CynbytheSea Interview with Von Flores


Von, thank you for taking the time to be with our group, CynbytheSea, we very much appreciate your generosity, wishing you the best in your career, love, and life....

Q1.) Did you like working with Peta Wilson on La Femme Nikita?

VON: YES. Peta is a nut bar. She has great dedication to the craft. Once she is able to harness all that passion she will be a good actor.

Q2.) When you auditioned for the part of "Suba", were there other actors up for the part?

VON: YES. I'm sure that there are many actors for the role. I was just fortunate enough to win the part. I love the process of auditioning. It is the time when I can take chances and see how much I can get away with.

Q3.) Since im more familiar with your work on Earth Final Conflict, what kind of working relationship did you have with Jayne Heitmeyer and Robert Leeshock?

Jayne is the consumate professional. She never complained nor was she ever the diva on set. I really appreciated her dedication to the work. I am all for professionalism. The work is primary in the scale of importance in this business. Robert? I would walk on fire for Robert. I love him to bits and I am lucky to know him.

Vickie Luke
Charleston ~  West Virginia - USA

Hello Von and thanks for answering our questions.

Q4.) In the scene with Nikita at the bar, the little dance you had with her looked pretty good. Did you have any special training as a dancer?

VON: I think that, if I'd been encouraged to pursue dance, I would have been a great dancer. I am athletic. I have good rythm. I have a good sense of my body. But, as fate would have it, I didn't get a chance to take any extensive training in dance. The Filipino/Latino in me helps me a lot.

Q5.) What is your favorite type of character to play?

VON: I'm not a big fan of scifi. Sorry. Consequently, I don't really follow any of the fan stuff. I just do what I do. I like to act but it doesn't define who or what I am. I really don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

Q6.) Do you have any hobbies that you'd like to tell us about, or does acting taking all of your time?

VON: I really don't like acting that much. But I do love the film making process. I think it is the art form of our time. The most joy I get out of acting is, at the very most, fleeting. What I do love to do is travel. I love learning about different cultures. I love spending time in a place and blending into the culture as much as I can. I'm passionate about anything Italian. I think I was Italian in my past life. The first time I visited Florence I felt like I had been there before. I knew every corner from the depths of my soul. I could feel the past lives that have walked through her narrow alleyways. I always look forward to any travel plans I may have. But, most definitely, I am Eurocentric.

Dana Vrajitoru  ~  Indiana- USA

Q7.) Hi, Von. In the episode that you did for LF-Nikita, there was a stunt involving a car exploding and fire etc., after that. Were you there on this day and can you tell us what its like to see these pyrotechnical things?

VON: I'm sorry. It (LF-Nikita episode) was so long ago. I can't remember that far back.

Q8.) In the show Earth:Final Conflict ( where I saw you and thought he's a baddie from LFN) are there any stunts that you yourself have had to do?

VON: I've done a lot of stunts in my career -- mainly fight scenes -- but on EFC they didn't want me to do any of that stuff. I thought it was quite funny because I have muoy thai training. For the most part, I'll do anything except snakes and jumping off buildings.

Q9.) Have you been in any other big shows or productions with some actors that you admired. Actors that you would have paid to work with and there they are, working with you?

VON: I had the great priviledge of working with Vanessa Redgrave and Aidan Quinn on two separate projects. I admire their work tremendously. I was very fortunate, indeed, to have the pleasure of working with them.

Q10.) How long did the hair/wig take to put on when you did LFN? OR was it your real hair?

It was my real hair.

Q11.) Is Peta Wilson as sexy and beautiful as she looks on screen. Or better? For the ladies, Roy Dupuis as handsome also?

VON: Roy Dupuis is not my type but Peta? Well, yeah, I'd give her a go.... know what I mean? Say no more.

Thank you, Warren Stewart - ~ Perth Section

Q12.) Hi Von, I enjoyed watching you play Suba on L.F.N. (you are a very handsome man)
Did You enjoy playing the character?

VON: This better be a woman complimenting me. Yes, I love playing baddies. They are far more interesting in my books.

Q13.) Have you discovered anything about yourself personally as a result of the roles you have played? And what has been your favorite role so far?

: Yes. All of them not nice. I'm waiting for a role were I can be nice and bad at the same time. I hope that "god" role comes soon!!!

Q14.) What was the most surprising thing on working on the set of L.F.N., and did you enjoy spending time with any of the actors there.?

VON: I got the surprise of my life when Peta clocked me with a 45 caliber pistol. I asked the director if he got the shot. When he said, "yes" I said "good, I don't want to do that again."

Von, Thank you for your precious time,
Mary K. ~ Australia.

Q15.) How ,when and why did you decide to be an actor?

VON: I was running out of things to do in life. I started out in chemistry, then real estate, then acting. I don't really have much talent for anything else in life. I guess all that daydreaming at an early age is really paying off now.

Q16.) Please tell us the details of your audition for La Femme Nikita?

VON: I walked in and did my lines. The producers and directors like what I did. They hired me.

Q17.)Please tell us about your latest project?

VON: I am working on a script at the moment. I can't tell you what it is right now. Well, I can but I'd have to kill you.

VON: viva buenos aires...i want to come and visit the beautiful women.... any takers?

Claudia, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Q18.) You were born in the Philippines, but now reside in Canada, however, I'd like to know, the main religion there in the Philippines, or one you practiced?

Catholics. Most Filipinos are Catholics. Personally? I practice Zen (soto) Buddhism.

Q19.) Do you feel having guest starred on La Femme Nikita, that it has enhanced your career, and what do you think of its huge fanbase?

VON: I don't really have a full grasp of where or what my career is doing at the moment. I am just grateful to be working. I would love to be working more.

Q20.) In filming Treason on LFN, how long did it take to complete it, and what did it involve?

Filming an episode usually takes about one week, depending on the budget. There are a lot of things involved in putting together a project. Most of which I cannot answer.

Q21.) What is an important life lesson that you have experienced that you can pass on to us?

Know thyself.

Cynthia Wilkerson - ~ Texas USA

A pleasure to be able to ask a few questions,

Q22.) In the role of "Suba", what were your feelings which enabled you to play this character so intensely, as you did?

VON: I always draw upon life expriences. I cannot be anyone else but myself under the prescribed conditions of the script. If there is something I have not experienced in life that is in the script I do some research and use my imagination how I would react under similar circumstances.

Q23.) Did you find Peta Wilson easy to work with in regards to the type of scenes you had together?

VON: I didn't really get to know her all that well. She seemed like a lovely person

Q24.) What other types of roles have you played since La Femme Nikita?

I play a lot of "bad guy" roles. I like it like that. I don't know one bit if I am known for that.

Q25.) Are you married/children/reside?

VON: That's a secret. Are you proposing?

Thank you, Sandy ~  Kansas, USA

Von, thank you for taking the time to answer all of our questions, I questioned myself for asking this, for fear I might offend you, but I just have to ask....

Q26.) In "Treason" on La Femme Nikita, was it difficult for you to play the role of Suba, being that he forced himself upon women and even go so far as to strike/hit them? (Even though I am against that type of abuse, I could make that exception for you. I'm kidding, but couldn't saying it......)

It is a huge responsibility, to portray such a character. One can trust that the producers are very careful how they edit such scenes. It is my job, as an actor, to be the author's advocate. It is most important for me to commit to my choices as an actor otherwise the performance strikes a very false chord. That would be the death of my integrity as an actor -- I certainly don't want that!!!

Q27.) Could you share with us some bloopers or out takes that you might remember from LFN or any other shows that you would like to share?

VON: I'm perfect!!!! lmao

Q28.) What is your preference, good guy role, bad guy? And why?

Bad guy. They provide a dimension for me to explore that I couldn't do otherwise. Wouldn't you just love to go to work and throw a temper tantrum and get paid handsomely for it? Of course you would....silly!!!

Von, I must apologize in advance for my forwardness, but I must say that you have sexy, piercing eyes, your quite a handsome man, your wife/girlfriend is certainly a lucky lady.
12 Many blessings for you now and always,

Susy, Dallas Texas-Tease By The Sea
VON: Don't say that and not send me a sexy lingerie photo of yourself!!!!

Q29.) You had special training in ballet & dance, early on in your career, have you had an opportunity to use that training? The dance number you did with Peta Wilson in LFN, was fabulous!

Thank you. I wish I could have pursued it at an earlier age

Q30.)Your name is so unique, is it Von, or is that a shortened version of something else? Love it either way....

VON: Yes, it's my nickname..... Valentin Andres Tanga Flores IV

Q31.) You portrayed "Suba", with an especially wicked gleam in your eyes, was that kind of exhilarating to just "let it go" and be totally evil,or really demanding and debilitating to become such an awful character?

VON: I cannot pass judgement on any of the characters I play. It would be the death of the performance. I want people to believe that it really IS me up there. Besides, he wasn't evil. He was misguided and playful.

Q32.) Are you a science fiction fan in general, or a Star Trek fan in particular? You seem to have done alot of work in these areas...

VON: I go where the work takes me. I loved the old Star Trek shows.

Thanks again for your time with us Von!
Brenda Allison ~  Missouri, USA

Hi Von, I'm Pax, an American immigrant in Italy for the past 20 years, I can understand what you said,about once being an immigrant, you are always an immigrant.....Italy is wonderful you should come here..thank you for answering our questions....

Hey Pax. Allora. Anche io. Italia e una bella paese. Mi piace moltissime. Ho studiatto la lingua Italiana in Firenze per 2 Messi. Io vado in Italian ogni anno solo per una gira/vancaze. ciao tutto.

Q33.) I read an interview you did in a Philippine magazine, you are recognized in the Philippines, when you visit family there, do you think of working there?

VON: I will work there if the script is right. It depends also on which golf course I can play.

Q34.) Do you feel your roles are limited by Asian typecasting, or do you feel you have more recognition of your talent, and what you are capable of conveying?

: Typecasting is an inevitable part of the business. It is also a business were less than 10% of the talent make 90%of the money. It's competitive. It's brutal. It's harsh. It's difficult at best. I focus on what I can do. Anything else outside of that is beyond my control and to worry about it would only drive me insane. There are people out there who do that for me gladly.

Q35.) Do you feel you have greater freedom of roles in Toronto, more so than in Hollywood? Many Canadian actors move to Hollywood, you have remained there, why?

VON: I must admit, there have been moments when I 've thought of moving to La La Land. And each time I've made arrangemenst something has pulled me back. I really can't take the falseness of the whole industry down there. It's not to say that it isn't anywhere else. I believe that is an intergral unfortunately) part of the business anywhere. But it seems magnified ten fold down there. Maybe someday when I grow up I'll muster the courage to make the move. In the meantime, I am comfortable here. I love Canada. It is the greatest country in which to live ( except in winter).

Q36.) How do you feel your spiritual research into Buddhism and meditation has influenced your life and consequently your acting?

VON: I am able to focus more on the present. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

Q37.) Cats are great master teachers of life, just observing them can teach one great things, have you incorporated anything you've learned from your cats, Chiaro and Essere into your life or acting?

VON: Yeah, keep the kitty litter clean!!!!

Q38.)I hear you were recognized as Sandoval, in the South of France, ever thought of coming a bit farther South in Italy, perhaps to work at Cinecitta; (Italy's Hollywood), along with Italian directors?

I would do it in a Naplitano minuto.

Q39.) I have heard you are writing a small script for your first efforts at directing, what does it deal with? Have you taken directing courses, or using the know-how you've gained on sets over the years to guide you?

VON: Yes to the latter. I can't tell you what the script is about...sorry.

Thank you for your time, and may the universe provide for you....
Mary DeFrancesco ~  Rome, Italy

Mr. Von Flores, we thank you for this wonderful opportunity , and have enjoyed our time spent..we wish you well in your future endeavors..
From the members of CynbytheSea....

VON: Thank you everyone. I have never taken for granted the great fortune that the universe has given me. I am even more humbled that all of you should find it in your hearts to ask me questions about me. "Me" is not my favorite subject to talk about but I am very touched by your kindness in providing me this feature in your e - publication. I wish you all the best and stay well.

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