Walter Bio
Created by Mary

Name: Walter
Title: Head of Munitions
Status: Active

Walter has been an operative since before Operation's arrival and has an excellent track record in survival, being the Section's oldest operative within being in section for about 35 Years now. Walter is the weapons-master of Section, One he is a genius at devising all sorts of beyond-the-state-of-the-art gadgets which keep the Section on the cutting edge and save the lives of the operatives many a time, the counter part of James Bond's "Q".

He is something of a lady's man and after training Nikita in weapons use, he developed a close relationship with Nikita as her confidante in Section. Once he said to Nikita who asked him what he was doing, late at night while he was building a bomb, "I'm a driven man... when I start , I can't stop, that's how it'd be with you and me, Sugar, a non-stop sweat...;" he kids with her often, calling her "Sugar" and more than once he has overlooked her unregistered borrowings of material.

Walter married an operative, Belinda, just before she went on a suicide mission, he wanted revenge on Operations for this, but Nikita is the one to intervene and stops him.
Madeleine called him a sixty year-old teenager, he is a free-soul, ornery, but honest and blunt and is loyal to his friends. At one point he is sent to the Farm, but Nikita manages to bring him back. After Operations dies, he revelas that he hated Operations, but that he'd saved his life and Operations, in return had overlooked his errors many times.

He is the keenest on survival in Section and is always imparting insights to save Nikita's life from the dark, contorted machinations of Section. Walter is played by Don Francks, who in real life wears the same headbands and who revealed that the rainbow headband he wore on the series was a gift from fans. The series wouldn't have been half as good without Walter to balance Operations' and Madeleine's Machivellian workings with some "hip wisdom".

When Nikita assumed the role of Operations of Section One, she had Walter transferred to the Farm, to become a teacher.