Michael Bio
Created by April

Name: Micheal Samuelle
Code Name: Jacques
Position: Level Five Team Leader
Family: Parents are deceased.
Sister is married with a child.
Son, Adam was raised by foster family (after mother was killed)
Marital Status: Single
First Wife: Simone. Blew herself and target up in a mission while Micheal and Nikita helplessly watched.
Second Wife: Elena. Designed by Section One for access to her father, terrorist Salla Vacek, Adam is their only son.

Micheal and some other students formed a radical activist group while attending Paris University in 1984. They were responsible for a fatal bombing but only Micheal was apprehended. He was thought to have died in prison but he was recruited by Section One.
Micheal was trained by Jurgen. He worked his way up in Section One to Team Leader and has gained a well-deserved reputation for ruthlessness and competence. He is a computer expert, as well as an expert in weapons and other ordinance. He trains other recruited operatives.

Micheal is malleable in that he can also be used in a wide capacity of missions as a Valentine Operative, as well as a straight up assassin-- and of course, anything in between. His good looks he uses as a weapon when the mission allows, and being a team Leader, he follows the orders of Madeline and Operations most of the time. The only exceptions would be regarding Nikita, and on occasion his son Adam.

His son was taken away from Micheal, once the mission regarding his wife Elena had run its course. Section One took his son from him thinking that Micheal would be more focused. Micheal is Section One's Top Operative's, and has been considered to inherit the position of Operations.
In the end, Nikita became Operations of Section One, and set Micheal free to raise his son, Adam