comm.
Zoran: ... and sentence you to death.

We see Zoran pointing a gun at Mijovich's chin and motions for Mijovich to stand up.
Zoran: Vakul. Do you remember it?
Mijovich: I have no idea what you are talking about. (We then see Nikita's face. She looks over to her purse and reaches for the gun in it)
Zoran: Yes, why should you? After all, it was just another village to be destroyed (flash to Michael in the van) for your pleasure. (Flash to Operations) Women, children, tortured, murdered (flash to Nikita)(Flash to the Zoran) but I promise you, before the day is over, you will remember Vakul (flash to Operations) and so will the rest of the world.
Operations: Download everything you can about a town called Vakul. (Birkoff nods and gets to work)
Next, we see Alexei, the Zoran's son, herding people. About half a dozen men and woman are standing up.
Zoran: These?
Alexei: Yes. I checked their IDs.
Zoran: You are all released except these 5. Get up and move slowly to the door.
Nikita still looks at her purse thinking of a way to get to it. (Flash to Operations)
Operations: Nikita. You stay and find a way to keep Mijovich alive. Do you understand?
Nikita: (out loud) I understand (She has one arm outstretched to the gun. She said this out loud which made everyone look at her and wonder why she is talking to herself. She quickly recovers herself with ...) uh... that you hate Premier Mijovich (she gets up) I just don't understand why.
Zoran: You will know soon enough. Come on, leave with the others.
Nikita: No.
Zoran: If you stay with this man, you may die with this man.
Nikita: Then I'll die with this man. (She moves to his side)
Zoran: If you wish.
Alexei: Papa, these windows make us look too vulnerable. We should move to the other side of the building.
Zoran: Good Alexei. We'll move now. Go on. (Shoves Mijovich)
Flash to section 1.
Birkoff: Vakul was a small town in the North. 5 years ago while the men were away fighting, women and children were wiped out by commandos from the opposite side. The men swore vengeance. Their leader was named Zoran Bruner.
Operations: In other words, we're outflanked by a collection of farmers (HEHEHEHE!!!)(Flash to Michael)
Michael: We were deployed to stop a lone assassin.
Operations: Michael, Mijovich must not die. (He sounds pissed)
Michael: Nikita will buy time. We'll develop a plan and infiltrate.
Operations: Coordinate with Nikita on Tactical channel 2. Call up a dossier on Mijovich.
Birkoff: I'm on it.
Michael: Nikita. Answer if you can. We need intel. (We then see Nikita and Mijovich going down a staircase into a kitchen heading somewhere.)
Zoran: Move it. This way, this way.
Nikita: You're committing suicide. There are security forces all around and there are only four of you?
Zoran: Move!
Nikita: There are more aren't there? That's why there's a cellular phone.
Flash to Michael
Michael: Four inside with a cellular. Run a frequency scan and find out who they're talking to.
Flash back to Mijovich
Alexei:Sit there. Sit
Zoran: Please, be seated. My name is Zoran Bruner. You have been detained because your credentials identified you as journalists. Uh, journalists seek stories right? Well, tonight I am going to give you a story that will make the world sit up and take notice. The story of a man who poses as the savior of his country but who is in reality, a butcher, drenched in innocent blood.
Flash to Birkoff
Birkoff: Here's the file on Mijovich.
Operations: Michael, tell Nikita Mijovich was at a peace conference in Brussels when the village was wiped out. (At this, Birkoff looked at Operations and wanted to say something but thought better of it)
Flash to Michael.
Michael: Nikita ... (we don't hear the rest of the conversation just that Nikita was listening to him on comm)
Mijovich: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Zoran: Liar! (slaps Mijovich, Nikita catches him before he could fall of his seat)
Nikita: You made a mistake. He was in Brussels when your village was destroyed.
Zoran: That's nonsense.
Nikita: Don't you think it's worth a phone call to be sure?
Zoran: All calls would be intercepted by his lackies. Stop wasting time with your foolish questions.
Nikita: Mr. Bruner, one thing. What do you think they are going to say when you let them go? What story do you think they'll tell?
Zoran: I told you. The story of a man who pretends to ... (interrupted by Nikita)
Nikita: No. They'll tell a story of a bunch of thugs that invaded an inaugural ball and killed the leader of a new country.
Zoran: He is a sadistic murderer.
Nikita: We have only your word for it.
Zoran: It will have to be enough.
Nikita: It won't be enough. Without proof, in the eyes of the world, you'll be the murderer. Look, if you came here to kill Mijovich, then no one can stop you. But if you came for justice, you'll need proof, witnesses.
Zoran: There are no witnesses. The village was wiped out. I lost my wife and 3 of my daughters. Raped, tortured, murdered by this ... (and once again Nikita interrupts)
Nikita: 3 of your daughters?
Zoran: My youngest, at any rate was not murdered.
Nikita: So there is a witness. Bring her here.
Zoran: You don't know what you're saying.
Nikita: Mr. Bruner, you wanted the world to watch. They will, but now you have to show them something.
Zoran: (picks up his cellphone and hands it to Mijovich) Call your lackies. I will tell you where they can find Maria. If a hair on her is harmed, you'll die on the spot. And the woman too!

Michael: Birkoff do you have the plans of the building?
Birkoff: I'm downloading now. Michael why not grab the daughter and trade for Mijovich?
Michael: Too risky. Let her come in and buy us time. Find me a way in.
Back at the palace ...
Mijovich: Nikita, if I'm killed...
Nikita: You will not be killed.
Mijovich: I've seen man like him before, decent man, twisted by pain and hate. Your efforts to divert him, however ingenious, will fail in the end. I'm human, Nikita, and we were at war. I, I did things that I'm not proud of, but the murder and torture of children and women, never. If I don't survive, I will count on you to tell the world the truth.
Nikita nods. A woman enters escorted by Alexei. This is Maria who is Zoran's daughter.
Alexei: Yes papa.
Zoran: Maria!
Maria: father (they hug)
Nikita: she's blind
Michael: use it (why am I not surprised?) (Nikita has this look)
Zoran: Maria, there are reporters here. Tell them what happened.
Maria: Soldiers came to our village. They wanted to know where our men had gone. We did not tell them. Nobody told them anything. They stayed for a week. The children and the old women they killed. The young women they played with. Play for them was torture and mutilation. The leader he was the worse. He raped me and he blinded me and he left me for dead. But as you can see, I am alive.
Zoran, to Jovan: Stand up (pulls him up and brings him in front of Maria) Speak.
Jovan: My poor child, I can't tell you how sorry I am for what happened to you but it was not I who did it.
Zoran: Maria, the voice, the smell, it is him.
Maria: yes.
Nikita: (she gets up too and stands beside Jovan) but you're not sure, are you?
Maria: Who are you?
Nikita: My name is Nikita. I'm a friend of premier Mijovich.
Maria: Then of course you defend him.
Nikita: The fact remains that if you want justice you must be certain.
Maria: I am
Nikita: (shakes her head) no, you're not. I don't believe you would risk killing an innocent man. Not to mention the thousands who would die in the aftermath.
Alexei: This one could talk the angels down from heaven. Ignore her. Come.
Maria: no, wait. (to Mijovich) Come (she then feels his face trying to get an image of him in her mind.) He has the same features, the same round face.
Nikita: So do a million other people.
Zoran: Maria, come, that's enough
Maria: No, first I have to be sure
Alexei: Don't let her confuse you Maria. You know what you know.
Nikita: She came to identify Mijovich. If she cannot, then the trial is over.
Maria: Just like that?
Nikita: yes
Maria: What are you wearing?
Alexei: A white silk gown with a diamond brooch.
Maria: And if she is with Mijovich, no doubt, she is beautiful.
Alexei: yes.
Maria: What does a woman like you know of suffering? Do you know what it is like to beg for mercy but receive only agony? Have you ever been so tormented that you've prayed for your own death?
Nikita: Yes I have.
Maria: No, I don't believe you.
Nikita: Maria, I know pain.
Maria: IF that is true, then how can you defend him?
Nikita: Because he's not guilty.
Zoran: Maria, is Mijovich the man?
Maria: I don't know. I just don't know anymore.

A shot of Birkoff's screen with the building's layout. Operations is standing right behind him.
Birkoff: There's a system of heating shafts throughout the structure.
Michael: External access?
Birkoff: North wall
Michael types and a visual on the outside of the building is shown.
Michael: 3 guards, we have line of sight and fortified positions.
Operations: Bruner senses any trouble, he'll kill Mijovich on the spot.
Michael: Maybe not ... if he thinks we tried to get in and failed.
Operations: Proceed.
Michael: (turns to the only other op in the van) Let's go (they go outside the van) We'll take separate routes. Go in from the Northeast. (the guy goes to the fence and climbs over it. He goes to the center of the square in front of the palace and starts shooting guards. He takes out a couple before he was gunned down. Zoran and the rest inside the palace hears this. Now, why all of this was happening, Michael slips into the ventilation shaft's access door on the other side.) Birkoff, I've gained access to the ventilation system. Scan the cell frequency to see if I was detected.
Inside the palace, Zoran's phone rings.
Zoran: (answers the phone but says nothing to whoever was on the other end. He has a gun on Mijovich) An attempt was made to infiltrate the building. It failed. You better hope there are no more heroes out there. Next time, you are the first to die.
Inside the ventilation system we see Michael crawling on his stomach with a gun in his hand.
Operations: Michael progress.
Michael: I'm moving.
Operations: We don't have much time.
Michael: Nikita, 15 mins. Be ready.
Nikita: Maybe we don't have to intervene.
Michael: (stops his crawling) What do you mean?
Nikita: Michael, there's been a mistake. There is no bad guy here.
Michael: There are always bad guys Nikita.
Nikita: Not this time (just then, we see Maria being ushered out of the room. Nikita stands up) Um, what are you doing?
Zoran: Sending her back home.
Nikita: And Mijovich?
Zoran: I'll deal with him when she's gone.
Nikita: In other words, murder him? Is that what you want, Maria?
Zoran: It's not up to her.
Nikita: Why not? She's the one that suffered most, not you.
Zoran: Open your mouth again and I'll kill you. (he puts the gun to Nikita's neck)
Nikita: Then you'll be the criminal you say he is (Zoran cocks the gun)
Maria: (she moves towards Zoran and stops him.) Father, no. She is right. If Mijovich is not the one, then this is all for nothing.
Zoran: He is the one.
Maria: We have to be sure ... beyond any doubt. (Zoran puts the gun down)
Alexei: You ask too much of yourself. It's not possible Maria.
Nikita: Maybe it is. Maria, the truth is in your mind. You just have to find it.
Maria: No,
Nikita: Maria, please. Just try to remember.
Maria: I have spent years trying to forget.
Nikita: You must Maria. Go back in time. Remember everything you can.
Then, black and white flashbacks occur. We see Maria with her sight strapped to a chair in the middle of the room and a man in the shadows. We can't see his face but he is holding something.
Maria: The room, it was very dark and small, and it smelled like death. Before it began, the worst of it, I mean. He touched my face. It was almost gentle.
Flash to Michael
Michael: Birkoff, it branches off.
Birkoff: Stay to the East. You're 50 feet from the outlet. You're right next to the dinning room, Michael. Be careful.
Back to the dinning room.
Nikita: Go on Maria
Maria: When he finished, he went away. (Michael makes some noise in the shaft. Alexei takes notice.) I thought he was ashamed for what he had done but he came back.
This time it was worse. (Camera is on Alexei who goes out of the room into the kitchen. He goes over to a vent opening and checks inside. There is some struggle. He drops his gun and reaches for his knife. After some wiggling and a cracking noise, he dies. Michael pulls him into the vent with blood going over the side.) No, I can't. (she is crying)
Zoran: That's enough.
Nikita: But we still don't know the truth.
Zoran: Leave her alone.
Maria: No father, it's ok. A ring, he wore a ring. It had a very sharp setting and he used it like a knife. (Nikita looks at Mijovich) MIJOVICH! MIJOVICH! (He stands. She feels his hands)

Maria: There is no ring.
Jovan: I have never worn a ring.
Zoran: It means nothing. He stopped wearing one or he gave it to one of his whores.
Nikita: Please. Maria, what else do you remember?
Maria: Perhaps it does not matter.
Zoran: What do you mean?
Maria: If we kill Mijovich, there will be a war. Thousands more will suffer like I did. I would rather have died at Vakul than to be the cause of that.
Zoran: The man who harmed you, he must pay.
Maria: It wasn't Mijovich.
Zoran: You don't mean that.
Maria: Yes, I do. I am certain.
Flash to the kitchen. Michael covers up the vent.
Michael: I'm in position.
Operations: 1 minute
Flash to the outside of the palace. Operations in mission gear start to surround the palace.
Michael: Nikita, 60 seconds
Nikita: (whispers into her comm) It can end peacefully. No one has to die.
Michael: She wants time. Let's give her another minute.
Operations: 1 minute more that's final.
Nikita: Can you guarantee safe conduct?
Mijovich: For the girl, of course.
Nikita: And the rest of the family?
Mijovich: This incident will be reported worldwide. We can't pretend it didn't happen. A public crime requires a public punishment.
Zoran: What punishment?
Nikita: What if he agrees to leave the country?
Mijovich: Prison is necessary.
Nikita: Prison! This family's suffered long enough. Make this a symbol of reconciliation.
Mijovich: The courts will decide that.
Nikita: The courts will decide whatever you tell them to.
Mijovich: (looks over to the press) Sentenced to 10 years in prison. Released in 2.
Zoran: (Maria smiles) no.
Nikita: 2 years in prison, suspended sentence.
Mijovich: 5 years. (whispers to Zoran) And I promise, you will never see the inside of a prison. (he probably means to kill Zoran)
Maria: Father, please let it end here.
Zoran: Alright.
Nikita: (whispers into comm) It's over.
Flash to Michael
Michael: Delay the assault. But stand by. (Operations hunch down in their position)
Flash to Zoran. He is calling in his phone.
Zoran: It's over. Put down your guns. (The guards inside the room escort the press people out)
Mijovich: You have worked a miracle here.
Nikita: No, we've all worked a miracle.
Operations: Secure the perimeter. (As the people file out of the room and out of the kitchen, Zoran spots blood on the vent.)
Zoran: Where is Alex?
Mijlovich: If there had be any trouble, I'm sure we would have heard. Come, let us leave together.
Zoran: Laslow, the vent. (They open it and Zoran looks inside to find Alexei dead.) Ooh, we've been betrayed. (Michael starts shooting down men. Some gun fighting here. Nikita ducks for cover. It's almost like the first episode aired with the kitchen scene, NIKITA except she's in a white gown.)
Maria: No! (Nikita picks up her own gun while Zoran aims and walks towards Mijovich)
Nikita: Bruner, NO!
Maria: Father!
Nikita: Bruner!
Maria: Father! (He turns around and Nikita shoots him. He's down in the floor.)Father? Father? What happened? Where is my father? TAKE ME TO MY FATHER!!! Where is my father? (Nikita leads her to his body) No, no, no. ( She cradles his body, crying)
Mijovich: You had no choice. You were sworn to protect me and you did it. And I thank you for it. (He holds her hands. She looks down and sees something on his finger)
Nikita, shocked: It's a ring line.
Mijovich: HMM? Oh, yes. I was married, for many years.
Nikita: You said that you never wore a ring. (She clutched his hands so he wouldn't escape her grip)
Mijovich: It was war Nikita. Terrible things were done on both sides. You think Bruner didn't do as bad, or worse? It was one incident. What is one incident, however regretable, compared with a fate of a country? The girl will be looked after. Her every need will be met. I swear it.(He walks away. She turns around, grabs the uzi, aims but her hand was pushed aside by Michael. She lets go of the uzi and draws away.)
Michael: Well done, Nikita.
Nikita: Well done? (sarcasm here)

Nikita is at a computer station trying to access to something. Michael approaches and turns off her screen so that she'll listen.
Michael: Mijovich made good on his promise. Maria was provided for.
Nikita: Yeah? He's even more of a hero than he was before. (She gets up) You know what I think? I think she knew.
Michael: That Mijovich was guilty?
Nikita: (nods) MMhmmm. She pretended otherwise for the sake of her country.
Michael: Then she's a remarkable woman.
Nikita: (turns to face him and walks towrds him) But section knew all along, didn't they? Mijovich was never in Brussels. He was in the North region near Vakul, right? Operations fed you a lie. Knowing you would pass it on to me. Making me a much more convincing advocate, right?
Michael: So?
Nikita: So, Mijovich was guilty. Surely, the truth must count for something, even here.
Michael: And because he's still alive, thousands of people won't have to suffer as Maria suffered. That is also the truth.
Nikita: Yeah? So is this. I killed a man whose only crime was he loved his family and wanted justice.
Michael: You had no choice.
Nikita: I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. (Walks away leaving Michael)

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