LFN Fact Files
By: "The Members Of  The Dream Team"

Foreign Languages spoken
How often did Walter call Nikita Sugar?
How often was the word housekeeping used?
How often was the word Parameter used?
How often was the word God used?
How often was the word Disengage used?
White Room Statistics
How many times did Michael and Nikita kiss?
How many times did Operations touch Madeline?
How many times did we see meals/food?
Michael and Nikita in bed?
Whose beds have we seen?
Children on LFN
Who cried and in which episodes?
How many songs total played on LFN?
How many times did you see the LFN Emblem throughout the series?
How many shots were in the Nikita Dream Sequence in On Borrowed Time?
Kill Reports
Profanity on LFN
Costume changes
How many times did they show the Sim Location Screen?
How many different Brief Meetings were held throughout the series?
How many scenes showed Snow?
How many private cars did you see Michael in?
The Red Writing above Van Access
Countries shown or mentioned in the series
How many times did Michael lie/manipulate to Nikita and vice/versa?
Animals seen on LFN
Walter's bandanas and necklaces
Vehicles/Transportation on LFN
How many times did Madeline kill someone?
Who "died in prison", in Section One?
How many different pairs of sunglasses did Nikita wear through the entire series?
Clocks and time pieces
How often was Nikita called Josephine ?
How many scenes have shown people dancing?
How many times was the word Command used?
How many times was the word Abeyance used?
How many times was the word Egress used?
How many times was the word Tower used?
How many times was the word Transmission used?
How many times was the word Anomaly used?
How many times was the word Terrorist used?
How many times was the word Perimeter used?
How many times was the word Love used?
How many times was the word Hate used?
How many times was the word Sequence used?
Relatives of Section One Operatives
Who committed suicide ?
How many explosions were there on the show?
How many guns did we see through out the show?
How many fighting scenes did we see?
How many times were alcohol, tobacco, and drugs used?
How many times did Michael & Nikita have sex?
Who was shot but not killed by whom?
How many moles where there in Section?
In which episodes did Adrian's spies appear?
Embassy Intel
Which guest stars reappeared?
Who slept with Michael and who slept with Nikita? 
Jewels and other accessories

Whose houses have we seen?

How many Times was a Gun pointed at Michael?

Further Intelligent Gathering In Process