CynbytheSea Interview with Yvonne Scio
( Lisa Fanning )

Yvonne, thank you so much for the time you took for us, we really appreciate this interview, and we wish you much love and luck... in all you do.....
Members of CynbytheSea

1.) Did you enjoy being in the series, La Femme Nikita and what kind of reaction do you have regarding the cast and crew?

YVONNE: I loved being on the series of ;La Femme Nikita, it was a great experience I am always happy when I get a chance to do my job and grateful as there is so much competition. Everyone was really nice and easy to work with on La Femme Nikita.

2.) What endeavors are you currently working and do you have anything in the future coming up that you might tell us about?

YVONNE:Yes, currently I am shooting a Spanish comedy, all in Spanish. We are shooting in Spain and Argentina. I have a few days off and I will go to work on Project Runway with Heidi Klum for Bravo.

3.) I saw that you acted on a soap opera, One Life To Live did you find this enjoyable work or was the day to day storyline mundane?

YVONNE:Yes, I worked on One Life To Live for ABC.
It was totally different than anything I have ever worked on. I was petrified. But luckily it all went well,they have a different way of working, and the more you shoot the more you get a hang of it. It is all very fast.

4..) On the set of La Femme Nikita did you find the cast easy going and what kind of bloopers, if any were there?

YVONNE: On "La Femme Nikita", I can't recall any bloopers at this point, but if any come to mind I will let you know!!!

Thank you for sharing with us,
Sandy Meredith ~ Kansas, USA

5.) At what age did you start acting or when did you decide this was what you wanted to do? YVONNE: In reality all the acting happened to me, it was only after a while that I realized it was what I wanted for my life, and I took control. I starting doing Italian movie, comedies theatre...before then I had only done TV commercials.

6.) You are very beautiful, did you ever model?

YVONNE: No, I never modeled, well I have had photographers take pictures for magazines of me, or campaigns but always as me, that sounds strange, what I am trying to say is not as a model.

7.) I can't help it I have to ask you, how do you prepare yourself, to do a scene like the ones you did with Roy Dupuisin "La Femme Nikita"?

YVONNE: We didn't prepare for our love scene, we used our sensation of not knowing each other and playing with it, to keep it fresh. I was scared, felt embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Claudia Conde ~ Buenos Aires, Argentina

8.) In your many movie and film roles, which has been the most memorable for you, and have you ever done work on the stage in live Theater?

YVONNE: I have many good memories, working with the Olsten twins, on "Passport To Paris" , Marcello Mastroianni; who was Federico Fellin's inspiration, or working on "Sorority Boys"....well lots of good experiences. Yes I have done theatre , in Italy, touring around, on "Dangerous Liaisons", and theatre in New York, with John Mailer, Norman Mailer's son in "Crazy Eyes".

9.) Besides acting what else have you done? I read somewhere you have done a bit of modeling also. What was that like?

YVONNE: Only TV Commercials

10.) What's been the most challenging thing you have had to do in your career to date, and what was the most rewarding thing you have ever done?

YVONNE: Well challenging things alot, filming in languages that I am not current in, as now in Spanish, especially as I am playing the lead!!!! Being able to work in different countries has a good side about it, but there is also a part that you have the sensation of being all over the place.

Thank you for your time
John ~ Adelaide, Australia

11.) I noticed that many of the films you have done are Italian. What other languages do you speak?

YVONNE: I speak Italian, French, Spanish, and English. And I have worked in all those languages.

12.) Did you have fun doing The Nanny with Fran Dresher? Do you prefer comedy or drama?
Which is harder for you to do?

YVONNE: I loved filming "The Nanny" with Franny, I shot 2 episodes, and both times, they were a blast.
She is a great human being, smart and funny. I love comedy and drama they are two different things. Different rhythms and timings.

Diane ~ Indiana

13.) I really warmed to "Lisa" in La Femme Nikita. At the end of her first episode I wanted to give her a hug. But I must confess that I was also a little frustrated with her too. I guess it was because at the start she had alot of trouble standing up for herself. How did you feel about her?

YVONNE: I can relate to Lisa, at some point in our lives we have heard or been in messed up relationships, never luckily, to that point, but I could understand were see was coming from. I have a girlfriend of mine, to whom I am very close that was in an abusive relationship and she has tremendous difficulty getting away from him.

14.) What was your favorite hairstyle and costume for your character in "La Femme Nikita"?.

YVONNE: I love the hairstyles as they change all the time. Some of Peta's hairstyles were great and really cool.

15.) If you didn't like the original exit of Lisa, what would be your ideal ending for her character?

YVONNE: Wow, I don't know, I would of have her come back to see Roy or start to work with them on some special projects. That would have been fun!!!

16.) What was the most annoying line you've ever had to learn?

YVONNE: The most annoying line that pops up in my head is the line I had to say the other day in Spanish and I could never get it right! It was driving me crazzyyyy!!!

17.) Most embarrassing moment on a set?

YVONNE: I'll have to think about ...ahh yes but I am too embarrassed to tell you guys about it!!!

18.) Have you been to Australia? If yes, what was your favorite part?

YVONNE: No I have never been in Australia, I wish I had. You never know!!! I have a lot of Australian friends though.

Thanks for answering my questions, Yvonne,
Leah ~ Australia

19.) This question is from my 6 yr old daughter, Ashley
What was it like to be in a movie with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?

YVONNE: I loved working with Mary Kate and Ashley on "Passport To Paris".
I see them from time to time, around in New York or at events. They are always really friendly and nice. After shooting in Paris I went to Italy and they came too, we went to see the Vatican Museums in Rome, It was great and super interesting.

20.) I would like to know if you have one person to thank for getting you into acting, or was it in your blood since day one?

YVONNE: I really don't have anyone specific to thank, I think it was meant to be. It just happened.

21.) What was it like doing two episodes with Roy and Peta? Obsessed was quite steamy:)

YVONNE: Yes indeed it was quite steamy. It was fun.

Ashley & Deb Schwartz ~ Michigan, USA

22.) You played in movies and TV shows, which do you prefer and why?

YVONNE:I am happy when I work , as when I don't, as every actor you need to look for a job and sometimes it isn't easy.

23.) Did you ever watch "La Femme Nikita", before or after your part in it, and who was your favorite character?

YVONNE: Yes I had watched "La Femme Nikita" before, as I had auditioned for the lead , but I didn't get it. That happens. I am glad they kept me in mind when another role came up, that they thought I was right for.

24.) What kind of character would you like to play in the future?

YVONNE: I would love to play comedies in the future. We will see, who knows.

Chrissy ~ Netherlands

25.) In the film "Redline", (aka Deathline), you were working with Rutger Hauer. How did this part come to be yours? Did you do some of your own fight scenes and stunts for this film?

YVONNE: I auditioned for "Red Line", at this point of my career I wouldn't do that kind of movie. But I liked the director, he had shot a movie with Steven Dorff, that I liked, and I thought it could be a good experience. I had always admired Rutger Hauer in "Blade Runner". But I am not crazy about b movies. I think it is better to do a smaller part in a big movie than a B movie. I am happy I did it, it is just that my game plan is changed. I had just arrived to America and I really didn't know. I did some of the stunts myself, ;not all though. I love doing all the action stuff.

26.) If they had come to you and asked you to be the
main star of Nikita, would you have done it?
(I believe you could have done it very well.)

YVONNE: I would have loved to be, "La Femme Nikita", who wouldn't!!!! But I was right for the part, that is part of the game. I wasn't right physically , Peta is a strong girl. She was great in the role.

Warren Stewart ~ Perth

27.) Dear Ms. Scio, would you ever consider appearing in another movie written by Danielle Steele and why?

YVONNE: Yes I would love to appear in another Danielle Steele movie. That was the first American production I had ever worked on and it was a blast. I was living in Rome and they sent me to London to do the clothing rehearsal !!!!

Thank You for your time and patience regarding our questions.
Take Care & Stay Safe.
cdgranny1 ~ New York, USA

28.) What do you do to keep fit ? Do you have a workout routine or certain foods that you don't eat?

YVONNE: I wish I could say I do all these amazing things to keep fit, but I don't have much time, and when I am off I am tired. I will try and go and exercise today, I'm glad you reminded me! Thanks.

29.) In any way was the part of Lisa on "La Femme Nikita" anything like you in real life?
How much input did you havein the role (if any)?

YVONNE: Luckily I don't have a relationship like "Lisa's", but if I did, I would run as fast as I could to get away. That is for sure.

Sandy ~ Columbus, Ohio

30.) I noticed that you have already filmed in several foreign languages, and your English accent in "La Femme Nikita"was very good. Is it hard to switch between languages and is there usually a trainer for that on the set?

YVONNE: No there is no trainer on set, I wish there was. Now I am shooting the lead in the biggest Spanish comedy , the problem is that I can speak Spanish but I am not fluent, and that is really hard.

31.) Is there a director you would like to work with in the future?

YVONNE: Ahhh there are so many directors I admire from Ron Howard, to Martin Scorsese, to Oliver Stone, Wes Anderson, Alejandro Amenauer..... I could go on and on.

32.) Are the good looks always an advantage as an actor or does that make it difficult sometimes to get the roles you want?

YVONNE: The looks can help you get in door for an audition but that doesn't mean that you will get the role. It can help, but that doesn't make you an actor that makes you a good looking person, so your parents should be thanked, not what you have achieved by being a good actor.

Dana Vrajitoru ~ Indiana, USA

33.) If acting was not your current career, what other career would you have chosen?

YVONNE: I would be a Producer, and a Fashion Designer. As they are both two things that I enjoy, you never know. I am already starting to find my projects. So we will see.

34.) You finished filming for the night, you unlock your front door, and a beautiful breeze hits your back, if you were to turn around and face it, what thoughts commence?

YVONNE: The thoughts that commence are ok.... what do I have to do next.. to move forward.........

Cynthia Wilkerson ~ Texas, USA