Voices Transcript
By Christine and Dana

We see the front of a large gated building. At the gate, we see that identification must be provided to the guards to gain entry beyond the gate. It is daytime and several people mill about the area. There is a park situated just beyond the building, where Nikita sits on a bench, munching at a snack. In the near distance, two elderly men sit, playing a game of chess. Beyond, on another bench, a mother holds her young child. A young man on a Moped buzzes by, while a few feet in front of Nikita, Michael sits on a bench reading. From time to time, Michael and Nikita look about casually.
Nikita: Gray jacket, west side.
Michael glances in that direction and sees three men talking. Two wear gray trench coats; the third is dressed in an olive suit. They disband, moving off his different directions.
Michael: It's not him.
From within the mission van, the monitors are fixed on the front of the gated building.
Birkoff: I think he's still in the Embassy.
Michael's voice: You're probably right. Nikita, anything?
Nikita only sees the mother and child nearby.
Nikita: No, he's not there.
Michael: He's not leaving the Embassy today. We'll try again tomorrow. Let's assume counter surveillance. Use your alternate routes. Meet back at the Section.
Nikita watches as the mission van immediately drives off, then grabs her tote bag from the bench and nonchalantly wanders away. As she rounds a brick building, obviously taking a shortcut, a scruffy looking man cuts her off suddenly.
Man: Where you going?
Nikita only looks at him.
Man: Let me buy you a beer.
Nikita: (smiles) No thanks. Excuse me.
She tries to go around him, but he again steps in her path, blocking her.
Man: What's the matter? I'm not good enough for you?
Nikita: I didn't say that. I said excuse me.
She again tries to pass by, but he again blocks her.
Man: Don't patronize me, bitch.
Nikita: (glaring) I don't like that word.
The man holds up a large, flat-head screwdriver up to her face.
Man: I'm gonna hurt you.
He then presses the flat tip into her cheek, dragging it down to her chin.
Man: Do what I want, and I won't kill you.
Nikita suddenly knocks his hand holding the screwdriver away with her left hand, and follows that with a right punch to his nose. He falls to his knees dazed, holding his nose. When he attempts to rise, Nikita karate chops both sides of his neck, then punches him in the gut. He falls, groaning in pain. Nikita looks around, checking to see if anyone is witnessing. Seeing no one, she turns back to the man, who has got to his feet, and kicks him in the groin. Bent over in pain, Nikita takes this opportunity to kick him in the face. He falls to the ground, his nose and mouth covered with blood.
Nikita: There's only one thing to do with garbage like you.
She cocks her gun and holds it to his head.
Nikita: Flush.
The man holds up his hand protectively.
Man: No, don't! (sobs)
Nikita: See? Now you know what kind of man you are.
As she walks off, she tucks her gun back into her tote. On impulse, she looks around, and sees a woman standing at a window, obviously witness to the whole encounter. Immediately, Nikita looks away, putting on her sunglasses. As she moves off, she is clearly rattled.

Operations joins the team already assembled at the table.
Operations: Do we know why Tossi missed his morning jog?
Birkoff: It hasn't been confirmed, but we think there was an unscheduled green door meeting with the ambassador.
Operations: Or maybe he's become more cautious now that Elder is arriving.
Michael: Is that our end game?
Operation: Yes.
Operations clicks his remote and the hologram screen appears. It is blank.
Operations: You notice there's no artwork on Elder. None exists. What we do know is he's the former head of the Temro, the Yugoslavian death squad. He's been in exile, but plans to return to the Balkans. He intends to destabilize and gain control during the chaos. Tossi provides him with everything, from passports to end user certificates. Tossi gets us Elder. We try again tomorrow.
As Operations hurries off, Nikita suddenly rushes up and stands before him, obviously late. Michael, still seated, turns toward them.
Nikita: I'm sorry.
Operations: Where've you been?
Nikita: There was an incident.
Operations: An incident?
Nikita: It was unrelated aggression.
Operations: Was there exposure?
Nikita: I don't think so.
Operations: You don't think so?
Nikita: No. There was none.
Operations looks back at Michael, as if to say "see what's going on", then storms off, calling out ...
Operations: Birkoff will bring you up to speed.
Now Michael stands to drill her.
Michael: What kind of aggression?
Nikita: Some guy tried to rape me.
Michael: Did you kill him?
Nikita: No.
She obviously does not want to continue talking with him.
Nikita: I should be briefed.
She begins moving off toward Birkoff's station.
Michael: Are you all right?
Nikita: (looks back) Yeah.
She then continues on to Birkoff, leaving Michael to stare after, knowing there is more to her story.

The man Nikita beat up is being treated by emergency personnel. The police are also on the scene.
Cop: Got worked over by a pro. Real commando stuff. Busted nose, bruised abdomen. Looks like he'll be pissing blood for a month.
Lead Cop: What's his name?
Cop: Jack Crane. He claims he was mugged and robbed.
Lead Cop: By whom?
Cop: Some woman. But the woman who called it in has a different story. She says Crane instigated the assault and it backfired on him.
Lead Cop: Where's she?
Cop: She ran. Carrie's working up a composite of her now.
In the distance a female detective is looking at evidence. She calls to the lead cop.
Lady Detective: Detective O'Brien? I think you should see this.
O'Brien approaches and squats beside her.
Lady Detective: Six inch flat head screwdriver with a flare tip. Same kind that killed those eight women.
O'Brien uses a pen to pick up the screwdriver by a leather strap it has on the top. In the distance, Crane sees O'Brien examine the screwdriver. O'Brien shifts a knowing look to Crane, who immediately tries to bolt.
O'Brien: Grab him!
Nearby officers struggle with Crane and subdue him, holding him until O'Brien approaches. He grabs Crane by the lapels and shoves him against the side of the ambulance.
O'Brien: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?
Crane: You got nothing on me! I'm a victim. She assaulted me!
O'Brien: You save that crap for your lawyers. I know exactly who you are, and I'm gonna make sure you suffer while you wait to die.
Crane: You must have me confused with somebody else. I'm sure that happens all the time.
O'Brien angrily jerks Crane in the direction of the officers standing by, who take him into custody.
O'Brien: Take him in.
Cop: On what charge?
O'Brien: On what charge?! The rape and murder of eight women.
In the background, Crane is struggling with the officers and yelling.
Crane: You got nothing on me!
Cop: He's right, man. I mean, we could bring him in, but without the woman he attacked, we can't hold him very long.
O'Brien: Okay, then let's find her.
In the distance, Nikita stands behind a parked, red vehicle, watching the police through Section binoculars. She watches as they question the woman witness, then sees the police have a laptop. On the screen, she sees a mugshot of herself. She lowers the binoculars, knowing the situation has gotten out of hand.

Nikita joins Walter in his Munitions area.
Nikita: Thanks for the binoculars.
Walter: Anytime, any place, any position.
Instead of leaving, Nikita walks around the worktable, looking about as Walter checks out the binoculars she just returned.
Walter: What's shakin', sugar?
Nikita: I have a problem.
Walter: Really.
Nikita: Police are looking for me.
Walter: (singsong tone) Don't let 'em find you.
Nikita: They're gonna want me to testify, Walter.
Walter: You can't.
Nikita: I might not be given that choice.
Walter: Now listen. Nothing spooks Operations more than a nosey cop, so untangle yourself now before they do it for you.
Walter returns to his worktable and begins working. Nikita stands by, feeling the pressure of her predicament. She passes an anxious hand through her hair and moves away a few steps before she finds that Michael is standing at the portal. She looks up startled.
Michael: What were you doing?
Nikita: I was just returning some equipment.
She can't look him in the eye, and begins to walk away. Michael falls into step with her, obviously not done questioning her.
Michael: Why did you need equipment?
Nikita: It's not important.
He only looks at her, and she realizes that he will not let the subject drop so easily. In the background, Walter watches with interest.
Nikita: Okay, Michael. I just wanted to follow up on the guy that attacked me.
Michael: And?
Nikita: It's fine. Everything's okay.
Michael continues to watch her, not believing her.
Nikita: (smiles) Really! I'll see you in the morning.
Now she moves off quickly. Michael remains where he is, watching her retreat. He looks up to his right, and discovers Operations was watching them from his loft. Michael walks in the same direction Nikita had taken.

Nikita's friend, Carla, and her new boyfriend are at Nikita's having dinner.
Carla: I'm stuffed. Do you know where the shrimp is?
Kevin: Hold on.
Carla: (laughs) Kevin! You're bad!
Nikita: Anybody wants another beer?
Kevin: If you insist.
Carla: Ok. Here, let me help. (to Kevin) You're done?
Nikita and Carla take the dishes to the kitchen.
Kevin: If you need a hand in there.
Carla: Yeah?
Kevin: It goes without saying.
Carla: I thought so.
Nikita: So, you two going away for the week-end?
Carla: Yeah, we're going to the lake. His parents have a cabin up there.
Nikita: Sounds like fun.
Carla: They're gonna be there, I'm meeting them for the first time.
Nikita: Hmm, getting serious.
Carla: I hope so. I like him, you know. It's only been a couple of weeks but it's relax, it's... I don't have to pretend that I'm someone I'm not, you know?
Kevin: Uh, no rush on that beer, huh?
Carla: Time to feed the animals.
Nikita looks at them with a sad expression, as if contemplating what she's missing for being in Section.

The Section van drives down the street. Inside, Birkoff watches his monitors, which show Michael and Nikita walking down the street pretending to be a young couple pushing their baby carriage. They pass the Embassy gates and see Tossi emerging for his daily jog with his bodyguard alongside.
Michael: Here comes Tossi. All teams start sequencing.
Tossi leaves the gates and begins running in the same direction Michael and Nikita were heading. They are just ahead of him. Nikita casually places her left hand on Michael's right shoulder, and they round a corner. Seconds later, Tossi and the bodyguard also round the corner. Knowing that Tossi is advancing, Nikita looks at Michael as if to say "Ready". Just then, Tossi, needing to around Michael and Nikita, merges to the right of Nikita, while the bodyguard veers to Michael's left. At that moment, Michael uppercuts the bodyguard in the face with the heel of his palm, while Nikita throws the empty baby carriage in Tossi's path, causing him to trip and fall over it. At gunpoint, Nikita picks Tossi up, Michael then grabbing him by the arm. They lead Tossi to the Section van, which quickly pulls up and as quickly drives off. We see the bodyguard still lying on the ground, along with the baby carriage left behind.

The heavy door squeals open and Madeline enters, smiling. Tossi is strapped to the chair in the center of the room, still dressed in his jogging suit. He looks up.
Madeline: My apologies for disrupting your morning.
She smiles brightly and looks beautiful.
Tossi: It could not be avoided, I'm sure.
Madeline: (advances slowly) We're not unaware of your importance or the privileges you enjoy as a high-ranking member of your Embassy.
Tossi: That must explain the extraordinary lengths you've gone to, to make me feel at home.
Madeline: Mr. Tossi, you do business with a known terrorist and murderer, Leon Elder.
Tossi only stares at her, giving nothing away.
Madeline: We would like your help to retrieve him.
Now Tossi looks down.
Madeline: After that, you will be returned to the Embassy unharmed.
Tossi: I can't help you.
Madeline: You can. And you will.
She walks to the door and opens it. The Torture Twins (TT's) enter, wheeling their gold cases on a cart. Madeline leaves, closing the door behind her. The female TT then opens the case, maintaining eye contact with Tossi.

We see Tossi in the same chair, only now he is slumped and clearly wiped out. Madeline reenters the room, standing before Tossi. The TT's stand on either side of him.
Madeline: Where are you meeting Elder?
Tossi looks up, bearing the telltale slits beneath his eyes, but he has not yet been broken.
Madeline: (to the TT's) Did you saturate?
Female TT: Any more and it would have killed him.
Madeline: You're a very strong man, Mr. Tossi.
She calmly observes Tossi, seeing his resistance. She notices something.
Madeline: What's that on your neck? (then to the female TT) Remove the shirt.
The TT takes her scissors and begins cutting Tossi's black T-shirt, beginning at the arm and traveling upward to the neckline. The material falls apart, revealing his neck and chest. We see a large scar at the bottom of his neck running downward. Madeline moves the material aside and lightly passes a finger over the scar.
Madeline: A burn scar. From the coloration, it appears to have happened when you were very young.
Now she has Tossi's attention.
Madeline: Your meeting with Mr. Elder. Where and when?
Tossi glances away, indicating that he will not spill the information. Madeline then looks to the female TT briefly, before turning to leave again. As she turns, she says:
Madeline: Butane torch.
Madeline reaches the door to exit.
Tossi: (cries out) No, please!
Madeline then turns back to him, knowing that he is ready to talk.

Operations watches an overhead monitor and types at a keyboard, when Madeline approaches.
Madeline: He's meeting Elder tomorrow in the lobby of the Galleria.
Operations: Does anyone else at the Embassy know of his involvement with Elder?
Madeline: He says no.
Operation: Good.
They exchange pleased smiles. Madeline exits the loft.

Nikita is lying on her couch, flipping through a magazine. There is a knock at her front door. Sitting up, she tosses the magazine aside, grabbing her nearby glass of water, as she heads to answer the door. As she passes the counter, she sets the glass down on a newspaper. Peering through the peephole, she hesitates, turning to glance back at her apartment. She loosens the security chain and cracks open the door. O'Brien, the cop, is there.
Nikita: Yes?
O'Brien: Detective Marco O'Brien. I'd like to talk to you if I may.
Nikita: About what?
O'Brien looks behind him, not wanting to discuss anything standing in the hallway.
O'Brien: Can I come in?
Nikita undoes the chain and allows him into the apartment.
Nikita: How can I help?
O'Brien: I'm investigating a crime that took place on the 19th. A woman was assaulted by an man that we believe to be a murder suspect.
As he talks, Nikita goes and sits back at the couch. O'Brien follows, but remains standing.
Nikita: So what's that got to do with me?
O'Brien: I think you're that woman.
Nikita: Me?
She laughs and shakes her head.
Nikita: No, it wasn't me.
O'Brien smiles, playing along. He pulls out a picture and holds it out for Nikita to see.
O'Brien: Boy, it sure looks like you.
We see it is Nikita's mugshot. Nikita takes the picture, looks at it, then him, and hands it back, smiling.
Nikita: Well, it isn't.
O'Brien: I have a witness.
Nikita: So talk to her.
O'Brien: We need you. He's gonna do this again.
Nikita: So stop him.
O'Brien: (at a loss now) Where do you work?
Nikita: I'm between jobs.
O'Brien: Why are you being so evasive?
Now Nikita has had enough, and O'Brien is hitting too close to home for her. She stands.
Nikita: Look, Detective. I don't mean to be rude, but I value my privacy. Unless I'm obligated... (She indicates the door to him.)
O'Brien: All right, all right. Okay. I'm sorry. You're right.
Nikita moves to the door, and O'Brien follows.
O'Brien: I really don't mean to be pushy, but, uh...
Nikita: (turns to face him) No?
O'Brien: Well, I'm a little confused here. You're obviously not afraid of this guy, so why won't you help me put him away?
Nikita: Detective, you've got the wrong person.
O'Brien: Okay, let's just say that you were someplace you weren't suppose to be, um... you know, maybe you've got a record. I'll cover for you.
Nikita stands at the door, her hand on the knob.
O'Brien: I won't give them your name. Everything will be sealed.
Nikita: No.
Now she opens the door, wanting him to leave, but O'Brien reaches out and closes it.
O'Brien: Why? I mean, you've gotta give me a reason. Something. You can't just say no!
Nikita refuses to be sucked in. She just stares at him.
O'Brien: Look, look. These are his victims, okay?
He pulls out the crime photos from a folder.
O'Brien: Now, I've been after this guy for six months. I haven't got a witness because they are all dead! Please, will you help me?
Nikita: I'm sorry.
O'Brien: If you walk away, you're his accomplice.
Nikita: You don't have the right to speak to me like that.
She reopens the door.
O'Brien: You should be ashamed. You can keep the pictures.
He stalks out. Nikita closes the door, standing behind it uncertainly, and fumbling with the folder. Moving to the counter, she stows the folder on an overhead shelf. Glancing down, she notices a water ring on the newspaper where her glass had been. Nikita stares at the water ring a moment, then glances back at the door, as she realizes that O'Brien lifted it to check it for prints.

O'Brien sits at his desk at the police station, dunking a teabag in a paper cup. Staring at his monitor, he sighs heavily, then takes a sip of his tea. We see Nikita's mugshot on the monitor. O'Brien shakes his head in frustration, then grabs his phone and dials.
Woman's voice: This is Langley. How may I connect you?
O'Brien: 9 - 0 - 1 - 9. Priority Tango, Poppa.
Woman's voice: Hold while I connect your call.
A pause, then,
Man's voice: This is John.
O'Brien: Johnny? It's Marco.
John's voice: Hi, Mark. What's up?
O'Brien: Listen. I'm shooting you off a print as we speak. Can you work it up for me?
John's voice: Doesn't it shoot up on your system?
O'Brien: Yeah, it does, but I don't trust what I'm seeing.
John's voice: Why not?
O'Brien: It's giving me a Mary Sunshine. This girl's anything but.
John's voice: Do what I can.
O'Brien: Thanks, Shaw.

Nikita is at home. A knock sounds at her door. She peers through the peephole, then opens the door. It is Kevin, Carla's new boyfriend.
Nikita: Kevin.
Kevin: Hi. Is Carla here?
Nikita: She lend me her tools, I just wanted to return them.
Nikita: Ah. Just leave them here, I'll give them to her.
Kevin: Great. So what are you up to?
Nikita: Nothing much, just stuff.
Kevin: Cool. You want some company?
Nikita: Not today, Kevin.
Kevin: You know, Carla and I, there's nothing there. It's not serious.
Nikita: Really ? She seems to think it is.
Kevin: That's her take. Got any beer?
Nikita: Sure.
Kevin helps himself to a beer from the fridge.
Kevin: Carla's Ok. We had some laughs. She's not my type.
Nikita: (nods) So, what's your type?
Kevin: You. You're my type.
Nikita: Me? Well, Kevin, you're not mine. (she approaches him slowly)
Kevin: Never know till you try.
He tries to caress her face. She laughs quietly. Then all of a sudden her smile dies off and she twists his arm behind his back.
Nikita: You hit on the wrong girl, the wrong day, Kevin. Now, this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna call Carla at work and tell her what you just told me.
Kevin: What?
Nikita: That you're not really serious about her, that there's nothing there. Got it?
Kevin: (nods)Yeah.
She pushes him off the door.
Nikita: I'll give her the tools.

Madeline: Your task is simple. You'll be seated in a lobby until Elder arrives.
She is walking rapidly down a hallway toward Van Access, with Tossi at her side.
Madeline: When you see him, motion him to you. Once he's in our radius, we'll take him.
Tossi: What about the people around?
Madeline stops and faces him.
Madeline: Let us worry about that.
Tossi: I'm worried about it now. He'll have enough backup to launch an invasion.
Madeline: Stay close to our people and you'll be fine.
Tossi raises his brows as if to say, 'Okay, whatever you say', and puts on his sunglasses, before moving into Van Access.
Michael now approaches, wearing a gray suit and striped tie.
Michael: We're ready.
Madeline: Where's Nikita?
As she talks, she smoothes her lapels and straightens his tie.
Michael: She's with first team. They'll be in place soon.
Madeline smiles. Michael moves into Van Access, then the van.

Nikita walks toward the Galleria, adjusting her hair before putting on a black fedora. She is wearing a black trench coat and black sunglasses. We see O'Brien in the distance observing her.
Inside the Galleria, Nikita takes her position, standing at a point that is framed by a huge gold-leaf frame, which hangs are a piece of art. She paces, checking out the frame and then for the other operatives.
Birkoff's voice thru comm: Second team coming in.
Nikita: I've got the north approach covered. Have someone stand point near the restaurant entrance.
Birkoff's voice through comm: Got it. Here comes Tossi.
Tossi casually strides into the Galleria lobby. Nikita watches from her post, as Tossi takes a seat. To his left, Michael approaches, carrying a briefcase. He takes a seat nearby.
Tossi now glances about him, while Michael checks on his team.
Michael: One.
#1 voice: On mark.
Michael: Two.
#2 voice: On mark.
Michael: Three.
Nikita: On mark.
Michael: Four. (Michael is four.)
As Tossi continues to glance nervously about, people mill all around the area. In the distance, Detective O'Brien enters. Nikita see him and turns away, hoping he won't notice her, but he does and makes his way toward her.
O'Brien: Hello, Nikita.
Nikita: (tries to sound casual, knowing Michael can hear her) Oh! What are you doing here?
Michael immediately looks from his newspaper he pretended to read and watches her in the distance.
O'Brien: I came here to see you.
Michael: (to Nikita's comm) What's going on?
Nikita's voice: (to O'Brien) It's not a good time.
O'Brien: I tell ya, you sure look good for someone who killed herself in prison three years ago.
Michael's voice: Who is he, Nikita?
Nikita: A cop. He's a cop.
O'Brien: Talking to someone?
Nikita: Detective, I'm with security, and we're working now. Actually waiting for some very important... (we see Michael watching and listening) dignitaries to arrive.
O'Brien's voice: So you're probably ...
O'Brien: ... talking to another member of your security team.
Nikita: (smiles) That's right.
O'Brien: Right.
Michael's voice: Deal with him.
Nikita hesitates.
Michael's voice: Do it.
O'Brien: Let's just cut right through it, okay? Who the hell are you?
Nikita: I told you.
O'Brien: No, you haven't. You haven't told me anything.
Nikita: You're harassing me, detective. Please leave.
She sees Elder and his men arriving. Elder spies Tossi seated and heads for him.
Michael: Two and four, cover Nikita's flank. Primary team, reduce your radius. Go.
O'Brien: I know you're involved in some deep cover. I don't want to interfere. But, that does not empower you to impede my investigation.
Nikita: For the last time, you've got the wrong person.
She begins to move off to help with the mission.
Elder approaches Tossi, who stands to meet him. As Elder bends to whisper to Tossi, he see over Tossi's shoulder O'Brien in the distance making a scene with Nikita. It grabs his attention.
O'Brien: We'll do it your way, but I'm turning you over to the DA and I'll lean on him until he calls you in as a hostile witness. You ARE going to testify.
Nikita now shoves O'Brien back, trying to get him out of view, as Michael approaches him quickly from behind.
Michael: Excuse me.
O'Brien: (glances back) What?
Michael: Could you come with me please?
O'Brien hauls his left hand around and strikes Michael in the face, but when he tries to make another hit, Michael blocks him and knocks O'Brien out with a quick shot to the chin.
Elder sees all this happening. Tossi makes the mistake of looking at Nikita, who returns his look. Elder does not miss this exchange and immediately realizes it is a trap for him. As Tossi turns to run, Elder pulls a gun and shoots him in the back. Tossi falls, pandemonium breaking out as people begin screaming and fleeing in panic. Elder begins running.
Michael and Nikita stand together, surveying the situation.
Michael: (to his team) We're spread too thin. Abort.
He takes Nikita by the arm, and they move off, leaving O'Brien sprawled on the floor nearby, unconscious.

Nikita approaches the Munitions Area, sauntering with her hands on her hips. She sees Walter bent over his table, working, his back to her.
Nikita: You heard about the Galleria?
Walter: (nods) I heard.
Nikita: Where's Operations?
Walter: In his office.
Nikita moves to just behind his left side and sits.
Nikita: Does he want to see me?
Walter: No. He doesn't. (he looks angry)
Nikita: Walter ...
Walter's whole demeanor suggests that he wants nothing to do with at the moment. He turns to face her.
Walter: Look, sugar, I've got a ton of stuff to do, okay?
He turns from her and walks further into his area, pulling the grated gate down behind to keep her from following.
Nikita: Okay.
She is hurt and stunned at Walter's rejection of her. As she walks away, she glances back.
Next, she heads towards Birkoff's station. As she makes her way, she happens to glance up and see Michael talking with Operations, before Michael departs. Nikita then looks away, continuing on to Birkoff's station. Birkoff is standing, and when he sees Nikita approach, he looks down, scratching his head uncomfortably. When Nikita gets closer, he glances at her and moves off, not wanting to talk to her either. This stops Nikita in her tracks, and she turns away, confused at now Birkoff's rejection of her.
From the side, Michael approaches.
Nikita: Michael? What's going on?
Michael: Elder's been located. We go tomorrow night.
Nikita: What about the police detective?
Michael: (already walking away) It will be taken care of.
Nikita: Michael?
But, Michael has already left her, and she stares in the direction he had departed to. As she also moves to leave, she glances upward and sees Operations glaring down at her from his loft. Then, he, too, turns from her. She walks off, glancing back once at the loft.

Nikita quickly enters Madeline's office. Madeline is seated on her couch and smiling as Nikita enters.
Madeline: I've been expecting you.
Nikita: What was I suppose to do? I was attacked! I defended myself! I didn't come forward! He found me!
Madeline: You lied.
Nikita: I didn't!
Madeline: Somebody saw you, and you knew it.
Nikita: All right. Okay. I thought I could take care of it myself.
Madeline: You cut your finger, you take care of it yourself. That cop should never have found you. If you would have been straight with us, we could have made sure that never happened.
Nikita: How?
Madeline: We would have relocated you. We would have given that cop what he wanted. Everyone would have been protected. That's what we do here.
Nikita nods.
Madeline: But, now we have very few options and none of them are pleasant.
Nikita: What are you going to do?
Madeline: It's under discussion.
Nikita again nods and sighs heavily.
Nikita: Madeline, will you give me a chance?
Madeline: To do what?
Nikita: I know how to fix this.
Madeline: Do you?
Nikita: Yes.

O'Brien is standing alone. He turns and joins up with Nikita, as she approaches.
O'Brien: I should have you arrested.
Nikita: What's the point? I'm dead, remember?
O'Brien: Is this how you do it in the covert world, or whatever world it is you live in?
Nikita: O'Brien, I want to help you.
O'Brien: Well, suddenly you want to help me.
Nikita: Not in the way you think. I can't testify.
O'Brien: Then you can't help me.
Nikita: There's a lot at stake.
O'Brien: You know what's at stake here? Innocent women are being raped and murdered, and you wanna try and tell me about the bigger picture?
Nikita: I've got people to answer to, O'Brien.
O'Brien: So do I! They say 'Detective O'Brien, have you found the man that raped and murdered my wife yet?', or, 'Detective O'Brien, my little girl can't go to sleep because she has nightmares that the man who killed mommy is gonna kill her. Please. Please help me'. The voices are not going to go away until Crane is off the streets permanently.
Nikita: I can stop the voices, O'Brien.
O'Brien: How?
Nikita: You have to forget that I ever existed.
O'Brien: In exchange for what?
Nikita: I can make him disappear.
Her phone rings, and she answers.
Nikita: Hello. Yeah. I'm there.
Nikita: I gotta go. So, how about it, Detective? Can we help each other?
O'Brien: I pretend you don't exist and you kill my suspect. I wish I could, Nikita. I really do.
Nikita sees that her plan is not going to work. She puts on her sunglasses and walks away.

It is night. The Section van pulls up to a gated area. A security guard approaches the van window on the passenger side, where Michael is seated.
Guard: You're in the wrong place. This is a private area.
Michael suddenly reaches out and grabs the guard by the front of his jacket, slamming him forward so that his head connects with the van hard, thus knocking him out.
Michael: Go.
The van then continues forward. Michael pulls down his black mask.
Flashing to Section, we see Birkoff typing at his computer. Nikita is seated beside him.
Michael's voice: Nikita. Birkoff. We're going in. Stand by to start sequencing.
Birkoff: Sequence is loaded and holding.
Michael gets out of the van, followed by several operatives. They stealthily make their way in the night toward a warehouse.
Inside the warehouse, a worker is operating a loader, moving heavy containers, as Elder oversees the work.
Operatives continue to advance in different directions, hiding behind various barriers. On the main floor, Elder's armed guards pace the area.
Flash back to Section.
Nikita: Units 3 and 7, I'm pushing your marks west. Check for your new coordinates.
Birkoff: Nikita.
Nikita: What?
Birkoff: What's going on with you and this cop?
Nikita looks over to him, but Birkoff keeps his eyes forward on his monitor.
Nikita: Nothing.
Birkoff: That's not what I hear.
Nikita: What did you hear?
Now Birkoff looks over at her. Frowning, he appears to change his mind.
Birkoff: Nothing.
Michael's voice: Birkoff, I'm here. Nikita, are 5 and 7 in position?
Back at the warehouse, operatives run up a metal stairway in the warehouse. They now are overhead of the activity below. The loader continues to operate.
Elder: Any problems?
Guard: No.
An operative takes a few steps overhead closer. The operatives take aim. Then Michael steps out into the open.
Michael: Elder.
As Elder grabs for his gun, and his guards begin to fire, the operatives begin shooting, killing everyone except Elder. He realizes they only want him. He faces Michael, resigned to his capture.

The sign above the door says "Mission arriving" and then "EXPT G15". Michael leads Elder, who is followed by operatives out of Van Access. They are met by Operations and Nikita.
Operations: Hello, Mr. Elder. I trust we will have your full cooperation while you're here with us.
Elder smiles, then spits viciously into Operation's face.
At that, Operations jerks his head to indicate the operatives should remove Elder from his sight. He then wipes his face with a handkerchief.
Michael: Do you want him interrogated?
Operations: Yes, but let him spend some time with Madeline first.
Nikita: Are we debriefing?
Operations: No. You have a mess to clean up first.
Nikita: I'll go get ready.

It's fun to see Nikita admitting that Section was right and she was wrong for once.

We see Crane exit a building, then walk a few feet down the street, where he climbs some concrete steps and enters a brick building with brown metal doors. It is where he lives. Across the street, Nikita, wearing heavy headphones, watches.

O'Brien sits at his desk staring absently and tapping his pen idly. A fellow officer approaches.
Officer: Hey Marco?
O'Brien: What's up, Del?
Del: The DA just called. They're not gonna proceed against Crane with just the old lady's testimony.
O'Brien: Big surprise.
Del: That's not the bad news.
O'Brien looks to him.
Del: Crane is gone.
O'Brien: What?
Del: There was no activity for 24 hours. Our surveillance team checked it out. Flew the coop. Took everything.
O'Brien drops his head in his hands in defeat.
Del: Sorry man. (He leaves.)
O'Brien's phone rings. He grabs for it.
O'Brien: Yeah?
Man's voice: I got something for you, Detective.
O'Brien: Who is this?
Man's voice: A friend of Jack Crane's.
O'Brien: Where is he?
Man's voice: Come alone.
O'Brien: Where?
Man's voice: Trace this call.

O'Brien pulls up to the brick building, rushing up the concrete steps. Throwing the door open, he enters, his gun drawn.
O'Brien: Crane?
Crane is seated in a chair in the center of the room, his back to the door. O'Brien approaches slowly.
O'Brien: Crane?
Reaching out, O'Brien bends over and spins the chair around, and sees that Crane is dead. From behind him, Nikita speaks, and O'Brien stills with shock.
Nikita's voice: He's dead. Turn around slowly.
O'Brien stands, but does not turn to face her.
Nikita's voice: Turn... around slowly.
Now O'Brien faces her.
Nikita: Drop it.
O'Brien tosses his gun on the nearby bed. Nikita steps over to the bed and grabs his gun. She cocks it, then moves to stand before Crane's body and shoots O'Brien's gun three times. O'Brien watches from the sideline, jerking with each shot. He is seeing just how deadly Nikita can be.
Nikita: The police are on their way to arrest you for the murder of Jack Crane. You just killed him.
O'Brien: Why are you doing this to me?
Nikita: (sitting) You gave me no choice. I tried to tell you.
O'Brien: So I spend the rest of my life in prison? Is that the way you people handle things?
Nikita: No. This is my way of trying to keep you alive.
O'Brien: Well, why don't you just shoot me? I'd rather be dead.
Nikita: I'm gonna give you a choice. You can stay here and end up facing murder charges. The evidence is overwhelming, you'll be convicted. Or, you can come with me.
O'Brien: Come with you?
In the distance, sirens sound.
O'Brien: Where?
Nikita: A place.
O'Brien: A place? You gotta give me a little more that that.
Nikita: No. I can't. Not yet.
She stands, and begins to leave.
Nikita: Come. Come with me.
As O'Brien makes the hard decision to go with her, his eyes are teary. He follows her.

O'Brien is bare foot, dressed in his black slacks and white shirt, pulled out of the waistband. He is alone in a round, white room, pacing. The door suddenly opens and Michael enters the room.
Michael: Hello.
O'Brien: Hello? What is this place?
Michael: This is Section One. This is where you'll train. This is where you'll learn. After two years, if you survive, you'll work for us.
O'Brien: And what if I refuse your generous offer? What are you gonna do? You gonna pop me right here? (he touches his forehead) You gonna throw me back out? Face the frame up?
Michael: That option no longer exists.
O'Brien: You won't get away with this. There'll be people out there looking for me.
Michael: They won't find you.
O'Brien: Oh yeah, they will. I've got a friend that works at the CIA.
Michael: Mr. Shaw no longer works at the CIA.
At that, O'Brien lunges for Michael's neck, but Michael easily subdues him with one hand, and pins O'Brien's right arm behind his back. Forced downward, O'Brien gasps in pain.
Michael: You will learn to take advantage of the weaknesses of your opponents, among other things.
Michael then releases O'Brien and steps back. O'Brien drops to his knees.
Michael: You can start tomorrow morning. 5:00 AM.
Michael then departs, the door closing behind him. As O'Brien nurses his hurt arm, he falls to his side, lying on the cold floor in a fetal position.

Nikita opens her apartment door and allows Carla entry. Once inside, Carla begins to cry. Obviously Kevin has broken up with her.
Nikita: Oh, Carla...
Nikita reaches out to hug her and comfort her.

Nikita walks through Section, stopping as Madeline calls out to her.
Madeline: Congratulations. He accepted our offer.
Nikita stares at the floor sadly.
Madeline: What's the matter?
Nikita: He's a good man. A good cop. If I'd done things differently, he'd still be out there now.
Madeline: It's not him you're upset about. It's you. You're finding out something about yourself I'd suspected for quite some time.
Nikita: Really? And what's that?
Madeline: You're one of us.
Nikita snorts, shaking her head.
Nikita: I'll never be one of you.
Madeline: (smiling) Hmmm. (the way she shows doubt is quite classy)
Madeline walks away, leaving Nikita to ponder this. Nikita glances about Section sadly.
The End.

Christine's Notes: Having transcribed this episode, I like it much better than I initially did. However, the scenes having to do with Carla and her boyfriend were clearly filler scenes, and I certainly could have done without them. Not a bad episode. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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